Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses Always be downwind from the gates of The Devic Realm and upwind from the cities of the world.
Well, here I am again and... what do you know? Here you are again too. Interesting how that happens, kinda-like Love and Marriage ♫you can't have one, you can't have one, you can’t have one without the other♫ Of course we know that's not true. Sometimes, when I hear someone is getting married, who has lived with another person for more than a certain length of time, I think to myself, “that relationship is in trouble”. Sometimes I make the mistake of mentioning it, heh heh, not any more. I haven’t felt like I've made a lot of progress, compared to what I would like(although I'm told that is on the near horizon now) but one thing I have become much better at is not saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. I've also become much better at not being an intrusive or combative conversationalist. I am now much more aware that 'listening is not just waiting for your turn to speak'. I don't argue either. Well, truthfully, I may slip up on rare occasions but I catch myself pretty quick. I'm comfortable just stating what I have to say, take it or leave it. This does not mean I am deaf to the other person's concern. I immediately put on their perspective and take it as gospel for a moment. This allows me to see how they see. Sometimes that has surprising results, be they pleasant or unpleasant.
Last night’s radio show is interesting. It reveals something I think might also resonate with the reader. I've felt off center for a while. This can be scary, since whatever might happen, if you're off balance, it doesn’t improve your expertise. Do you feel like, no matter how hard you try, it doesn't change anything? That's the position I find myself in these days, even though I am told that every event in my life, no matter how seemingly insignificant, is a treatment by the cosmos in respect of my evolution in consciousness. Never has the idea that it’s all under control and I am OK (regardless of how I feel) been as much comfort as it is now.
I include this link because of a telling comment inside the article. Here’s the comment; “I don’t think that high school is competitive enough. There’s too much emphasis on making people not feel bad,”Birrell said. “If you want people to do well, they have to compete.” There are some other telling comments in the article too. I know what he says is true, I have done this in a few areas, none of them having anything to do with Tetris. Everyone who is successful at something, regardless of whether the world may share that opinion, knows something about life and about themselves.
This fellow might not know why “there is too much emphasis on making people not feel bad (sentence structure?)”. He might not know that that is the result of intentional dumbing down for the purpose of greater social control but he knows enough to know something is wrong and to think for himself. His experiences have taught him this. However you learn certain things, by gaming, by walking in the wild, through other people, going to prison or whatever the means is, it’s worth it. It becomes part of you. You get to take it with you.
There’s this thing about liabilities and assets that it is critical for anyone and everyone to gain a visceral awareness of. Liabilities are things you carry with you, that routinely hamper many things that you do. They can cause you to fail and they can cost you your life. Assets are things that enhance and amplify your capabilities. They can cause you to succeed and they can save your life. Why would anyone want liabilities in place of assets? That is one of life’s essential questions. Liabilities are the fruit of Karma, so are assets. How you think or don't think, is the result of whatever you’ve gotten yourself into, going after things you thought you wanted and now have to defend because of an inability to admit you were misguided or wrong. Denial qualifies in this regard. This is one of the powerful keys of that mantra, “I don't know”. If a person gets that, deep within, fundamentally, amazing things can happen. I know this from direct experience. The act of knowing becomes a kind of interaction between two parts of yourself.
If you forensically investigate the assumptions of psychology, psychiatry and the various, so called sciences, that relate to the operation of the mind and emotions and the interplay between them, you soon come to the conclusion that some number of the basic presumptions are wrong. If you operate outward from false premises, there is no way you are going to arrive at an accurate or correct result, unless you get hit in the head, while you are engaged; metaphorically speaking. The whole world and it's presentations, rules and regulations, institutions and what have you are based on false or manufactured information. That is why things are screwed up. Presently, the culture is oriented to the concept of consumption. The more consumption being employed, the more financially successful the participants are, theoretically. Then what happens is the margin of profit in relation to the bottom line becomes an all-consuming obsession. Health care is killing the profit margin so, make everyone a part time employee. Unions are anathema to the greatest degree of profit so, undermine and do away with unions. Labor costs are too high so, outsource your manufacturing. Pensions are a real drag, unless the company is borrowing against them (grin), so fuck with them by any means possible. A good solution is to create the 401K modality and since you control the stock market, after a fashion, things can be worked out.
Everything that you see that is fucked up, most of it anyway, is intentionally fucked up. Coming down on Preppers and those looking to stock up on necessities, against conditions created by the people coming down on them, is done solely in order to put people's fate in the hands of the government. In recent times an absurd amount of new laws have come into being. This is to feed the profit line of the prison industrial complex. It's even in the contracts that they sign with the government. The minimum demanded occupancy is 90%. The majority of those presently incarcerated are directly, or indirectly connected to the Drug War. Think about all of the industries and agencies that profit from The Drug War.
Rule by corporations is fascism. Rule by corporations, has as its primary goal, the maximization of profit, at the expense of every other consideration. There is no way that a bountiful life can materialize for the general population. Only the rich prosper, at the expense of everyone else. Corporations are not concerned with how they make their money, or any of the steps they take to insure the acquisition of it. As a result, laws are transformed to allow for ruthless behavior of every kind. I do not doubt that Coca Cola and the oil companies, as well as many other corporations, have their own hit squads and assassins. There is no conscience engaged. There is no moral concern. There is only the money and the expedition of amassing it, with the least expense at every level. The first by-law of corporate rule is, 'fuck you'.
We are told that by looking at this list, we will be made aware of the most spiritually influential people on the planet. Dr. Wayne Dyer is number 13 (be sure and get your kits, calendars and mobile apps) and Doreen Virtue is number 14 (angels galore, putting wings on a whore). No more needs to be said about the accuracy of the list. Oprah is number16. Heh heh... words fail me, for the moment. Well, let’s inject a little humor. None of the people just mentioned are very funny, at all. These people and a great many of the people on that list, should be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail. Mr. Apocalypse knows who they are and he'll get around to them, sooner or later. He'll get around to all of us, sooner or later, for the purpose of 'demon'stration. It's up to all of us, individually, what shape that takes.
The 'me first, you later, maybe' mindset, is something that has been engineered by vested interests and indoctrination starts right out of the crib, with the number one babysitter, the broadcasting Eye of Sauron. You have to think of all of these industries as being interconnected. You might imagine that the fast food industry and the medical industry are in bed together. This may not be specifically true but real examples, easily as absurd, are. Use your heads, develop that forensic perspective that I like to mention. These industries will not change to your advantage, ever. They will change to your detriment, regularly. If they are not stopped, you will cease to exist, in any number of unpleasant ways. This might include interim confinement, so that they can get added value out of your departure. Because they must be stopped and will not stop on their own, ever, something has to come about that destroys their capacity to continue. I don't like to be negative or alarming. This is just how it is and there are, more or less, peaceful means that can bring it about. As I have said many times, all it takes is for the majority of us to step away from the machinery and to no longer buy their shit, reducing your consumption addiction to the lowest possible application. Awareness is revolution. An expansion of consciousness within the masses will change the world. Maybe if you get some of Wayne's or Doreen's divinatory cards, you can predict where and how it’s all going to happen.
Things are as they are, as a result of collective acquiescence. Things are how they are, because people go along to get along and because they are compromised by important concerns, that might be threatened by any sign of recalcitrance on their part, in respect of the scheme of-things, as expressed by the schemers of things. Change will come, brutally or less so, but it will come. The key to one's dimension of suffering, in respect of change, is all about adaptation. If you change with the changes, it can be relatively effortless. See to it and... mind how (and where) you go.
End Transmission.......
'In That Shape Again' is track no. 8 of 10 on Visible's eponymous
'Les Visible' Music Album
Lyrics (pops up)

And how easily it could be fixed if people didn't play the game. If they never bought another Coke or Coke owned product, if they never ate at a toxic fast food restaurant again, if they burned all their credit cards or didn't waste their money on superfluous garbage, and threw out their TV.
What a concept.
But it just ain't gonna happen because people are too stupid to realise most of what they are is due to programming that they have no desire to overcome if they even NOTICE it. They may even deny it. I dunno. I don't talk to too many people. I'm running mostly on memories.
Uh. . .and this is a ten chapter spiritual journey that may enlighten some further. Gnostic thing, talks abour urge, Demiurge, and it makes way more sense than that vile corrupter and destroyer of civilisations known as the bible:
I haven't read it all yet, but it seems to be icing on the cake for this blog series.
Les Visible et al...
hellooo everyone...I might have just stumbled upon the primordial metaphysical grenade (divulgence) and I'm lobbing it into your blog, L.V.-- consider it an honor,lol.
It's a veritible **SOURCE** who-done-it? Why? How? And what the h*ll were they thinking? It turns out that the 'big players' were bigger f*ck ups than you and I could ever imagine - so it kinda explains us...have fun with this one. god help us all.
The "Smoking mirrors" blog in particular seems apt.(^~^)__. Because this baby is too hot for me to handle alone I'm just compelled to share it with the coolest beings on the plan-ET. I thought you should be the first to know...
LTPTB: I love montalk's site and gnostic philosophy...that's a great choice of a link! You'll be blown out of the water with this article...boing...boing...boing!
Hello Visible,
You said: "If you forensically investigate the assumptions of psychology, psychiatry and the various, so called sciences, that relate to the operation of the mind and emotions and the interplay between them, you soon come to the conclusion that some number of the basic presumptions are wrong."
Totally correct! Much of the psychology field has been intentionally tweaked these last 120 years or so, in order to further confuse and confound those who most need competent help. Just place a huge price tag on every session, and you'll be “billed” as you go. Psychiatry has become a mental ponzi game, run by the usual graduates of unusually named schools like Yale. Which also happens to be the name of a former lock and key company…
Love To Push Those Buttons said quite allot regarding the potential location of the door outta here. Stop buying worthless junk, is one of the keys to schools of higher learning. As the Reverend Billy says: “Stop Shopping”. Please!
Nice tight post today Vis. Good on ya!
Paul Von
Another superb piece.
Especially liked the ending here,
"If you change with the changes, it can be relatively effortless. See to it and... mind how (and where) you go."
There's thirteen lifetimes of wisdom and knowledge in those two sentences alone.
And i marvel at how it just keeps coming.
You're the m/f best man, i'm telling ya'.
You're radar sense has been so right to stay out of the money.
whack-a-mole psychiatry...pop up your head and open your mouth and WHACK
gleaming, 16 wheel red and white coca-cola pissoirs regularly cruise the boulevards dispensing their brown elixir....bubbling and fizzing and caustic into the open yawning pieholes of the beleaguered and befuddled masses. revolt??? hell no! 2 fer 1? hell yes!
relentless...a word that comes to me daily. no matter how much you try to keep your mind clear and your spirit intact...the pressure to deify the 3d is relentless. it will not leave you alone. It WAnts You to Conform! Now. Do not step out of place. Do not believe in a higher power. Do Not.
perhaps your current mental state is being tweaked by the d'evil that surrounds us. darkness cannot apprehend light but it can certainly set off a stink bomb. feeling the pressure has been amped? me thinks so. that which doesn't conform us makes us freer. this too shall pass.
liz holding the line in l.a.
E Gads, gadzooks and forsooths, ..."Leader Maloop, the people yearn for real answers."
Esoteric philology..."your tuning fork has most of the sludge removed, owing probably to the level of ascent on your climb out of the cesspit of programming...thankfully transducing harmomic resonance..."
last feller did that went home on a fiery chariot...totally missed the brick wall...
..."if the going is getting easier you ain't climbin'..."
BTW how is the view up there...?
>>>>> FLASBACK <<<<
Love to all who love TRUTH and would like to live in Peace and harmony and see the Child murderers leave this planet....NOW !!!
...ya know THINKING defined means actually reaching TRUE conclusion...! ...unless one is a member of the stool sculpture deity cult...and then it's kinda like ya know...relative. got your ears on
Visible, you've done it again. I don't know how, but so often, you seem to know exactly what is going on in my life and write something that is not ny brilliant on its own, but that totally hits home for me.
Some things that stood out:
"He might not know that that is the result of intentional dumbing down for the purpose of greater social control but he knows enough to know something is wrong and to think for himself. His experiences have taught him this. However you learn certain things, by gaming, by walking in the wild,through other people, going to prison or whatever the means is, it’s worth it. It becomes part of you. You get to take it with you."
There are many ways to learn, and even from less than ideal situations, we can take something from them. We can learn what works from what doesn't work. We can learn right from experiencing wrong. We can learn good from seeing evil.
"Liabilities are the fruit of Karma, so are assets. How you think or don't think, is the result of whatever you’ve gotten yourself into, going after things you thought you wanted and now have to defend because of an inability to admit you were misguided or wrong. Denial qualifies in this regard. This is one of the powerful keys of that mantra, “I don't know”. If a person gets that, deep within, fundamentally, amazing things can happen. The act of knowing becomes a kind of interaction between two parts of yourself."
The pervasiveness as well as the depth of denial amazes me. To have something directly in front of you, and to deny its existence is something I have a difficult time with. My journey did not involve this to such an extent, as I was blind (asleep) but I never had anyone telling me the way things are. That was something I came to on my own.
"... you soon come to the conclusion that some number of the basic presumptions are wrong. If you operate outward from false premises, there is no way you are going to arrive at an accurate or correct result, unless you get hit in the head, while you are engaged; metaphorically speaking. The whole world and it's presentations, rules and regulations,institutions and what have you are based on false or manufactured information. That is why things are screwed up."
"Everything that you see that is fucked up, most of it anyway, is intentionally fucked up."
What more is there to say? Right on, as always.
Love and peace to All,
The local fast food joint has a new abomination a bacon topped sundae, wash it down with an aspartame soaked diet drink to stop the feelings of guilt. All my worldy junk would fit in a u-haul with room to spare. I do love music albums, discs and cassettes though. One good thing about them is they have some resell value. Nothing like the original price but what does go up in value after you buy it. I always trade in ones I'm burnt out on or have copied to the computer and get some new ones. Wasn't it Gustav Lebon who said the beginning of revolution is the end of belief.
Fine post and ripping comments Visible.
Life is a test - somedays it feels more so than others.
Thank you for your thoughtful words.
Love and peace,
4 years ago I suggested many times on various posts through sites that I had visited on the internet that if everybody would stop paying their credit card bills we could severely kneecap this monster that is trying to make us all debt slaves.
I followed through on my end, I haven't given those motherfuckers a dime in the last 4 years, but most of the rest were tooo chickenshit because they were worried about their fucking "credit score" or some other such nonsense.
Sometimes it is something simple that will fuck up Goliath but if you don't do anything you are fucked. Literally.
And cap one even has sued me for "breach of contract" but they couldn't produce the "contract" in court and the judge denied their motion so I am anxiously awaiting the outcome on that!
Peace to all who action for it
Love this post ~ hard hitting and succinct, yet with your fun je ne sait quoi style. Waiting is the hardest part, isn't it.
"The whole world and it's presentations, rules and regulations,institutions and what have you are based on false or manufactured information." Yes, and that unfortunately constitutes a large percentage of people. There's a penalty for thinking outside the box, but I will never regret or look back. Kinda like Pandora's Box; I just had to open it!
I want to sincerely thank all of you who have made doing this such a pleasure. My road of late has been rough and painful but I just moments ago got word of things too good to be true, so they must be (grin). Everyone who shares in the vision, shares in the kingdom and we are all royalty when it come to being equal one to another; "Call me not master, for a servant does not know what his master is about but rather call me friend".
I don't think there's anyone in the blogverse who has such truly good associates. So many of you outstrip me in so many ways and don't think I'm not aware of it. The love of truth- a terrible thirst- brings with it reverse resonance, not unlike what many of you experience here.
Why I am saying this right now isn't something I could put into words. I don't think anyone could. Let's just say an old friend stopped by for some tea and conversation and I couldn't be better except for the weeping and clutching at my heart as if by some heretofore unknown digital capacity I could touch myself the way I just got touched.
Never before have I been able to say with such confidence that if your aim is true then so are you. If you have soldiered on then your violence is gone. If you have held to the line you are a brother/sister of mine.
Let's just say that I have been in agony for some many months and in a short instant it all went away. I probably shouldn't say this but I haven't been stopped in doing so and since the transmission contained explicit statements concerning what is and what is to be, I don't see it becoming a problem for me or you.
Once again, thank you, I could never have managed without you. We all share as equals in whatever comes to pass and come to pass it will. I don't even want to check for errors in this, just send it up and hope it hits close to home.
Maybe my use of Pandora's Box was not the best analogy. For the record I have not unleashed all the evils in the world - LOL, but sometimes I have felt that taking this journey is fraught with danger in going against all the norms. Oh well, too late; I'm out!
you're doing fine, only real people question themselves. God doesn't make it easy on us but he lets everyone else slide into the murk going the long way round. There must be a reason and I suspect we are about to find out what that is.
Man Vis,
You got my curiosity and hopes a blazin.
Radio show not only didn't go up for hours after I posted the link but it's all screwed up so that you can't hear what's being said. My apologies for that, enemy action probably... that's about to come to a grinding halt, accent on 'grinding'.
Hi Les
I just listened to your latest radio show (streamed it not downloaded it yet) and it played loud and clear
Perhaps your sound card or speakers have a problem?
Hi, Vis. Good piece!
"...the broadcasting Eye of Sauron."
Great! I laughed (cried) out loud when I read that.
To continue the metaphor a little...
Saruman got ahold of this little receiver/transmitter called a Palantir. Unfortunately, with Palantirs being 'neutral' devices, he ended up with Sauron on the other side.
Be careful of who is broadcasting...
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
Vis, I was able to listen to the radio show.
So you have good news. This pleases me exceedingly and like Mike m said you have my curiosity up, but I'll assume it will be revealed at the appropriate time.
Thanks Vis. You have made a difficult period for me much more bearable. My anger seems to have dissipated from me, not in its entirety, but I prefer to call the residue ~ spunk, and other more positive attributes re-emerging. The fear is gone and that's a good thing. All I want to be is: aware, compassionate, valiant, courageous and a seeker of truth and beauty and I want Peace on Earth. Tall order but somebody's got to place it. :)
Oh, that is good news, I have noticed problems with my system but I have a very good system and it works with everything else so... what gives?
Here's me and Patrick, proof of reincarnation. I don't know what to say.
Tonight I went to a store to buy some things; wine for Liselotte and bananas for the dogs dinner. I like my dogs to have phosphorus and potassium but maybe they aren't in bananas cause I have no clue to much of anything. I would up in a conversation with some Americans who are connected to the large missionary org in this town. In 12 years not one of them has spoken to me. Tonight they did. It's going down like that at the moment.
I've been begging and I've been pleasing. I have been down on my knees like you would not believe and all of a sudden the one shows up and puts me into wracking sobs and then says, "Well, I didn't think you'd be impressed by the information but you can't deny that I made your heart respond, now, how can you doubt that it is all under control and that this is truly for the purpose of demonstration. It blew me away because there was no denying that while he had one foot on the clutch and another on the gas, he also had a foot on that part of me that wouldn't go quiet unless it was tricked into it by the one. I don't know what pedal that foot went on but it's operating moment by moment at the moment and it hasn't stopped yet. Here's hoping it never does, for any and all of us.
You can accuse me of schmaltz and any manner of shortcoming but this is my Casablanca. This is my piece de resistance. This is the life I would have lived here if I had had a life to live this is how the material world would have expressed in me.. This is my "One Eyed Jacks", this is my "Cool Hand Luke". Remember, once I am gone, how real it was and how unreal it became when the reference points got removed; speaking of no boundaries. Hang in there, it does you huge credit.
Vis, All,
Resounding resonance! I keyed in on this (there were many other truths but this one really nailed it for me):
"Things are as they are, as a result of collective acquiescence. Things are how they are, because people go along to get along and because they are compromised by important concerns, that might be threatened by any sign of recalcitrance on their part, in respect of the scheme of-things, as expressed by the schemers of things."
And, as Vis noted: "Change will come, brutally or less so, but it will come." Amen and amen!
And perhaps, as proof of this, I humbly offer the following link, to an article in the khazar daily HAARETZ:
The main subject of this article says thus: “I think that in the very near future, people will be put into prison for [the kind of] things I did. The things I did will be considered crimes − terrible, destructive things. For many years I was in the heart of darkness. There is no other way to describe it.”
Again I say, Amen and amen! We are in portentous times, for which I praise God. I genuinely believe that, as the subject noted above, "people will be put in prison". If this sort of awakening is happening in khazarlandia, then think of what is taking place throughout the globe.
And, as Vis tells us: "The key to one's dimension of suffering, in respect of change, is all about adaptation. If you change with the changes, it can be relatively effortless. See to it and... mind how (and where) you go." Amen and amen!
I guess its just that time. I bought a mountain bike from a craigslist ad today. I have been looking for one for a while, to save on gas, etc. I replied to some ads, never got a response. Then the ad shows up today. I sent an email, got an almost instant response. I called the guy so we could hook up and make the deal. We made the arrangements and met. I had the money, in cash, ready in my pocket. After I checked out the bike, wobbling around the parking lot going through the gears, I gave him the money. He gave me most of it back. He said it was his dad's bike. His dad had passed. Said he didn't feel right selling it for that much, now, and just wanted to enough to pay for the gas for delivering it. I asked if he was sure. He was.
I'm a destitute farmer, living with my ex, who scrapes together about $40.00 a week for NAS tobacco and zig zag tubes and some gas for the truck. I haven't had a regular job in 13 and a half years. I'm over educated, lived too long, and lack people skills (grin). However, I have God, which I use for lack of a better word. And for whatever reason, I have been chosen. I don't just believe it, I KNOW it. My life is managed for me by something that does a better job than I ever could. And after almost 30 years of benefit, I can not argue with the results. Nothing has turned out the way I thought it would. Even remotely. And yet, things are better than I could have ever imagined.
Someday I will have as much faith in my creator, as it has in me. Thank you for making this place for us, Les. Its like home.
Farmer Butch
Please. People aren't going to stop knowingly purchasing and consuming watching and believing poison.
I forget now...there was an experiment carried out...something to do with was demonstrated that if a creature (in this case one that bears a striking resemblance to us) is provided psychological comfort...even in the most remote form....even in a form that is somewhat abrasive and possibly hurtful physically to the creature...they will choose this psychological comfort even over FOOD.
Meaning...if coke-cola tells you enough times that by consuming our product you can be like the happy people in the commercial with the big smiling faces and the endless vacations and all the ice one can fit in a large glass of our product, which apparently everyone gets for free as no one in the commercial is ever seen paying for the product....then 99 percent of folks are going to buy it....even if it f**king kills them or disfigures their f**king babies.
This applies to any other soul-less product campaign as well.
There is only one thing that MIGHT ever stop it....and woe unto us when it does....but geez, wont it be so much better without all that mess?
Mike M is correct. I abandoned three credit cards some years back. I didn't plan it that way, but after things like emergency dentist visits for root canals and so forth, the interest payments eventually were so high I could see I'd never be able to pay them off. Finally I couldn't make payments. WHAT A RELIEF! After they charged off, I staved two of the creditors off with Notice & Demand per UCC 3 501-c (google it). The third debt was finally acquired by a law firm of Jews, who sued me for about $8000. The civil complaint that they filed didn't even say what the debt was for. It just basically said, "you owe the plaintiff money." The Judge, a nice Irish Lady, was upset that her people had even accepted that suit and yes, the case was kiked out of court. I was told that anyone could win a suit like that against lawyers like those, but nobody in that court had ever contested one pro se. Anyhow, great post this one, Visible, and that site with the Darwin Awards is a keeper :-)
Have you ever wondered how King Arthur withdrew Excalibur from the Stone? ~ He was of a higher vibration ... and hence this vibration changed the stone too and released the sword to him.
Whoa Vis! What's up with you? Sounds exciting!
It's my birthday today, it hasn't been exciting and that's fine by me. Just another day. My wife put my particulars into a free natal chart online and it seems I almost have a grand sextile in my chart - whatever that means. I've never been interested in astrology too much but this saturn-mercury opposition going on seems to sum things up. Perhaps I'll get a reading done some day soon.
Good to hear something's working out for you.
take care all.
Visible, my friend.
Try to imagine this, if you will.
Here you are sitting around with friends and family discussing how best you could serve the Divine Creator.
There is a plan in place for a special creation called Humans and volunteers are needed for this endeavor.
Keep in mind that since God created you, then you are eternal and can never die. With your assignment you will gain crucial information for the whole universe as this is about the eradication of a thing called evil that God allowed to begin with because this is a universe of freewill.
The real facts are that every one of us made the same choice you did. If we are forever, what is the sacrifice of 10,000 years if it is in the service of the Divine? I guess the real point would be that it was not a sacrifice.
Through countless incarnations you have struggled to understand. Each test was carefully planned to bring the most benefit to all souls. The problem for you was that each time the veil of forgetfulness was drawn over your eyes and you had to start fresh, knowing nothing. You had your invisible friends the entire time. You have never been alone or forgotten. The Avatars came to remind you of your mission and you continued.
It should be no surprise to me that things have been difficult for you lately as I have been severely tested recently myself. I had a big smile when you said here I am and there you are as well, when I got up this morning. How did you know I would be here? (grin)
I know that you already know this but this is the last time. It ends now. What awaits you is joy and bliss beyond your wildest dreams. Your family is waiting for you right now with great anticipation and Love.
You will now become one of the most sought after teachers in the universe. You can create at will, anything you desire. Because of your experience with evil, everything you do will always be from a place of Love.(Are you guys getting this now? Every blog that portrays evil that Visible wrote is just an aspect of Love).
The high octane fuel that runs the universe is called LOVE.
There was nothing, and is nothing without it and that is what we search for because something inside tells us it is lacking here.
You mentioned “when I am gone”. We are not letting you go alone buddy.
We are coming with you.
We are going home after all these long years of pain and separation.
To all of you I say that Visible is right about us being equal. All that is required is that you believe. Do your best to make this world into your vision of the best future you can imagine.
Remember that the experience of anything always follows the thought.
It was imagined and therefore already happened. We already won the battle.
May Divine grace bless each of you.
Checking out ?
A friend kept recommending that I watch David Carradine in Kung Fu, which I never watched when it was on TV, because back then I didn't watch TV. When Kung Fu was on TV, I was a monkish, celibate, non-drug using fruitarian, wondering around the Coachella Valley, the Ozarks, and east Texas on foot, sleeping outdoors and occasionally in abandoned houses, and collecting pop bottles for a dollar or two a day to spend on food. After watching the pilot and a few episodes, I agree with my friend -- Kung Fu was the best thing ever on TV.
onething said...
“No such thing, really, as children of Satan. God is all there is, was, or ever will be. Only one source to any existence of any kind, no outside to God who is everywhere and everything.”
I just had to post this from the previous blog because it is exceptional and I would hate that any miss the import.
What happens when you remember who you really are and you are the judge and jury?
You will be graduating soon from 3rd grade, skipping all subsequent grades and getting your diploma.
Do you judge these childish fools on their 3rd grade level? All they did was hoard all the toys and say, “These are all mine and you can’t have any”.
As you are a Divine Being, you must render your judgment from Love alone. Do you kill children when they are bad?
If we really subscribe to Love then we must live that as well. It cannot be lip service. Love does not live under the same rules we have lived within uncounted lives.
The only fair thing I could think of would be having them live the lives of their many victims one by one.
I think that the decision has already been made that this universe WILL consist of Love only.
If it be your decision to continue to reject that Love then you will carve your own headstone.
My thanks to you onething for further clarity.
L. you should come to amerikwa sometime. You'll feel like you scored at the airport. A kindler gentler fisting for everyone after all it is an equalocracy. Experience freedom© firsthand, it is the choice between a whopper or a big mac. No shit. All the reality shows are real here in the equalocracy. I'm going to the pawn stars shop in Vegas one day. The cabbies there tell people it is on a movie studio set in La-La land but what do they know. Votes count, politicians care about the serfs, and the big lotto win is just one more scratch off away. Shopping at the Sack 'N' Save is a sterile, climate controlled inoffensive sensory bonanza and don't you use any foul curse words or glare at anyone or Shaneequa will come out from behind the register and beat your ass. She is representing her 185$ a week. She is about it. Some fine cuisine awaits at the Burger Hut. Nothing there has ever touched the ground or basked in the sun but it sure is good until 15minutes later when you're hungry again. Marvel at the kids and their texting spoken word mangling devices as they sit 20 feet apart and msg each other about the latest facial expression or toe stub, important stuff you betcha. Hee hee, LoL, bff and sharts you just can't trust em.
A little while ago I commented that I'd read that it took God seven attempts to create this world because he could not balance Judgement with Mercy. In the Tree of Life (sorry, the Hebrew Kabbalah may be Jewish mysticism, but it's right-on in my humble opinion) the sphere of Compassion (Mercy) sits opposite the sphere of Judgment (called Severity). In God's plan of salvation had there been no transgression, there would be no need for judgment, in which case there could be no mercy.
To take it further, in the "mythologem" of Lilith as the Seductress of the World--a Qliphah (pl.Qliphoth) is the unbalanced power of a Sephirah (pl.Sephiroth, or the 10 spheres on the Tree). Malkuth (the World/Mankind/Us) is the lowest Sephirah into which all the divine energy flows and in which the divine plan is worked out. Its unbalanced form is Lilith, the Seductress--she is the Qliphah side of the Sephirah Malkuth--"the material world and all of its pleasures are the ultimate seductress and can lead to materialism unbalanced by the spirituality of the higher spheres, which then leads to a descent into animal consciousness."
Boycotting CocaCola, cutting up your credit cards, hiding your cash (if it even retains any value?--okay, your "gold"?!--got any?? lol) in the mattress ain't gonna change the World. We lose. Critical Mass ain't happenin'.
What IS happening in terms of Awakening and Global Consciousness Ascension and raising our vibrational frequency with photon juice as we enter the bellybutton of the Milky Way, is that SOME of us--the few, the minority, maybe the "elect" (dunno yet do we?)--can alchemically transform our own lead into gold in a mercurial sense, not only from within, but also without via even participating in and resonating with the soul-wrenching Philosopher's Stone that our dear Les Visible avails us with his connection to Source, unfathomable fount of wisdom, and humble service to us FOR FREE (as it should be!) from his tender heart.
For these and all Thy tender mercies, Lord, may we be truly thankful! (I love the term "tender mercies" and mark it in my Bible [sorry PushButtons--it's a sacred text whether you wanna embrace it or not; sure survived 2,000 years] whenever I come across it.
Now--could Lilith be The Whore of Babylon? maybe. In the Treatise on the Left Emanation she is joined androgynously with Samael and together they are called the "Angel Satan" or the "Other God".
Meanwhile, on a lighter note (heh heh--got heavy on yas, dint eye'-), Hay House now has a film division! Hay House Films, doing their own "Tales of Everyday Magic"--"based on the inspiring work of Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, and Gregg Braden." lmfao folks. Maybe they could be encouraged to produce a really deep blood and gore bankster/Zionist tragi-comedy with Lilith in the lead role '->)
Please, Visible, do not go mainstream and leave us all behind. You had me worried. It's all "expendable materiality" and "castles in the sand." Don't be swayed too far, even though (if you got that lead role and a recording contract!) a villa on the Amalfi Coast would be lovely--we could get funding! call it our retreat "center"--that New Shangri La, eh? LaLaLaLaLaahLaLa Give those heretofore uncommunicative American Missionaries a run for their money.
Love you, Lord Visible, and your Court! xoxo
pierre said.... (ok, 3 glasses)
raw meat on the table tonight.
and appreciated, sushi style (contemporary obesession what with Fusku going on, and billions of people going out with this evil filth going on, and on, and...)
"Because they must be stopped and will not stop on their own, ever, something has to come about that destroys their capacity to continue"
no truer words were spoken. that's the thing I can count on. they white -ant their own nests, sleep in their own muck, make hay whilst the mold sets in.
I can go on for entertainment (perhaps?) but what will be WILL be.
else there's no point. and there IS a point, else I am not... and I AM! (and I said that because had Neil Friggin' Diamond in my head a few hours ago ( " I Am, I said"). and the Bob Dylan Topping Wheel Dynamo ACT and the BBC doco on Art finishing last night with
a famours Jewish NY artist (I am ambivalent about this one, he was anti establishment, but THEY tell the freakin'story, "the Horror, the Horror")
(I trigress, which is more confusing then disgress, or bi-dress). still, what will be will be, according to natural laws. these they cannot trump.
I mean , how long can a downward spiral go before the inherent natural INSTINCTS ( if nothing else) take over amongst the masses? then I question the mob (which THEY know about, having experienced it first hand, like, all the times, funny that).
Cool Hand Luke for sure, but (cue ACDC Who made Who?). the Fucking shits, don't they know? and where do they think it will get them? pogrom fetish or something, or just pain STUPID!
we shall see. (if we want to. with "A Little Help From My Friends")
... pierre
Visible, Monday, April 30, 2012 8:39:00 PM
"I don't think there's anyone in the blogverse who has such truly good associates."
Ditto. And back at you (all)...
"Let's just say an old friend stopped by for some tea and conversation..."
Once again, I want this expanded into a few chapters. Oh, well... (grin)
I will say that I am very good at tuning in energetically to a poster. As I read your mini-blog here, I just began jumping up and down inside. Something is up. I can 'feel' it. Congratulations. You earned it.
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
Richie, "Be not deceived, even the devil is transformed into an angel of light at the given moment"
Light and long shadows; Happy Birthday!!! My birthday takes the cake for non-events. I had one birthday party in my life. how weird is that? I've spent more Christmases alone or with strangers than otherwise.
About credit cards; I had a Visa card with about 4,000 dollars on it. I bought my first computer and video camera with it. I paid off my debt regular. Then I lost my job and couldn't pay for a few months. I got another resident manager's job and started right up paying it off. About a year later I noticed that they had raised the interest rate from 16% to 22%. I called them up and asked them what was going on. They said they had determined that I was a poor credit risk because I had missed my payments for a few months. I said that that was outrageous and that as soon as I could I had started paying it off, that things happen sometimes. He said there was nothing they could do and the vibe was that he didn't' give a shit either.
I said, "you know what? Here's what I'm going to do. Because you are like this I am not giving you another cent (there was about 3 grand owed on the card). The guy freaked. He said "You can't do that"! I said, "Watch me". I didn't' give them anything more. I knew that resident manager jobs for me usually did not last more than a year. This one went six months longer than that. Nothing happened and now it's been around 14 years so nothing will.
What happened to me yesterday; I was sitting at my computer and talking to God about how rough it's been for the last six months or so. It had been on my mind increasingly of late and I'd been talking about it with my master. All of a sudden he came full bore into my head and said that it wasn't going to last much longer and proceeded to tell me all sorts of wonderful things. As I was engrossed in what I was hearing, he sneaked in and opened my heart and I burst into tears, weeping uncontrollably. Then he said, "This is just to let you know that I am real and give you some serious evidence. You cannot deny what just happened. It's too authentic.
"I know that you occasionally distrust what you hear from me and that is okay because sometimes it is not my voice and you have learned that but, this time, you can be sure that it is indeed me and I am going to lay it on you shortly. You won't know whether you are coming or going for all the good things happening to you. I'm right here, right now, in your time. Prepare yourself. If I can say I'm going to kick your ass with blessings then let it be that I said that. Take heart, the finish line approaches. I truly hammered you. I put you through the grinder son and, no matter what, you never abandoned me. You always spoke well of me. Sometimes you cursed me for what I was putting you through but never publicly. Even when you were in the shit you spoke highly of me when there was no light in sight. That sort of behavior has consequences and you are going to have to suffer them (grin). It is clear now that you will never abandon me and only strive harder no matter what so what is the point of continuing to put you through it? There isn't one. This is not to say that you will be having boat drinks (Things to do in Denver when you're Dead) all day long forever, it just means there's going to be a general easing up. Still, I have to keep you honest and iron out a few wrinkles but son, oh my, prepare yourself"
Of course all of this led to increasing bouts of weeping. Anyway, that's the gist of it as I can remember.
The greatest blessing would not be material, it would be seeing the world and one's life as it truly is, as God sees it.
True Country and Kung Fu are about a person who leaves the world and finds his true roots.
In real life that would be the very greatest blessing God could give a person - not pussy, power, gold or some other material, temporal variation.
Thank you Visible for flying so close to the true light and relating to all what you see. Your efforts are noted and appreciated both in the world and in heaven to be sure. May God smile upon you and your works in an immortal way that lasts forever.
Peace and love,
Visible, I am so glad to see you!
To everyone, from whom I have learned so much - I am grateful to be part of this group of very special souls. I am learning so much from all of you. Avid Visible, I must add my thanks to you as well for providing this place for us.
Love and peace,
Thank you Mouser, I am truly touched by that.
Visible--that is profound! I've had the Lord's voice pierce me with that crown of thorns around my heart before, too; dropped to my knees in humility and gratitude that all the emotional pain was relieved in an instant, in a heartbeat, and the joy in the teardrop embraced me like a womb, and I was able to forgive everyone everything, and mean it, sincerely. It sure lifts the spirits when one has been on the verge of utter despair, feeling totally lost and abandoned, but still faithful--yes?!! Indeed. You are blessed, Dear Soul. And you always get "Rely on Me" messages, yes?
And LTPTB/PushButtons @ 4/30 2:27pm --
I love that site! Thank you for that! Just spent hours on it--read the Demiurge bit (a diff.take on Lilith, eh?) and also The End article under Gnosis; in the Matrix articles, I read Realm Dynamics & really got into that.
In my posting defense of the Bible as a sacred text I made a booboo in only attributing 2,000 years to it; guess I was stuck in a New Testament mindset. But I kinda think I know why you feel the way you do about it, when Gnosticism and Mystery School info, or even the Nag Hammadi gospels are kept out of the mainstream--even the Book of Enoch was deemed Apocrypha and not included in the Bible. Occult knowledge, Hermetic sciences are kept hidden intentionally, until true seekers find them, so as not to open that "Pandora's Box". I, too, am into more than just the Holy Bible version, embracing the mystery sides of all religions. Please excuse any affront--none was intended, and I sure don't mean to pontificate; I was more self-defending which was probably unnecessary. Blessings! '->)
Right on Dog Nation!!!!
Y'all keep up the good work!!!
Peace on!
Hi Mr Visible
You give very useful information.
I feel much better since I have thrown out my TV
Karma is all about assets and liabilities - and she is a great accountant. She ignores the small denials and egos of people.
I am noticing here how proud everyone is of ditching their liabilities. Oh, yes, I bought into the "get the material goodies on debt" but then turn around and whine about being victims when that plan backfires (and such dumb plans always backfire). There is still, unanswered by these "victims" their motivations in engaging in the get it now, pay later (or don't) plan of action. Which you did. HHHMMM. "Gee, I think there's just a small problem with your logic there." (FARGO). There's also a small problem with ethical responsibility.
What I do not ever hear are people who stop trying to make money off of their stock portfolios, 401K's, etc. Ever look at the list of companies one is investing in - of course, they are all about destruction, weapons, chemicals, soft drinks and fake food. And, they exploit millions of people while make profits for the lazy folk who want to see their pile of cash expand without lifting a finger. First things first. Divest yourself of all of that. Second, don't try the old game of getting something for nothing - that never works. Well, it does in the material world, but then there's that Karma sitting there with the real ledger of our lifetimes.
Competition is for children. In the tao, the true sage never competes at anything. She knows to watch for, and has a living, intimate relationship with, the tidal rhythms and flows of life. The master simply sees and then is able to to move and to hold back in complete harmony with those changes. That is the heart of adaptability and mastery. Not juvenile competition.
I just want to thank all of you for sharing your personal stories and revelations. Some of you are suffering financially,physically,emotionally, and spiritually.
I'm going through a job loss, possible homelessness. etc.
Obviously, I am NOT ALONE. So, I take comfort in that.
Visible and Clarity. Sometimes I get those little inspirations that come from the divine when I have my moment of doubts.
As a follower of truth, I have lots of shortcomings and failures. I wish I had more faith in myself than I do now. Argh..
The worst condemning person I know is myself. I treat myself worse than anybody I know. Well, maybe not that bad? *laugh* But I think you get my meaning.
Thank you, all.
Okay anonymous, I'm guessing you aren't very good at anything except contempt for those who are. I suggest you look at the different kingdoms of nature and argue about what you see there. Let me know how that works out.
Someone posted this link :
in response to a link that Les embedded. Thankyou . I usually use the net to read all about all sorts of bad stuff .
I spent probably close to 3 hours going through these vids / photos / stories and warming the cockles of my heart . I especially enjoyed these two :
I hope you guys enjoy them too .
Ive been very down lately , hoping for good things .
I luv ya , everybody .
GTRman .
Farmer Butch says " ..I haven't had a regular job in 13 and a half years. I'm over educated, lived too long, and lack people skills (grin). However, I have God, which I use for lack of a better word. "
Signed , everybody here !!
Fortwynt said people will pick psychological comfort over food.
And it goes WAY past Coke™, doesn't it? What do you have to say, Visible, about those huge, expensive, multi-page ads for Pharmaceutical Poisons that infest the popular magazines; and those horrendously costly ads for the same venom on the Televitz box? The paper ads expend over half of their page real estate warning about the many ways the garbage can KILL you; and the BoobTube ads drone on and on with the same caveats (in a mild, pleasant little voice), yet the puplic ignores that -- probably doesn't even register it -- whilst feasting their eyes upon scenes of that comforting and HAPPY life they may be able to lead if only the drug in question will abstain from doing them in for a few years! So in the end, the Pharmaceutical corporatists are not to blame, because, "Hey! We warned ya!"
Sad when you live with a bunch of phoneys,family that will stick with you,till the going gets ruff.Till you realize they will lie to you about the simplest things to keep you working on their farm for free.Don't know where to go from here,physically or mentaly.Don't relate to anything anymore,nobody seems real to me anymore.Les,you have been my only inspiration to carry on.I can relate to to you in almost everything you talk about.You would be the brother I whish I would have had to guide me through these lonely times.Being aware is a lonely place to be anymore.Nobody cares about the real questions of life that really matter anymore.My wife recently became aware by me of what's really happening,and can't handle the reality of it all,and has reverted to stupid shit like farmville in unreality to cope,instead of really preparing a real farm on our acerage.My kid wants me to be his mechanic on his 62 m.p.h cabin crusier while he parties with all his girlfriends while he verry well knows the shit is hitting the fan.This is the last thing i'am concerned about.My family is trapping me to spend all my time not preparing for the important things I want to bring about for my family and the world.I'am sunk doing all th e stupid things that fathers and husbands are normally expected to do for their familys.But I know these are not important now.I'am made out to be the bad guy even bringing up my concerns.Les.if you weren't real,life would not be very tangible for me any more.Just want you to know that you have been an inspiration to me to carry on,just want you to know you have saved me from taking the big step off that precariuos cliff.I still have something to relate to in the material world,and it's not Madonna.You had a purpose in life that you will probably never fully understand.Just whish I could say the same thing about myself.Thanks for keeping me on this earthly plane for just a little bit longer.
"I am noticing here how proud everyone is of ditching their liabilities"
All righty then. How about all the fucking banksters and Wall St. parasites who ran our economy into the ground with the help of those fucktards in Congress, where was their liability in this clusterfuck?
You can go pound sand up your asshole and make sandcastles in your colon.
I go to work every day to take care of my family and pay my bills but when the revenues started to dry up the banks decided to cut off credit to EVERYBODY while receiving TAXPAYERS funds to stay solvent because of their own shitty greed I decided to take my own personal BAILOUT because sure as fuck nobody was going to give me one.
In fact American Express cut me off one week after changing their status to a bank to receive bailout money, WTF !!!!!
So go fuck yourself "Anonymous" this isn't about shirking any kind of responsibilities, I take care of the basics which is all that is important anyways, it is about turning the tables on the scumbag MONEYCHANGERS who have no conscious about their involvement in this mess.
I loved watching that jewbag lawyer from capitol one not having an answer when it was his turn in front of the judge because they count on people either not showing up or being intimidated by their bullshit.
Fuck them and fuck you,Anonymous.
And another thing "Anonymous" get off your high horse about 401K, ever since the MONEYCHANGERS got the bright idea about eliminating pensions that was all we had left to try to ensure any kind of savings for retirement.
If that fucking clown gw bush had his way even our Social Security, which I pay into every week, would have been tied into the Stock Market and it would have taken the same disatrious hit that my 401K plan took when the Banksters were looting this Nation.
Man "Anonymous" you sure did piss me off, you fucking douchebag!
A new Visible Origami is up-
Eat Drink and be Wary.
You GO, Mike M. Attaboy!
My sentiments exactly, guy! I needed all those fucks--just restrained myself over on Petri! I even deleted my post here about losing everything, BofA foreclosing my house on the refinance they fucked me over on, sending all my belongings to auction for a mere pittance, becoming jobless, homeless, destitute.
What the fuck did I even go to college for? Makes you wonder about this wicked usurious sicko system.
Anyway, THANKS! Loved it! Tell the supercilious motherfucker like it IS! You are not alone in your experience, my friend. But be reassured: I am getting by, with the Grace of God, and so will you. Ever since my labyrinth experience in 2005 when I heard God's voice, I call myself "Lily O."--surname "Ofthefield." '-)
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