Friday, July 9, 2010

Dick and Jane get Crucified on Corfu.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

See Dick and Jane bleed. See Spot lick up the blood. Run Dick, Run Jane... uh oh, they have fallen and can’t get up. It must be those holes in their feet. See Rothschild slaughter and barbecue Dick and Jane. See David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger lick their chops. Uh oh... run Spot, run. Run for your life Spot. Good boy. Rothschild is fallen and can’t get it up. The divine creative regenerative spark does not want to think about coming up for air... anywhere... near there. They have to use Ft. Detrick engineered, killer sperm to generate new Rothschilds.

The most important thing I can say today is that BP is majority owned by J.P. Morgan which is owned and controlled by the Rothschild Crime Syndicate and the Queen of England who just waddled into the U.S. with a message of peace. Let me contract and concise that statement; BP is Rothschild. BP is Rothschild. BP is Rothschild. Observe the way that BP is doing business; hiring entire police forces, controlling public lands and not even being a citizen or domestic corporate entity, insisting that cleanup workers not wear safety gear because it doesn’t look good and blackmailing fishermen as well as not paying out deserving monies on time... this serves to make hungry families subservient and pliable. This is how Rothschild does business. This is what Rothschild thinks of the world. Did I mention they poisoned the Gulf of Mexico and then further poisoned it in tandem with Goldman Sachs in the use of Corexit? These are some nasty customers.

When I get promoted to God, I’m going to head to New York and rip the Goldman Sachs building apart with my bare hands. Then I’m going to round up all of The Rothschilds and seat them naked on The Gerry Springer show. At random, the audience will attack them with their chairs and whatnot and the bouncers will break it up. Then I’m going to turn them into 18” tall, institutional green creatures with an enormous witch’s nose and other accessories. In other words, I’m going to make them look as ugly as they are. I’ll probably turn all Zionists world wide into the same and then open the gates of Hell under Israel and make the whole place stink like the stomach gases of a ten day old floater. This will only apply to Israelis. Nobody else will notice.

Why this and what is the connection here? Israel is a Rothschild creation. It is a country created to front for criminal activity with the rights of a sovereign nation. You can do a lot of things when your Crime Syndicate happens to be a country. Then, when your central bankers take control of the most powerful nation on Earth, as well as some number of the others, well it’s no stretch to say that Satan lives in Tel Aviv. No other country on Earth, not even Myanmar, I don’t think, would murder aid workers in cold blood AND steal all their money and belongings, while those human hemorrhoids, the IDF, use their credit cards for shopping sprees. This is how Rothschild does business. Only a two legged lizard on PCP with a candiru up his urinary canal would behave like this. This is how they do business.

They own Rio Tinto who’s done such great work among indigenous people and distinguished themselves in Papua. That’s how they do business. Hey! How come when Forbes does its richest, Silas Marner, psychopath list there is never a Rothschild on it? How come not one of the European banking families is on it?

I can see Evelyn running around like Ed Gein in his mother’s skin, screaming for human flesh, while he works in his laboratory trying to bring Elizabeth Bathory back to life from her DNA. It’s time he got married says his daddy Satan.

Rothschild killed The Gulf. Every blogger within the confines of this planet should trumpet that. Rothschild cuts corners to do business and Rothschild pays the right people to look the other way while safety concerns are ignored. We know this because BP has been caught several times doing just that. Rothschild destroyed The Gulf out of greed. Rothschild and David Rockefeller and company should be stripped naked and rolled in pig shit and marched up and down the New York Thruway while being whipped by feral rent boys. They should be put in cages and hung from cranes in Times Square. “Ladies and gentlemen, I direct your attention to the series of cages above you. Within these cages are the most dangerous wild beasts to ever roam the Earth. They have killed and eaten millions of human beings. They have wiped out environments, toppled governments, starved nations to death and stolen the Sunday paper off of your front lawn.

“Do not approach the cage and keep your hands by your side. They will chew your arm off to the elbow like a hungry piranha. Not only will they strip the flesh from your body and empty your bank account at the same time but they do horrible things to children and household pets. So terrible is their feeding frenzy that the cages are covered during meal time. The sounds they generate have been known to cause mass acts of public retching.”

Rothschild and the Queen of England destroyed The Gulf of Mexico. The Queen of England came to the U.S. on a mission of Peace. She wanted a piece of this and a piece of that and a new born baby with an apple in its mouth, steaming under a silver chaffing dish. Yes, the Queen wants peace, which she intends to accomplish along with the lizard king Rothschild by eliminating large portions of the public.

Listen up humanity, Rothschild and the Queen of England killed the Gulf of Mexico. This is how they do business. People of the world are you as stupid as you appear? Don’t tell me it’s even worse than that. I can’t bear to hear it; “Lindsey Lohan, Lindsey Lohan, Lindsey Lohan, Nyah, nyah, nyah yah, I can’t hear you. Man! Look at the tits on that rhinoceros. I wish she would do me with her horn. They’re all socialists; they want to redistribute the wealth. You’re not taking my dollar three eighty you liberal scum. You can have my ignorance when you pry it from my cold dead mind.”

The Rothschilds and the Queen of England killed the Gulf of Mexico. They killed all the creatures in the water. They killed all the creatures that fly above the water. They are killing all the creatures that live on the land. “Thank you sir! Can I have another Sir? Please, take my children and roast them on a spit. Whatever I can do.”

See Dick offer his hindquarters to the vampire bat. See Jane spread-eagled with longing for a plundering by her betters. Run Spot run. Run like Hell Spot. Thank god he’s smarter than his owners. The Rothschilds and the Queen of England killed the Gulf of Mexico. They killed the Gulf of Mexico. Goldman Sachs has created a Department of Soylent Green. I know you like living in cardboard boxes by the side of the crumbling highways, just down the road from the abandoned strip malls outside of Las Vegas. Yes, sooner or later they will go away. Sooner or later, after they have killed you and everyone you know and sold off the elements of your body for candlewax and pure branch water.

Rothschild and the Queen of England destroyed The Gulf of Mexico because it was too much trouble and too expensive to take safety precautions. The Queen of England is on a mission of peace. Ashtaroth and his hunting beasts patrol the grounds at the Rothschild Estate on Corfu. Blood curdling screams are heard at night. It’s the rave from Hell. Clive Barker is doing a film on these people. They torture for pleasure and drink the blood of the living. They destroyed The Gulf of Mexico. They murdered over one million Iraqis and a whole lot of Afghans so that they could get their dope business humming again. They kill without conscience and it’s legal and right and you applaud what they do even while they do it to you.

The Rothschilds and the Queen of England destroyed The Gulf of Mexico. They were involved in the 9/11 attack, the London Tube bombing and the attack at The Madrid train station. Israel’s ICTS was responsible for security at all of these locations. You are dumber than a box of rocks.

BP is owned by J.P. Morgan and The Queen of England. J.P. Morgan is owned by Rothschild, who is the high priest in the Synagogue of Satan. They killed the Gulf of Mexico. They killed The Gulf of Mexico. They hired the public police forces that enforce their will on the public lands where they are not a citizen. Obama has a smile on his face. He just got a good rodgering from the Queen of England with a strap-on while the band plays Misty for you.

Rothschild killed The Gulf of Mexico with the Queen of England. All across Europe, the Black Nobility owns massive parcels of land. They have repealed the Magna Carta. They have repealed Hammurabi’s laws. It is time for a change. It is time for a change.

End Transmission.......

Visible sings: Songwriter by Les Visible♫ And We Could All Be Free ♫
'And We Could All Be Free' is track no. 8 of 10 on Visible's 2006 album 'Songwriter'
Lyrics (pops up)

Songwriter by Les Visible

As usual there will be a radio show around 7:15 Central Time on Sunday.

Smoking Mirrors Mirror.


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Anonymous said...

At least Michael and I sign our name and stand behind what we are saying anyway. Go have some milk and cookies troll. And next time buy a computer with a scroll feature.

I don't know a lot about oil wells but I am familiar with search engines and how to find people that do.
You should try it.

I have never seen them out like this, obviously the discussion is supposed to center around just a regular old oil well.

I do not know what your problem is, but I heard it is hard to pronounce. I will try being nicer, if you try being smarter

su said...

another fake irishman
well said.

m_astera said...

What is a fake Irishman?

Is the inference that someone would choose to call themselves Irish because that conferred higher status, or what?

And if so, where? I think I wanna go visit wherever that might be. I'm only a half-breed but I'll fake the other half.

faith 'n begorrah, fetch me another jug o' poteen, lass.

chuckyman said...

Michael you completely missed the point of his post. You’re really not following the thread of this one.

Besides, only some of us are blessed that way. We Micks are truly descended from real Royalty.

Anonymous said...

how you doing good peoples,things a bit strange at the mo,
michael you know,my sons mother
is called marguerita she's a beautiful hot headed creole girl from the seychelles in the indian ocean,and you are living on an island of that same name ,coincidences,strange strange world
does anyone know how that mr visibles is doing.

peace to all neil

m_astera said...


I don't miss all that much.

My first response to the post by another fake irishman was to ask that they contribute something original rather than criticizing others who are putting forth the effort to contribute. I decided to forgo that route when I realized it would be addressing and perhaps offending more commenters than just that one.

So I decided to attempt a more humorous approach. No response from the fake irishman, so I assume they were just another with nothing of value to add while lacking the guts to back up their own snide remarks.

Anyone interested could re-read my entries on this thread and ask themselves "Just what is Michael's agenda?" The answer should be obvious to those with the ability to see beyond their own. Haven't seen much evidence of that on this thread, unfortunately. Not a one seems to get that Chavez has no more to do with what I wrote than who won the student council election at the local junior high. It's about discernment as opposed to emotional manipulation.

And emotional manipulation is why I don't subject myself to John Pilger or most any video.
Before I would concern myself with heredity and royal descent, I would wish to know the bona fides of the supposed antecedents. Those in the royal slots these days don't appear to be anyone I would wish to be related to. Perhaps things were different back in the day, but I wonder how many children could have been fed, clothed, and educated for the cost of a solid gold sarcophagus buried in the ground.

For some reason I've always thought that true royalty would put the welfare of their ordinary people above all.

A.Mouser said...



Anonymous said...

I would agree michael,royalty,now ken o keefe shows signs of royalty I would say,no fear,completely righteous
and the will to serve the people with nothing in return,in my books that makes him a king,top quality keep it up ken..neil

m_astera said...


And what a strange and backwards world we live in, where those of natural and true royalty can pretty much expect nothing in return for their caring and sacrifice, while the scum are celebrated.

As for no fear, I don't know if that is the case with Ken O'Keefe, but for warriors some things are more important than fear.

Anonymous said...

michael well we live in a world that is round the wrong way I suppose,if we let the mr visibles take over it would probably be all sorted out by saturday afternoon,we could all have one of them fandabulous partys where everyone comes and has the time of their life.neil

Jack Schick said...

Highly nutritious salad of poets, typists, intellects.
crunch crunch. Thank You.
In answer to a question of yours, Les (I didn't follow the earlier context, so, sorry if this isn't helpful)...
"Millerites" are, or were, a part of the evolution of
Seventh-Day-Adventism, and other "end times" expectant Protestant churches. William Miller was a
Sea Captain who was very Biblically oriented, and he became a leader of Second-Coming-expectant prophetic movement targeting 1844 as the well counted-and-certified date for The Second Advent.
The Great Disappointment resulted after the hyped
Final dates, quickly re-scheduled for the Fall, failed to sweep everybody away again.

Anonymous said...

Where's the resistance? Isn't it our duty to form a resistance to take down this crime syndicate? There are 9 billion of us and what, a few hundred, of them? Les Revolution

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