Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Gathering Darkness of New Banker Wars and a Golden Age for the Good and the True... Somewhere.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Last night I watched Five Easy Pieces. I didn't like the film the first time I saw it but my friend wanted to see it, having never seen it. I noticed how similar Karen Black's features were to Faye Dunaway (to a degree) but more so Julie Christie. This got me reflecting on the faces of actresses and actors, in different generations, up to the present time and... how similar so many of them were to one another in the same generation. This set me to thinking about the mental and emotional climate in each generation; how similar were the thoughts and feelings, how similar the public faces were and how similar the hoi polloi and lumpen proles as well... the common threads that ran through each of the generational segments. I mused on that period of grunge, where the whining music of the times was so popular; Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, Smashing Pumpkins... all that nihilistic, heroin fueled dissonance with the Satanic undertones.

I watched through a kind of mental kaleidoscope, almost a proctoscope, as rap first manifested in political and social anger and then degenerated into bitches, ho's and bling. I studied the masses of people from each following group of time lapse dancers ...and it was a startling thing. Each generation marched through an ever thickening fog of materialism and masturbating technologies, until we come to the present day... an en masse robot army of thumbfucking cellphone addicts, perpetually bent over a tiny screen... about to be bent over in a whole other way... hour after hour... somewhere in the dark room of a solitary exile, the screen flickers with a blue light that flashes off of their haunted faces. Soon they will fade like wraiths from this world we know and re-materialize as ballroom dancers in The Overlook Hotel.

This is the time of the harvesting of souls. It is a Grand Apocalypse. Because of the intensity of materialism, the degree of difficulty in ascension is great indeed. The significance of this time frame we are in, is massive, and that is why there are billions of people here, who promptly forgot why they came, as soon as they arrived. If you have the Faith, Certitude and Determination that is required, you can make a quantum leap spiritually at this time. Every moment is precious and that which you spend on acquiring the necessary Faith, Certitude and Determination is priceless. It is an investment of a magnitude that cannot be rendered in any math we have possession of.

I am not concerned with whether one is a follower of Christ. Everyone of true heart, in whose heart compassion sings and whose actions are directed toward selfless service, no matter how that may be camouflaged, due to the dangers of the time, are followers of The Master Wayshower, whether they know it or not. Religious fundies with their, “my way or the highway” are quick to label anyone who does not fit the narrow parameters of their criteria; all so quick to send people to Hell and to judge the heart's intentions of others. The Christ spirit knows who is who ...and it is through the medium of love that the master is able to identify his own. I am a follower of Christ but I am not a Christian. I will not associate with those who damn others through doctrines they have no understanding of. Their Karma is soon to run over their Dogma.

There is something so profound taking place this very minute and it is hidden from the eyes of the world, especially hidden from carnal eyes, where the desire force interprets everything through the lens of magnetic attractive heat that generates a thick smoke, due to the composition of what is burning. To understand the difference between Heaven and Hell, one has only to understand what is consuming them. Hell is compressed and confining and pressure creates heat. Heaven is wide and expansive. The nature of the residents is one of liberation because they have all learned the secret, which is to GIVE YOURSELF AWAY. The opposite of that is to acquire everything for yourself. To have the mindset that is focused on getting for self, is to create confinement in a personal Hell. In the process of giving yourself away, your real self manifests and it is eternal and flushed with everlasting bliss and joy.

What I am saying here is expressed through the medium of words and that will NEVER be an accurate and complete description. This is one of the reasons that no matter what anyone may think, NO ONE achieves Liberation or Self Realization under their own steam. All true seekers must eventually come to that place where they meet The Guide, who knows the way. There are a number of reasons why no one ever attains to the heights of spiritual understanding under their own power. There is a comment in the Bible where it is said;

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”

The amount of false prophets and New Age Snake Walkers is a very large number in these times, because... to serve the light you cannot serve yourself. You can't ride around in limos and private jets and with gold Rolexes on your wrists; looking down in admiration of it, like the Dali Lama. Spare me the apologias, I've heard them all. I remember the commentary on Christ, speaking to that particular person;

“Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.” We all know how that worked out, or... maybe we don't.

There is a great deal that people on this material plane do not get about the Kingdom of Heaven. The glory and riches there, so far exceed anything the human imagination can envision that to attempt to explain it is an effort in futility. One of the best comments I've heard about it and which I often repeat, is- “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” I've had brief glimpses into that plane of existence and I am convinced that what I saw was a very small part of what is there but... it has been enough to fix my attention on the goal, with no concern for the cost of the trip. It confounds me that so many people do not get it. I am astonished at how few do. You know them when you meet them; the genuine atmosphere of their presence says it all. They are shining with an interior light.

The season of life in which we presently find ourselves is unlike other times. We are in the midst of a spiritual war. One side is seeking to lift humanity to the next level, into the Aquarian Age, the Age of Brotherhood. The other side is seeking to pull it down into perdition. It will be an individual thing in every case. Those who think they can accomplish under their own power will fail. Those who are utterly reliant upon the Supreme Being are already victorious.

Two worlds are presently coming into being; a world of plenty and a world of want. Each are predicated upon where any particular person's treasures are to be found. The enduring and everlasting spirit is a spirit of abundance. It is a literal cornucopia and those in unity with that spirit, are heir to all that that which they are reliant upon possesses. The result of selfishness is to find oneself alone; alone in a barren field with no one but Saturn for company. Fate is a harsh task mistress. There is no question in my mind that the majority of the population laughs and ridicules the idea of selfless service and giving oneself away. A portion of these are merely indifferent to spiritual possibilities, because their motto in this world is, “I want it and I want it NOW.” Technology has accommodated this desire.

Strange doings are afoot in the world. Across the fertile Midwest of the US, floods have killed this year's harvest. Similar conditions are taking place in other environments. Chinese Pigs are dying by the millions. Hatred is being stirred up between the religions and between the different colors of humanity and yet... and yet- this is allegedly an age of brotherhood on the doorstep. What appears will be different from person to person; to each person it will be given according to their faith. The return of Christ is not what is imagined in the traditional sense, of a shining white robed being, coming down from the sky at the head of an army. Christ is to return within the hearts of humanity, in those hearts where a place has been prepared. This is the fruit of an age of brotherhood. He will not appear in every heart, many hearts are closed off ...but this does not have to be and there is time yet for each and every soul to address the circumstance.

Consider the lessons of history. This world has been a stage for enormous genocides and near unimaginable torments. In Tribe-Communist manufactured Soviet Russia, tens of millions were murdered. The same was the case in Communist China with Mao. We have had some period of extended peace in the First World countries, which have waged their wars in Third World countries. Massive immigration out of wars orchestrated by bankers has rendered these First World countries vulnerable to terrible possibilities. Open your eyes! Bankers are now at work manifesting new wars in new landscapes.

NEVER discount Lady Nature.

It really is going to come down to who and on what you depend. The days come and go, as lives are squandered in foolish pursuits. Sooner or later the piper will come calling.

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is:


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Paragraph two made me think of 'Carnival of Souls'. Second time your writings did that, me thinks. Gotta watch that again, some time.

The music on the Otherside is pretty awesome, too. Never a sour note in the mix. The closest the music here comes to is classical, in style, me thinks. It's beyond that, though.

So here I sit waiting for the shift to accelerate to the point where no one can ignore it. Hopefully in less than half a year from now. Waiting for this is worse than being in a doctors office 3 hours after your scheduled appointment due to a medical emergency, not that I'm going to be in that situation again; considering I refuse to see one of those allopathic bottom feeders again.

torus said...

Les wrote, "Consider the lessons of history. This world has been a stage for enormous genocides and near unimaginable torments. In Tribe-Communist manufactured Soviet Russia, tens of millions were murdered. The same was the case in Communist China with Mao. We have had some period of extended peace in the First World countries, which have waged their wars in Third World countries. Massive immigration out of wars orchestrated by bankers has rendered these First World countries vulnerable to terrible possibilities. Open your eyes! Bankers are now at work manifesting new wars in new landscapes."

This reinforces my current opinion that NOBODY is "going" to hell. We're just slowly waking up to where we already are. As part of the punishment, we're not even afforded knowledge of our prior "crimes". In all of my relatively meek creative endeavors, not once did I contemplate the efficacy of horror, torture, deception, and all manifestation of disease as being conducive to my creativity; my "Great Work." Ah, but I am a meek "creator". Something with TRUE creative power however has rendered the aforementioned horrors as being conducive to IT's "GREAT WORK."

The "great work" of rendering generations of people subservient to such hideous doctrines as those propounded by christian fundamentalists. Sick with Stockholm syndrome as they worship a "god" who bequeathed man a faulty operating sytem and subsequently holds his own creation responsible for that flawed OS. This is straight from the pits of hell itself. I think of all the prayers for peace prior to WW I and how the creator just bitch-slapped his audience around. This is evidenced in all the prayers for peace post WW I which merely set the stage for the greatest conflagration known to man. Need I say, "thus far?" Of course not, but I said it anyway.

David Fiske said...

"NEVER discount Lady Nature." So very true Vis and I liked what you wrote.

Anonymous said...

eventually the language must be pure...

blessed are the pure in heart...

take the good leave the bad,

when, where, what, how, why, and who


curiously, in Genesis 49 there are NO {{{PROSELYTES}}}

to the BAD FAITH {{{TALMUDIC JUDAISM}}} religion of the


and naturally, there were no PITTSBURGH STEELERS at the Alamo

"JEW" worshippers can't be "christians"...

or simply put, believing lies prevents knowing truth - John 8:32

happy celestial events



Anonymous said...

The forest is way overgrown. It's time for a forest fire.

I was always impressed that all the old texts have God handling the improprieties of man, as it reaches a boil, with some kind of natural disaster. It could be frogs and locusts, Krakatoa, a celestial impact, a flood or a plague. Sometimes all of those things and more in one reaping. Rapturists beware - "No one gets to the heaven without a fight" (Rush from Snakes and Arrows).

It's obvious this species is incapable of quelling the herd without natural intervention. Every time humans try to murder each other into non-existence, the baby machines turn on to full blast and the population actually increases despite millions taking a dirt nap, or cremated into thin air, depending on your cultural affiliations.

I like the idea of living like the Christ, as opposed to believing in the Jesus Christ and then paying admission during intermission as a right of passage to the cloud city, harps and gossamer wings abound. I have presented to many people that there has been and will be many Christs. Most balk at that. Then I tell them Jesus was a black man and all the gears in the cave seize.

No one has ever lived up to the life without sin clause, because sin is defined by man and then interpreted by man and then punished by man. I think the best we can do is live it moment to moment, and try to act as the Christ would when we can. When not, repentance is there to help us to forgive ourselves and learn. Then we teach.

You love or do not love.
You give or you take.

Chew Out

Ray B. said...

(I am going to have to get used to checking the side-box for new columns...)

Vis, thank you for the wise and loving column. Appreciated.

Vis: "In the process of giving yourself away, your real self manifests and it is eternal and flushed with everlasting bliss and joy."

Something new (to me) has been revealing itself. After Higher Self has done all the Cleaning it can on a baddie and the baddie has still not 'come around', HS goes way-high to regions barely accessible to it. HS presents the situation, a discussion takes place, a decision is made, and a 'slug' of god-intent is dispatched downwards.

Normally, Ray is just along for the ride. It is even boring, as those levels are way above Ray's 'reception' areas. I get whatever images/sensations HS chooses to down-shift to me. However, the past few 'rides' have been interesting...

In hindsight, HS has been slowly opening the floodgates to what is really 'up there' (just-beyond the individual) as opposed to down-shifting it. It is pretty wild, as our minds are not built to encompass it. It is pretty impossible to describe, so just read the following and then try to synthesize the 'state'.

First, the overall 'sensation' is like being in whitewater rapids. No stable place; everything keeps shifting. Second, there is a background 'ecstasy' feeling; not overwhelming, just present. Finally, there is this sense of power, again like a big river. The 'details' are funny. The mind tries to find a foothold; it grabs on to a wave and tries to make it concrete and within its experience. Nope, it is gone within a second. And repeat, again and again. We are beyond the individual in this realm, and the closest sensation is like body-surfing within rapids. Flip, flip, flip...

At first, the new 'ride' was annoying, because the mini-ecstasy state kept blowing-away any concentration I had. I would 'slip away' and have to regroup. Then, the 'kaleidoscope' nature of the experience was confusing. Just as a detail tried to solidify, it was swept away. And this just kept going, for several hours.

After several 'rides' of this nature (for the record, no drugs, alcohol, etc.), I began to sort-out what was happening - the commonalities. First, there was no danger; including of me losing myself. Cool. Second, the 'problem' was the mind trying to grab-on to what was inherently non-grab-on-able (to coin a word). Third, HS had initiated this 'change' and was allowing more of what was really-there to come through (not down-shifted). Hopefully, that meant it thought I was ready for 'more'.

So, I apparently have to get used to giving my 'self' (my need for control) away in order to more-fully understand my 'Self' (higher awareness). Should be interesting...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Anonymous said...

YHWH's laws command you to harvest your field once. Whatever is left is for the poor, the widow and the fatherless.

Ezekiel 34

[18] Seemeth it a small thing unto you to have eaten up the good pasture, but ye must tread down with your feet the residue of your pastures? and to have drunk of the deep waters, but ye must foul the residue with your feet?

Scarcity is the golden bull of modern economics. That's why big fat John Hagee destroys the gleanings. He serves that golden bull.

God's words for these phony lying watchmen are harsher and more revealing than anything any blasphemer can dream up. That's the jews playing both sides again in service of immobilizing confusion. Who do these WN's think they're fooling. The Christian ones are as bad as the blasphemers at "making the law of no effect", as the Talmud does.

Just so ya know

Visible said...

A new Petri dish is up now-

"My Investments and All My Treasures are in The Bank of the Living and Eternal Lord and Master of all Things."

Anonymous said...

Ray B, for your entertainment and perhaps even a flash of illumination.



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

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Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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