Tuesday, June 8, 2021

"Heaven is ONLY Heaven because God lives there. Hell is the Absence of God."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Greetings of the day! May you find yourself with no smoke on your mirrors. I have new missives from Mr. Apocalypse. On the one hand, the news is not good. On the other hand, it's being publicized is very good news. Here is a revealing that fits nicely into the age-old motive. It would not surprise me whatsoever. There is ALWAYS more to the story, so we have this as well.

Then we have the Official word from the professionals in their field. All of this is the hand of Mr. Apocalypse.

Perhaps you have been noticing an acceleration in the revelations, concerning what has been hidden? The pace of this apocalypse has not yet reached its cruising speed. I am not sure the plane has even left the runway yet. What I am noticing is the presence of a particular force coming MORE and MORE into view. It is operating in the human mind and this is getting two basic results. It is either extremely agitating, like an itch you cannot scratch with all these people around. The other result is of a rising awareness and sense of confirmation.

In the first case, this itch continues to intensify. The person experiencing it becomes so involved in what is happening to them that they start having 'accidents'. They speak and act out of character. Then again, that may be their real character, surfacing out of the formerly tight constraints that held it restrained. Oops!!!

In the second case, the person is willing to embrace what is being shown to them and their real self comes more and more into play. Both of these are expressions of what we maintain here concerning Free Will.

In the first case, the individual is resisting the force with the strategies of the Personality. They are woefully and ludicrously out of their depth at that, and so the pressure blows through the weakest porthole in the ship, or it washes them off the deck, or... or...

In the second case, the person lets their false perceptions go, and a series of realizations occur. One is either blocking The Light or stepping out of the way of The Light. Blocking The Light leaves you in shadows. Stepping out of the way of The Light causes The Light to light you up on its way thru.

This has been the case for a long time. It accounts for the righteous and the malefactor's presence here. These are two time-honored ways of dealing with this eternal force. The problem for The Malefactors, at this time, is The Advent of the Avatar. The Avatar brings many implements and elements with him. Some of them are to REWARD and some of them are to PUNISH. Above all, The Avatar brings one contrivance with him out of which all the others are fashioned and that is... LIGHT!

Here I MUST point out that Darkness DOES NOT banish Light. Light ALWAYS banishes Darkness. It might be a small banishment when a candle is employed, or it might be like The Sun= ♫ here comes The Sun ♫ Literally, this is what happens. The Avatar comes from The Sun. Therefore one can say that with the coming of The Avatar, The Sun also comes. There is one major caveat here. This is The Spiritual Sun that comes with/as The Avatar. The Spiritual Sun is the source of the luminosity in EVERY star. What needs to be understood is that The Avatar is God HIMSELF! The Avatar is God in the Flesh, though his flesh is a bit different than our present time corporeal state.

We have a particle of God's luminous being within us right now. We COULD NOT be living otherwise. When that goes, our corporeal form DROPS. Mikhail Aivanhov says we have two atoms within us. One of the atoms records EVERY event in our lives. This is the Recording Atom. The other atom is the Prayer Atom. Its presence is Living Evidence of The POWER of Prayer. It is our direct line to God, though... of course, there are step-down transformers. Still... if you come to God through that atom, you are certain of the prayer reaching The Throne of God. Master Aivanhov did not say these things. I have added my understanding of what he said to the points being addressed here. His words on this matter are to be found in the second segment of the chapter, “Prayer”, which is in Volume 2 of the book, “Know Thyself- Jnana Yoga”

He said that the Recording Atom is set to reverse when one is dying and that is why people who have survived see their whole life flashing before their eyes. For whatever the reason, now and then, people are pulled back from The Brink and they give evidence of this same phenomenon in different times and in different countries. There is a lot of empirical data on this happening. What it is though, is not empirical, EXCEPT for the person experiencing it. Material Science is USUALLY lacking the necessary measuring spoons for what is metaphysical. This is now changing as new understandings come into play. This is all caused by The Light approaching.

Heaven is ONLY Heaven because God lives there. Hell is the Absence of God in his positive aspect. All of the chaos that you see in The World at this time, is being caused by The Coming of the Avatar. If you are wicked then The Light is anathema, and you Act Out with more and more intensity. If you are righteous, The Light is PURE JOY and... Liberation... to the degree you are capable of receiving it.

Those who are used to doing their business in Darkness, Literally and Metaphorically, are now becoming more and more hampered in their industries. The Light makes everything seem different. For those whose long time venue is that of a Predator, there is also a problem. The Prey are becoming more and more aware of what has been going on. Keep in mind that The Avatar is sweeping down through the planes and clearing out all of the nests of Darkness. This is sending the former residents into a panicked flight to the nearest portals underground. Those who have been in the sway of these invisible entities are no longer being monitored and attended to. As a result, they are losing their minds.

The resistant are experiencing one thing and the acquiescent are experiencing another. It's the same force but it is having two very different outcomes. The futility of the personal will can be compared to using a flashlight to duel with The Sun. The end result is fully predictable; The Light is triumphant and the battle already won.

If you find yourself going back and forth over all of this, the vacillation is an unfortunate state of affairs for you, in this Pull-me Push-you dynamic of Sisyphean pointlessness. The outcome of this global trial results in either an awakening or a greater nightmare that INEVITABLY leads to another form of awakening ♫ what would you do if the people you knew, were the plastic that melted and the chromium too. Who... are... the brain police ♫ Thank you for the alliterations, visible. Wait a minute; what alliterations? Moving right along. Moving right along.

I believe I will bring this portion to a close and provide some links with attending remarks and anecdotal meanderings.

Something from The Mass Media=

Ben Domenech: US 'Ruling class used the threat of disease to consolidate its power'; used censorship, riots

This is just too precious! He was experimented on as a child by evil Nazi scientists, BUT... they didn't tell him about it until later. It won't be long until the only survivors were still in the womb, or being perpetually Backdated. The next big marketing device will be the Children of Holocaust Survivors. I highly recommend for you the documentary film, “Capturing the Friedmans” This is a CLASSIC (and probably unintended) example of the forensic study of bullshit cooking under a hot August sun.

Holocaust survivor speaks out against rising hate crimes, says BLM anti-Semitic

Mike has always got a great take on things;

Here is another Mike who just can't help himself, due to a bad case of Tabloid Fever. I'm not saying he's wrong, cause I wouldn't put anything past these people, but he can make a plate of French Fires seem like a roadmap to Jimmy Hoffa's grave;

I don't know what to make of this;

I had some other articles but... hmm... I don't know what happened to them. Okay, here is another from Mike #1

Via The Real History Channel
Mike King: The Return of Trump

I've come back to add this.

...and especially to add this.

It seemed to me that the major players in the video were not that comfortable for whatever the reason.

End Transmission.......


Visible said...

A friend sent this to me earlier. I was going to put it in the post but I will put it here for those who already read the post

Holy Mother

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

I just wish time moved faster. Patience is not in my vocabulary.

robert said...

Visible One,

Rolling the ideas conveyed in your expression around the perimeter of my mind, they converge as always to the center point.

Like guitar pedals which add layers to the sonics to add depth, breadth and texture to the tone, there are enhancements and exagerations for emphasis which echo against the timeless sounds within.

Keep in mind that The Avatar is sweeping down through the planes and clearing out all of the nests of Darkness. This is sending the former residents into a panicked flight to the nearest portals underground. Those who have been in the sway of these invisible entities are no longer being monitored and attended to. As a result, they are losing their minds

Being pushed out from higher dimensions, how similar to elimination functions?

If feeders on human frenzy have grown accustomed to residing in the astral plane and living like corporate elites in the safety of one dimension less dense than the physical, where do they go when they are evicted from the astral?

With certainty, not upward on the spiral! (grin)

First, like landlords facing hard time, they move in with the people renting their properties, pushing their renters out on ths street.

Funny how these landlords of human puppet bodies consider these bodies as "theirs" simply be having conned their rightful owners (or more precisely, their rightful leasers from the One), into accepting occupation ego trinkets!

Just as the media Matrix lives rent-free in the vacuous mindsets of minions, occupying territory abandoned by those who are less and less present and exercise their creative mental power only to consume their ever smaller happy meals, so do the dark matter beings live by squatting in dessicated, deserted body temples, moving into their host's bodies by force of stolen will.

That craziness you refer to can certainly be that of zombies left uncontrolled by their fleeing fleas who feed on fear.

It can also be the tragi-comic struggle as two beings attempt to occupy the same empty space!

The formerly remote control raveners, being extruded into a sausage casing meant for one, spill over in outre behaviour, as their host begins to awaken and resist their dark lord lording over them!

In either scenario, the flushing out is overflowing septic tanks throughout the world!

Hygienic practice becomes survival:
Flush out the negativity favored by the vestiges of our personalities clinging to the bowl on their way out

Focus attention on the eternal beauty of the implicate order, which we can see in nature's effulgence if just we tune our attention in.

Cleanse our relations with others of all self-centered calculation thoughts

Eat and drink the highest energy substances available, hopefully prepared in the mindfulness of love, by others or by ourselves

Pray in as constant a state of prayer as we are able to maintain, simply observing with appreciation how everything works in a unified fashion DESPITE all human misqualified inputs!

There is genuine excitement here, NOT just incitement to rattle the zombies!

The anticipation of human birth is a minor analog to what is coming down the love canal for delivery to every living ensouled being!

We do not have to act like harried fathers or worried sisters, only to keep our mind's eye on the prize:
unified, purified life-powered consciousness in which we all get to join and sing together.

When we all say Namaste and MEAN IT!

Anonymous said...

Every day more heinous crimes against humanity are uncovered. Is evil driving this or have we been taken over by some kind of alien life form whose intention is to rid the planet of humans? Is it just plain human nature to climb to the top over the bodies that have been built as a stairway to Hell? Furthermore does it really matter the cause ? It is so tiring being here in these times. The information highway is flooded with truth , lies, deceit , snake oil alphabet soup institutions and countless other venues that I am drowning in it. While the sheet hits the proverbial fan daily and if one reads the comments section of alternative news, it would seem everyone is exhausted and angry from the current events and yet , and yet, what happens.....nothing. On and on it goes like an Un-merry go round. I’m now so dizzy I cant think straight.The God damned ,and I hope they are ,CDC is now going after children. If I could hear their mantra it would go something like this.. We’ll get these little bastards ,if not by lethal injection , then we will poison their minds with every debasement we can dig up from the septic tank in which we so richly live. .... And the sheeple bleat and bahhhh. And yet nothing happens to stop the madness. Forgive my cynicism but we are screwed folks. There are a handful of good honest Dr’s , scientists and the like fighting the good fight but they are outnumbered by the legions from Hell. God is in control, yes, I believe that , who knows when He says enough is enough because that will be when it ends. In the meantime people suffer and die at the hands of our so called governments . Those in power spew much illogical bullshit and it is inhaled by many. The stress of it all caused by the witnessing of the injustice is going to kill me, who needs the jab to accomplish that? Evil has all bases covered. DELIVER US FROM EVIL. GOD AMEN.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now=

"This is The Root Cause of the Present State of The World; Self-Will run Riot and Unbridled."

Visible said...


I don't read or publish your comments, beyond establishing their intent. I hope you find this helpful in the future. I've no use for snarky and demeaning screeds from one who, for years now, has not changed his tune, and who is obsessed with one-upmanship. I recommend putting the focus on yourself, where the necessary work COULD get done. Wonderfully, you have been gone for a long time, Perhaps you might again do us that favor?

Anonymous said...

I've been enjoying your writings for around a decade now and I have to say this one is a real barn burner. Reading the part where you were talking about the Avatar had me tightly gripping my phone and smiling from ear to ear!😁

"I am not sure the plane has even left the runway yet."
I think the engines have just gotten fired up!!! The day of small things are about to give way to the opposite thereof.

Justin V



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