Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
In early times at the house in Italy (now gone), I planted a diverse succulents garden. I am extremely fond of succulents. That winter there was a big snowfall for the first time in fifty years. That was it for my succulents. Some of them I had had for years. I tried again and the highest temperatures this century came in the summer and fried my next effort. There's a message in there somewhere. I'll be in the perfect location soon to try again. By now I have figured out that that is what I'm all about, trying again so... the conditions manifest. I'm thinking that's apropos of nothing but... you never know.
In the grand tradition of Mr. Apocalypse, the hits just keep on coming. It looks like all the other evil infrastructures have finally got a clue as to the mad dog in their midst. The profit loss factor in the relationship has entered the realm of negative return and the bottom line in all relationships between the bottom feeders at the top is that the bottom line is sacred. Some may claim patriotism as their highest love and some may claim Jesus is, if they happen to be collecting large sums of money in his name but... their highest love, fealty and devotion is to their bottom line, that is, when it isn't also directed to a relatively unformed bottom.
When you're crazy, you constantly do irrational shit that proves to people that you are what awakened people say you are. When you are crazy, you act out in public and you punctuate your insanity while practicing genocide on helpless people whose land you stole. Because you are crazy, you can't help yourself. Because you are crazy and internationally connected to a cabal of other crazies, while residing in a country teeming with the psychopathically insane, it is a given, it is an inescapable conclusion that you will destroy yourself. That hotbed of twisted psyches will soon be no more. Next year? Five years from now? It's going to happen.
Other things are going to happen in tandem with this. The control of the currency that has been going on for so long, that's going to be exposed but not only that. Oh no... much more than that. Mr. Apocalypse is nothing if not comprehensive in a last jot and tittle kind of a way. Mr. Apocalypse works for The Big Kahuna. I work for Mr. Apocalypse. Mr. Apocalypse has quite a few employees. Some know they are so employed. Some do not. If it were a modern day corporation, it might not be one of the big guys but it wouldn't be one of the small guys either. Then again... it might be bigger than all of them because everyone is working for him one way or another. There isn't anyone more powerful than Mr. Apocalypse; reason being that this is his time and place. Whenever an archetype is in its time and place, it is more powerful than any other archetype and all of the other archetypes serve it. It illuminates the whole environment. It casts a specific light that silhouettes everything in a certain way. It adds a particular amount of light and shadow to everything. It is the real life expression of what Hollywood is a mockery of. Strangely enough, I am watching a film called “Horns” at the moment... pretty cool... heh heh. It must have come out in one of those periods when I was terrestrially incommunicado. There have been stretches of that sort of thing.
During the time of Mr. Apocalypse, insanity and high humor march arm in arm. Governmental bodies are reduced to a state of ridiculous. This is why they spend 3 million dollars trying to discover why 3/4th of Lesbians are obese. Obviously, it is because they eat out so much. Then again people seek comfort and legitimacy to the degree that they make accommodations and operate as what they are not. Money is being sucked out of the system in huge gouts from all sides. The American Empire is like a a giraffe on the Serengeti that went lame and is struggling to outrun a pack of Hyenas. The giraffe got such a long neck from sticking it out. It's a classic example of grasp exceeding reach. The giraffe is not really a giraffe, nor is the Serengeti really the Serengeti or the hyenas, hyenas. The hyenas are dressed in suits but... truthfully, the hyenas really are hyenas.
Paul Thoreau wrote an engrossing book about Africa and there's a section where he talks about a city in Ethiopia where the hyenas wander in packs through the town at night. There's a hyena man who goes outside the city and feeds the hyenas. I believe you can find him doing it on youtube but I can't be bothered to look. Sometimes he puts a slab of meat in his mouth and a hyena picks it off. Ironically, back in the day, great white safari guides and hunters knew that you did not sit down beneath a shady tree on the veldt to take an afternoon snooze without being conscious of your circumstances. It is a tactic favored by hyenas that they slip up on you and bite your face off then they run away. They let Nature do the rest with the flies and what not. They follow the hunter as he goes. Maybe you get the picture. Well... as you probably know, the hyenas going at this giraffe are much, much worse than any ordinary hyena. There are some things even a hyena won't do. These other hyenas have no such restrictions. They are the result of what happens when the beast takes supremacy in a formerly human mind.
These hyenas have insatiable appetites, they will eat just about anything and you can be assured that once this happens they will inevitably turn the end product into shit. You can rely on this. You could create a hedge fund on this single commodity and make yourself an enormous fortune. What do you know? Some entrepreneurial souls already have. They won't be happy until they own everything. Interestingly enough, they won't be happy then either.
If you like to read like I do. If you've waded through thousands and thousands of books, you probably have some idea of the different versions of history and you've also seen all kinds of examples of things that later came to be, as if the writers were some kind of prescient being... or something. I'm guessing they were trend spotters like myself. Some better. Some more imaginative and some, of course, as it later turned out, off the mark.
Interesting enough, there are those who know all about what's going on. They knew thousands of years ago how it was going to turn out. Most of us haven't ever met any of them and if we did we didn't know it. Ageless wisdom says that the interior of our being is like a vast ocean filled with sunken treasure chests. You have to know where to look and you have to have access to the proper equipment that makes it possible for you to take advantage of all these wonders. It's like anything else, it's real simple once you understand what is involved. Approached from outside, viewed from outside, it can seem an impenetrable mystery. It doesn't have to be.
I come around to report on trends and the implications they portend. That's part of it. There are other reasons but … they are obvious or they are not. It is important to realize that among the bad guys, there are only a few of them that realize the magnitude of their acts. Those are the fully participant. Everyone else is operated like a drone or a remote controlled car. They gave up a critical facility within themselves for the right to engage in particular acts. The trade off was worth it and off they went.
Marijuana is now officially an enemy of the state. It doesn't matter that alcohol is measurably many, many times worse in multiple ways. People who take drugs do not usually manifest the level of guilt they achieve with alcohol and are therefore less pliant to official control. Sure, you can mix up your meth and vodka tonics and shoot heroin but for some reason the overpowering desire for more is greater than the necessary guilt generation which is a USDA requirement in all legal comestibles.
At NFL com it's breast cancer awareness month, where this vampire consortium generates money for its shareholders. Don't worry, one way or another there are shareholders. They have no intention whatsoever of curing cancer and if you catch such a thing best stay far away from these characters. It is to be presumed that the corporations generating the toxic and inefficient remedies for various diseases are also deeply involved in their proliferation and perpetuation. You can't do cynical better than that.
It's on that I heard about cheese and bacon baked into the pizza crust. They got some down home, country singer type of red neck retard doing the commercial and now I take a stroll through news trivia central and I find this. I'm guessing that bacon is not a natural Ebola preventative. I know it is the actual material taste of corruption. All foods replicate a certain state insofar as body recognition goes. The reason that the most pervasive and intense prohibitions are applied to pork from across various major religions is not because of trichinosis or such. In one particular belief system it is tantamount to cannibalism and in others, for reasons easily discovered, by the performance of a particular discipline of reasoning. There is a comprehensive intent behind the direction of contemporary cuisine. There is comprehensive intent behind the corruption of the educational system and the application of electronic technology to the concerted purpose of dumbing down. There is a malign intelligence behind every facet of corporate intent going. If you are too stupid to get this then you are the chief beneficiary of the anything but beneficial outcome. You are basically nothing but doomed lab rats. One can presume that the lifespan of a doomed lab rat is not a comfortable one.
Remember my mentioning exploding hog lagoons any number of times?
On and on it goes and Mr. Apocalypse is modulating into a jog. The walking stick is now a baton.
End Transmission.......
♫ Frogman ♫
'Frogman' is track no. 2 of 8
on Visible and The Critical List's 1987 album
'La Vierge Sperme Danceur'
About this song (pops up)

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The Darkening Splendor of an Unknown World A spellbinding tale of mystery and the occult; haunted by a malevolent presence, Alan Douglas, a New York Detective, moves to Hawaii - where he encounters kidnappings, grisly murders, weird events and dark forces leading to a thunderous showdown of good and evil in a tale both horrifying and sublime... Click here for more information or click the Kindle icon to buy from Amazon. | |||
Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World Visible stamps his unique, inspired and seemingly effortless style within the pages of 'Spiritual Survival'; this outstanding guide will enable every seeker of truth and spirit to not merely navigate the spiritual path, but to thrive upon it during our extra-ordinary transit. Click here for more information or choose an icon to buy your preferred format from Amazon. | |||
The Curious Tale of Ash and The Whine Infused with a wealth of occult wisdom and comparable to the works of Hermann Hesse, 'Ash and The Whine' is a not only a brilliant supernatural thriller in its own right - but one which also relays the truth about those responsible for 911 and other terror attacks in recent times... Click here for more information or choose an icon to buy your preferred format from Amazon. |
Al-ḥamdu lillāh
الحمد لله
No WAY is Israel gonna last another 5 years. Neither is the divided states of america.
Stock market. Phoo! I acn't stand it. In fact, one time I did something that royally pissed bunch of people off. I was given a stock option at work, and I burnt the code. I got totally pissed at the idea of a stock broker getting a share of it since I'd have to go to one to sell the shares, not to mention it would have put me in a hire tax bracket, so I just flushed it.
YOU COULD HAVE GIVEN IT TO MEEEEEEE! Uh huh. And who would have had to pay the taxes on it? YOU COULD HVE GIVEN IT TO CHARITY!!!!!
Again, the tax issue. It was kinda complicated, and I'm into simplifying my life as much as possible.
I'm also glad I gave up pork over a decade ago. Not only due to the dietary habits of the pigs, the environmental destruction, but I LIKE THE ANIMAL!
They're intelligent, affectionate, and I will say that if I could afford pet pigs, they'd have a wading pool not mud puddles, and they would be fed damn good food, and have a huge yard with grass to run around in and toys and attention, so maybe they'd look more like their wild cousins instead of stuffed sausages with legs, ears and tails.
Pet pigs are generally litter box trained.
one place's liar
is another place's referee
is another place's head of psychological warfare
is another place's supreme court judge
80 years is over soon, where to?
how much freedom will the rest of the body give to cancer
Who stole what land?
that San Pedro is a marvelous comestible
Salvia is not useful to me. I've done it twice and only recollected maybe 50%.
What I took away was a very visceral feeling of snapping back into my body and feeling like my reality was a huge trick.
San Pedro preparation is intense and tedious. The time spent and the real work that you must put in make it a completely exploitable vehicle. And to drink the liquid is like putting your tongue on 1000 batteries.
The sense of peace and awe that overtakes you is beyond all comparison.
Galen, I have mixed feelings on that kind of response. I believe that if Lady Pele wanted the telescopes not to be there, they would be "Gone." Big time. Kind of like the 'calamities' that accompanied the building of the highway through the Kahuna lands. (I have seen and talked to Kahuna 'ghosts' and/or etheric bodies on Maui and Kauai, so I know that 'aspect' is real.)
That said, there are better and worse ways to honor the esthetics of the mountain. (Including energetically.) The situation reminds me of the way you can build a functional but really-ugly factory or spend ten-percent more and construct an esthetically-beautiful facility that complements the surroundings.
I admit to having a fondness for the new discoveries that only facilities of this magnitude and a high-altitude location can make. ('External' discoveries, I should clarify.) So, I am biased in this way. I also have great respect for Mother Nature. Hopefully, it will work out to the highest.
Just my two cents...
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
Interesting article on 9/11 here. I'm not expert enough to corroborate all the details, but it fingers the usual suspects...
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
A new Petri Dish is up now-
9/11, ISIS, ISIL and The Black Art of Reversed Kabala.
I'm coming to grips with the apparent fact that anything that is physically enjoyable is either wrong or bad for one's spiritualness. Anything that physically hurts is a learning experience.
Marijuana doesn't hurt, feels quite pleasurable, is physically good for the body, is good spiritually, and is as natural as air. A conundrum materializes in front of me. No, it's a bowl of "Alien on Moonshine" and my back tells me to have another puff!!
Seriously, i do love pigs. I'm just going to have to love them less. True, when the MSM pushes anything in particular, there usually must be some nefarious reasoning behind it. I must be more aware of what i do and what is affected by my choices.
Here is something anybody can enjoy, without guilt.
Ray, most opposing this are not anti-science. And there are already tons of telescopes on that mountain. It's always bigger, better, faster, more. And nothing is revealed about the scope-builders agreements with the department of defense. Anyway, the mountain is sacred to native Hawaiians; they see it as their place of origin. The offenses put upon them have been epic and on-going. All I can say is I hope you are never occupied to the degree they have been. For decades they were forbidden from speaking their language. The missionaries made them adopt European dress and abandon their ancient spirituality. Today there is a growing remnant attempting to save their culture and their land. Near all treaties have been dishonored. And these are Pele's own who are in the line of fire. They work closely with her in reverence, and their activism is deep heart. To know them is to understand.
Hi, Galen! I agree with you over the treatment of the native Hawaiians. Horrible and inexcusable. I am glad that they - or the general consciousness-raising of the 60s - are finally allowing them to reclaim their heritage. Good for them!
I am sorry that the chosen confrontation-point has been that (dormant) volcano. It is well-done in that it is high-visibility media-wise, and rallies people behind a potent symbol. I just wish that the telescopes were not in the cross-hairs of this 'rising'.
(And I do understand about 'occupied territory'. There are several Native American reservations within a few hours drive of me. I have read about and actually seen the results of being a conquered culture. I hope for a better future for all.)
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
I know a guy around here who has a San Pedro cactus tied to the side of his verandah because it's so big. He has a high set colonial house and the cactus is now up past his roof. On another note, I have a date with Grandfather San Pedro early next month which I'm looking forward to, to be followed 2 weeks after with an appointment with The Mother Ayahuasca.
On the Church front it's not the first time I've read about IsraHell's impending demise. It's been said by the higher ups of the lower down scale that Israhel is about to be thrown under a bus, perhaps this is the first hint at that. Kissinger has also said Israhel will no longer exist within 10 years and hopefully neither will he.
Yes insanity is rife at present. It's rather ubiquitous and so it goes. I try to keep away from it but still find myself coming under attack from those who are cracking under the pressure. I'm trusting in the plant spirits at the upcoming ceremonies for some higher guidance in this regard.
So Galen
Are they throwing their children into the volcano again yet? My understanding hits a concrete wall when that inconvenient and insensitive issue rears it's head.
A new Visible Origami is up now-
Sticky Web Syndrome and the Densities of Dream.
Were-hyena Jewish?:
In Ethiopia, it is traditionally believed that every blacksmith, whose trade is hereditary, is really a wizard or witch with the power to change into a hyena. These blacksmith werehyenas are believed to rob graves at midnight and are referred to as bouda[1] (also spelled buda).[2][4] They are viewed with suspicion by most countrymen. Belief in the bouda is also present in Sudan, Tanzania and Morocco where some among the Berber people regard the bouda as a man or woman who nightly turns into a hyena and resumes human shape at dawn.[1] Many Ethiopian Christians characterize Ethiopian Jews as being bouda!
From Wikipedia
Salvia makes you melt in the environment, you cannot for a moment distinguish between you and it! LOL! What a grand il-lusi-on we live in! WOW! Up and down! Lately in Uk weather is bi-polar! Like me! As a female I can feel things stirring in and out...
Believe me things are going to change big time!
I fear this change...
I am right in the mess, in the mouth of the wolf educated and programed by our elites broadcast...
It is hard to wake up in the mid of it and realize in a flash what is god, and especially to viscerally understand the mess we are in...
Such slap in the face when you realize you are part of the problem, when you always believed you were god preferred creature! LOL! what a grand delusion!
I loved everything they had to sell us, the bait was powerful, because so many you can choose from...Try this and forget about repercussion!
From food to sex to all forms of arts and drugs if those are not enough!
But there is nothing I can do but change because it showed me the organic truth and it was so awesome! Wholesome!
Control your emotions and needs...
Very hard when you are alone on the road!
I wait for my karma...
Anon @ 2:00, Yours is the archetypal argument frequently tossed out when this issue arises. Tossed out so as to disregard these people and reduce them to primitive savages. When Hawaii was overtaken it was a Sovereign nation, trading on the world stage, and evolving into its own modernity. Most Hawaiians just want to live according to their own determinism but every time they assert that it's falsely interpreted to mean they want to go back to just wearing grass skirts and living in grass shacks, and that they want to reverse all beneficial progress. So untrue. Their scientists, engineers, etc, are educated and progressive and work to find ways to advance science without obliterating or disrespecting cultural identity or rights. Sensitive issue, I know, but if we look around globally, it's happening everywhere. We are being homogenized, and when roots are uprooted, customs gone, languages eliminated, we lose our heritage and know not where we came from. That's when we stop fighting for our rights and stop standing up for each other. That's when the STATE becomes God. Every time someone takes a stand against this, humanity's soul is further protected. You write: "My understanding hits a concrete wall when that inconvenient and insensitive issue rears its head." With all due respect, may I suggest you break through that wall and see what's on the other side. You may find kindred spirits actually doing something to not be FULLY overtaken. For me, the grand "inconvenience" is when so many are willing to just take it. Someone has to say, "NO MORE!"
GEE, I didn't know that, Galen.
It seems there ARE many good reasons to throw children in volcanoes. What an heroic act of defiance to globalism. Let's have some bacon with that and burn down our own neighborhoods. IN THEIR FACE! That'll teach 'The Man'
That Hawaiian merchant navy was impressive too.
Well said Galen, it seems Anon suffers from TMD Tribal Mind Disease, regurgitating the same shit re-running the same program. Why waste your energy on such a boring entity. This anon specimen totally demonstrates what is wrong with humanity. There are just those who are stuck in a lower consciousness and can't get out of it, fortunately their days are numbered.
But but but, I agreed with him. That's as good a reason to throw a child in the volcano as any.
I thought of more:
It rains too much; throw a child in the volcano. It doesn't rain enough; throw a child in the volcano. The days are getting too short; throw a child in the volcano. The days are getting too long; throw a child in the volcano. There's too many black people at this party; throw a child in the volcano.
What do I have to say to be accepted around here?
I talk to elves... I was sexually abused when I was 4... I was raped 6 out of 10 times... I was stoned on comestibles when I said that... It's my parent's fault... I'm a fat vegetarian...
Is that better?
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