God Poet Transmitting.......
When a certain series of changes goes into motion and... more importantly... continues in motion upon the same trajectory... then you may know that the hand of The Divine is engaged... via his principal advocates and agencies. Otherwise, it is the usual agitated bucket filled with water; slosh this way and you get a slosh thataway, and... you also get secondary and tertiary sloshes in every other direction, which should show you... if you think about it.,.. how quickly the simple can become complicated. Ergo? Don't think about it.
Any problems you have... or think you have... are your squalling and combative Children of The Mind. Some of those children have become much older and are now set in their ways, BUT... you... perhaps... are not the same persona that conceived them earlier on. They fight among themselves... these different age groups of your progeny. It was that kind of Stupid then and it's this kind of Stupid now. The Future holds out the hopes of new kinds of Stupid in the vanity of expectations that you will get some new kinds of sloshes from a bucket whose dimensions have never changed. I could say; think about it, but that's where the problem started.
Well... let us consider your options; if you can hear me over the ruckus that is going on in your head. A certain decibel range of chatter will never find its way to a consideration of what gets said here, even if you didn't hear it here, and... below a certain range of decibels... there is no need to hear or read anything here because you already got it.
Meditation and Contemplation are not the same process as thinking; are they? Perhaps we could call them... controlled thinking... directed thinking... channeled thinking? Somehow the force of Attention comes into play here, BUT... if I continue talking about this I will have created more complexity again. Maybe that is one of the principal reasons that The Wise don't speak... as often as others do. An interesting sidebar on this comes about when you compare larger animals to smaller animals and the amounts of chatter that are generated by them... by comparison with one another.
Here's what is really important. Only so much goes on within the confined bandwidth of the senses. This whole world... that we seem to share these ambulatory moments in... is defined by the information registered by the senses. There are many other worlds that exist outside... the... range... of the physical senses, AND... for each of these other worlds... we have senses that register the activity taking place on them, BUT... these are... for most of us... quiescent. That's all about to change. It is changing as I write these words.
A new Spring is coming upon us. As you... hopefully... know, Spring is a time of buds appearing on stalks, stems, and pedicels. I call them the prelude to the inflorescence, BUT... I am a poet and we do that sort of thing; much to the annoyance of others. I know that many choose to overlook these kinds of affectations. The polite ones do, anyway. (grin) I look at it as providing colorful interludes that... we hope... prove to be of greater interest than the dry cant of The Scientific Community. Others might say; Hey! Visible is talking like a fag again. The film, Idiocracy, provides a number of incidents that illustrate one talking like a fag.
Anyway... after that rather extended digression, let us return to the general meanings given to Spring. Many inspired... mediocre and just bad poets have given voice to the meanings of Spring. It is a time when there is a quickening of the heart and new blood seems to run through our veins. Hope is more present than in other seasons. Romance... at every level... from coarse rutting imperatives... to blissful unions in the land of pure esoterica... are common to Springtime. It is... as one poet noted... the time when a young man's fancy turns to Love. He didn't say it exactly that way, but... close enough.
So... we are not only entering into the usual cycles provoked by Spring... because Spring is about 6 weeks away, BUT... we are entering the time of The Aquarian Spring. This is the reason that Mr. Apocalypse has been so industrious of late, and it is why Lady Awakening has been putting on her changes and tapping those regions of the human soul that have been in a collective dormancy for far... far too long OR... maybe not. Maybe that's just the way it is.
New ground is about to be broken... tilled... and seeded. There is a change that is coming to every range of perception and... new senses are about to be awakened in those who bloom earlier than the rest, and then... the rest will get some degree of it. The remaining numbers will continue to slumber until their beds catch fire, which is what usually happens when you just... won't... wake... up.
The Spring of a New Age is also a time of revelation, which is often in tandem with progressive stages of awakening. This means that there is going to be EXPOSURE at every level of human affairs... both internal and external. This is going to cause great consternation for those who have been fleecing the rest of us for a very long time. DOGE is an example of that, and we just composed and recorded The Department of Government Efficiency Blues for the occasion, and... that will go up this evening, BUT... once again, I have digressed. Well... poets do that.
The biggest offender... Marcel Proust wasn't even a poet, and... as far as I am concerned, neither was that darling of the pseudo-intellectuals, James Joyce. It's just more examples of the intrinsic irony of life. You can't get away from it, and usually... the ones it examples... hope it does not come to your attention. They really hope you don't see that Life has a way of dealing with EVERYTHING, and... that brings me to yet another feature of The Spring of a New Age, and... that is Spring Cleaning.
This will also discommode the same fleecers aforementioned Someone that almost no one can see... went out and drank several barrels of beer, and is now pissing on anthills all over the planet. That sort of thing happens in human terms every year. I think they call it Spring Break. That is a time when the young take their precious innocence... which in almost every case... these days... did not survive junior high school... or even Elementary School and... toss it to the winds of... cruel fate.
Fate is what people call that thing that inevitably appears every time anyone does anything Stupid. On a positive note... is also appears every time someone does something smart. Indeed! It appears every time anyone does anything at all. It ties in with another thing that we associate with Spring and that is Spring Fever! When you catch it... doing something Stupid or... at the very least... impulsive... it then appears as something we could almost call, a Rite of Passage, even though... as often as not... one does not make it through the process. The sides of country roads or most roads even... are strewn with the vacated forms of those animals who were not paying attention.
Obviously, it is a force that needs to be contained and channeled, and any competent yogi will tell you... that is one of the first... and indispensable... principles of Yoga. If you can do this and also develop Concentration as well; Whoooeeee!!! Boy, Howdy! You can expect great things of yourself, as long as Consistency and Purposeful Intention are riding along in the backseat.
Yes... it is in the time of Spring, be it Circular Nature Spring or Cosmic Spiral Spring... that you need to have your toolbox handy, and... given that the car is crowded already... that will probably go in the trunk. This is why I have been asking The Divine... for a very long time... to gift me his qualities, and... his presence, especially because everything else comes with The Presence. We've all got our Hope Chests and Wishing Wells, and... God being God... we all get what we asked for. Ah! Rue the day that we did not think that out, in... simple... terms.
Yes, God is a measureless cornucopia that just gives... and gives... and gives, and it is himself/herself/itself that is being given all the time. This is what God does. He gives himself away, and that is what The Sun is intended to remind you of, but... people start to take things for granted early on, and therein resides one of life's greatest tragedies because Gratitude goes by The Wayside. Gratitude is left bleeding like a dying animal by the side of the road, and... would not be there... by the side of the road... if it had come along on the journey as a most valued friend.
People complain as if that was a natural reaction to the unpleasant realities of life, and... apparently... it never occurs to them that they have control of everything that happens to them; that they are the authors of the unpleasant realities of their lives.
This being one of those Springs that comes at rare and distant intervals, I recommend taking advantage of the windows of Heaven being opened to pour you out a blessing too large to receive; which I think is in The Book of Malachi. This could well lead to an Eternal Spring, which is the perpetual state of those who choose to be riding with an angel of light, and...
... one last thing.
You preach little queen…🇵🇸 pic.twitter.com/q3Lh2Vkvhp
— Pelham (@Resist_05) February 6, 2025
End Transmission.......
Today's Original Song is;
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Tonight's Original Song is;
— Les Visible (@visible_les) February 13, 2025
"Rainbow Razor"https://t.co/24xxCThq7A pic.twitter.com/9nUB4aLL8n
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