Monday, February 10, 2025

"The Pedophiles... Became Minor Attracted Good Old Boys. Then... it Morphed into a Worldwide Rocky Horror Picture Show."

God Poet Transmitting.......

We have been mentioning Mr. Apocalypse for over a dozen years now. He might have been virtually invisible when his name first began to come up, but now? Now you see him everywhere in The Inner and The Outer World, and you see two massive armies of humanity marching in opposite directions. One of them is going through stages of awakening and the other is getting more and more robotic... chaotic... and insane. So... this latter rank has already split into 3 major tributaries of variations on a theme.

Here's what's happening behind the scenes.

And THERE IS PLENTY MORE where that came from.

Yes... there is resistance and the chameleon... shapeshifting muckrakers from Pluto are walking the dog in the courts where owned judges are barking on cue, BUT... alas... it will be to no avail. We can only hope The Ego Monster does not devour the standard bearer before he gets his work done. Clawing at Taylor Swift is not my idea of gravitas. To lack gravitas... at the center of power... is to doom yourself to the margins.

As Mr. Apocalypse becomes more and more visible... as an animated persona... that is channeling an archetype, you begin to see that he has minions who radiate out from his being to perform specialized tasks. One set of minions is The Hooded Monks of The Apocalypse. They are like a secret order of assassins out of The Elder Days, but they do not move like mysterious Death with his scythe in the night. They bring daylight that kills what can only live in the shadows, and... they do this by banishing the shadows with light. You could... probably... also call them... The Knights of The Revelation.

You see... over time... The World has gotten darker and darker because most human activities migrated into The False Light, which is kind of like a black light or... maybe... even more similar to infrared or ultraviolet, which is the way some animals see things at night. I tend to identify the light I am talking about here as Carnal Light. Those who only see on this bandwidth are directed according to their appetites. Certain objects acquire an attractive glitter that radiates into that bandwidth and attracts those who are hungry for them.

In human terms you can call it; Bright Lights, Big City! You could call it; I Want That!!! You could call it; Heat Seeking Mortality. I am throwing a lot of images and descriptions out because I don't really know what any of this is actually called... from a true and detached metaphysical perspective.

Anyway... The Hooded Monks of The Apocalypse, AKA The Knights of The Revelation, AKA The Hounds of Heaven... have been loosed from the holding zones where they have been contained all these centuries, and sent on specific missions. First, they were given articles of clothing or... objects worn or owned by the targets and then sent out on their trail. Some of the targets are Bill Gates... George Soros... Klaus Schwab, and other similar predatory demons, and they can't be called back once they have been released. This is what is actually going on, though it may only look like DOGE and some freelance hackers going through records and ledgers.

Think back a dozen or so years ago when all the things we are now finding out about were going full steam. Conditions were getting worse at every level of human interaction and association. Sexual perversity was more and more normalized. It went from people only wanting to marry and be together... to Drag Queen Story Hour for young children. Pedophiles became Minor Attracted Good Old Boys. Then it morphed into a worldwide Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Grooming became an NGO-owned and operated Satanic indoctrination scheme. We got Furries and people barking like dogs and meowing like cats, and they were all sexual kinks. It got to where no water could run through the hose, so tangled it was.

Color and creed were weaponized and the streets were wilding zones where you could get hurt if you were out of costume. Common thugs like George Floyd were given sainthood. Everything became a matter of perception and there was an NGO that controlled all of the general perceptions and it was all being financed by the taxpayers.

Then freedom of speech became more and more regulated... then proscribed. Then various forms of expression were hounded with legal persecutions. You couldn't say what you thought anymore, and thinking itself... was now problematic as well. If you were pro-abortion you could have stem-cell and fetal tissue steak every night of the week. Yet... if you silently prayed near an abortion clinic, you could be arrested and kept in jail for a long time. These things were literally true in The Rothschild-owned Crown Colonies that didn't have a constitution to protect them. The last time they had anything along those lines it was The Magna Carta, and... that was a very long time ago... in a universe far away.

The Arts of every kind were turned into waste reclamation plants... where the waste went in and the waste came out, and nothing else happened. Music was gang-raped by troglodytes for whom twerking was a religious ceremony, and women were no longer embodiments of The Divine Feminine to be loved and cherished but... bitches and ho's. The Human Experience had been animalized; which is fine if you are an animal and not so fine if you are not.

The people who owned and operated the slave ships and trafficked black people from Africa... continued to control and manipulate them long after they had gained their freedom and a presumed parity. This is who it was that coerced them into bestializing the music. They played into their weaknesses... as they do with every life form they encounter... in order to control those life forms. Now they are genociding an entire race of people for nothing more than gain and amusement, and now... now we have come to a turning on The Road of Destiny.

The Divine has entered the minds of the wicked and is driving them... and each of us who are not wicked... to the fulfillment of our intentions. Everyone is going to get the fruits of their efforts in this world, BUT... it has to be clear to the eyes of the entire world that what comes upon them is fitting and just. A lesson is now being impressed upon human consciousness for The Purpose of Demonstration.

It was Materialism and the agents of Mammon that brought humanity to such a pass. Parents became caught up in the swirl of shiny fascinations and wandered off into the swamps of low-brow and meaningless entertainments. Trivia was installed as a household God. They either forgot about their children or they became pathologically fixated on them and began to cater to their every whim. In many cases a kind of Munchausen by Proxy came into being and... because demon science was obliging... they set out to mutilate and morph their children... in laboratory experiments... similar to what happened on The Island of Dr. Moreau.

Everywhere The World was going mad. People with power and money came up with scams to increase their portions of power and money... while reducing the human population in large numbers through poisoning the food and water, and generating bacterial plagues that demanded The Killer Vaccines that they created for that purpose, and it was all done with the tacit compliance of the various governments they had compromised through bribery and blackmail. The people went on sleeping through it. They were caught up in dreams of material excess. They didn't have time to wonder why their world was turning to shit... at the hands of reversed alchemists... who are at war with Nature and themselves.

Fortunately... Mr. Apocalypse was set in motion by The Invisible Hierarchy, and he was attended by his consorts of equal power; Lady Nature and Lady Awakening. Like spiraling winds, they circled outward in all directions, and the whole of humanity was affected by changes in their states of consciousness. Those who were obliging... began to be led through a series of awakenings... that made what was happening around them, AND TO THEM... more clear by the day. Large portions of humanity resisted this awakening and began to go slowly and... more rapidly... insane. Those visiting the various pervasive ills... upon the entirety of all living things... also began to get even crazier than they already were. This is where you and I are at this very moment.

It is important that you do not associate... the changes that are happening... with the various players on The World Stage. They are mere players having their exits and their entrances. It is something more that is at work, and that something more is also at work within you... if you are permitting it to be. If you are not permitting it to be, it is still at work within you, but... the destined outcomes are madness and death. If only Death were the end of things, that might not be so bad, BUT... Death is not the end. It is only the conclusion of a chapter in a book that never stops being written. One can change the course of the changes in play, if one is determined to do so. Otherwise, you get the same old same old... like the seasons that circle below.

It doesn't matter where you are right now or what you are up to. It can change. Right this moment it can change, and... if one does will to change... into a resonance with The One Will... that directs and guides all things, then change you will indeed. It is only the way it is if you want it to be that way. Every thought... every feeling... every act... is a part of the steering mechanism that takes you to where the destiny of each of them inclines. Pissing and moaning about The World is a fool's gambit. The World... is The World... is The World. Change yourself and you change The World... for better or for worse. It's just the way it is and you had better come to an accommodation with the way it is or... it will plow you under, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

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Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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