Friday, April 4, 2014

In the Land of The Me and the Home of the Slave.

Join the good fight against Talmudic Anti-Gentilism, Russian Holocaust Denial and all those others that were done by the same people. Experience true Political Correctness.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

Here's a good example of the dysfunctional elite in their sense of timing with Mr. Apocalypse. The stunning, lying hypocrisy of the government in The Land of The Me and the Home of the Slave, is the stuff of Grand Guignol, Arguably they know they are lying, morally bankrupt, sacks of shit but they can't help themselves. They're a lot like someone who wants to entertain so badly that they don't mind that their general audience (the ones who appreciate them) have an IQ south of 70 or resemble the residents of a Florida geriatric complex that has forgotten their own names and doesn't know yours (until they get wired up with the necessary tech).

It doesn't matter. It's all about the smell of the grease paint and the roar of the crowd and irrespective of your performance being not unlike that of a south of the border dog and pony porno flick, you're unmoved by the obvious comparison. You're in show business, proud as all get out to follow the elephant in the circus parade.

Since we are looking at either an upcoming Cannibal Apocalypse or a tabla rasa, it's probably important for you to learn a few survival skills in the short term, as the long term always seems to take care of itself and also depend heavily on the short term anyway, That's just one of the things you might profit from knowing and if it interests you, then... there's a whole bunch more. I give this out by way of exampling the point that there are all kinds of things we could know and even some that we should know. As always though, it all depends on where you look.

This world, being a world of misdirection, is devoted to detours, also called umleitung in certain locations. Because of conditioning, people are unaware that they are being routed to one form of perdition or another and also convinced that what's truly good for them is frightening and dangerous, as well as destructive to their social standing. You see forms of this every day, like that Austrian study that says vegetarians are more likely to catch cancer and have heart disease than meat eaters. In case you didn't see it, here it is. Given the connection between colon cancer and meat eating, this is complete disinfo. I could go into detail about how very, very wrong this is but... why bother? Only certifiable morons would believe something like that. Yeah, if you believe that, I've got an insertable, vibrating iPhone5 that works as a Kundalini activator and also records messages and then transmits them to your inner ear. You too can hear voices. You're living the dream, baby.

In the world of scriptural incidentals there are a whole lot of different creeds and convictions. Within all of the major manifestations of the teaching of one or the other simple, though illuminated souls, there are many schisms and each one of them is certain they have the right idea, which came birthed out of an imagined integrity to recapture the original duplication of something that has happened over and over many times before and most of which are unremembered and, indeed, of which no record even exists. Their imagined integrity was driven by an awareness of corruption in the original duplication and didn't last all that long before it developed corruptions of its own. Sometimes it came out of a corruption within, where the founder discovered that all that was required was to rehash the teachings of the original duplicate and they would have their own money machine. They would have their own money machine AND be swathed in personal mystery that was guaranteed to provide them with bodies of whatever sexual persuasion they were inclined to express themselves upon, as a verification of their authentic rewriting of one or the other original duplication.

It's impacted on every so called spiritual path that there is, whether that be Sunni, Wahhabi or Shiite, Mahayana or Hinayana, or any of the subvariables; including all of the myriad Christian sects. Truth is neither dual nor non dual. Using terms is not the same as understanding them and carrying a heavy attitude about ones level of insight is proof positive one possesses none. Even singular new age constructs have their offshoots and ingrown toenails of convoluted doctrine. Satanism isn't what it used to be either, since most of it is just a reverse moralized cover for psychopathic antics, having only incidental connection to any actual worship of anything besides the evil in one's self... hardly a satisfactory facsimile of the Prince of Darkness.

The truth of the matter, insofar as I have discovered and which only applies in that regard; leaving you free to believe whatever you please is... all this dual and non dual and having a head full of dogmatic cant and the fruits of metaphysical speculation birthed from the ruminations of a tiny separated mind add up to, well, squat actually. Sure... there is truth to be discovered in both dual and non dual thought but, it is not discovered, it is revealed and unless you've impressed the dispenser of all things real, you don't have much except for your pretensions and whatever sophistication you've managed to engineer into whatever front you present to the world. Anyone can have the ear of the world for a moment or two and anyone can attain to levels of relative importance in the relative world but not everyone has the friendship of the ineffable or his agents and without that, you got nothing.

Of course, anyone and everyone is free to dispute this and to insist that there is some other way, or that one can damn well accomplish whatever they want, as a product of their own industry. But... whatever it is that you think you have acquired or come into the possession of will only sustain itself up unto the gates of death. Following that little incidental, one finds themselves engaged in a dialogue with a particular entity, to whom one must give an account of their words, actions and accomplishments (or lack of) here.

I will allow for there being the possibility that any number of loopholes and metaphysical wormholes may exist but I'm not keen to pursue any of those possibilities. I am utterly and completely convinced that you can't get from here to there without a bona fide guide. I'm convinced you can't get there without the grace of a master, or luminous entity with juice in the higher realms. I am convinced that we are all among the condemned, unless we have a friend of the court; an amicus curiae to plead our case... someone to say, "Hey, he's with me" and that would be one who has already passed through the checkpoints you MUST PASS THROUGH in order to arrive in the worlds of light. Far greater souls than myself have attested to this and I have also heard it from the one who decides these things in one form or, seen and unseen.

Another thing that Bawa said, this time about me, when a friend went to him during the period I was in deep shit and facing a life sentence was, "Oh, he's be alright, he's just taken a different path." I'm quite certain he wasn't just talking about that particular condition. It's because of this and similar statements and events that have come and gone and also permanently branded themselves upon my soul that I awaken with such a perpetuating optimism. It's all those things hidden in the wide unknown, in the zones I am unaware of but which radiate with invisible force through every day and night.

If what you have discovered is real, it will not only endure, it will intensify, as ones connection to it strengthens through trial, test and experience. Eventually everything but this departs and these other things make their exits in the course of your "Voyage of Life." When the parts that make all these distractions possible are gone from within you, they are simultaneously gone from without.

One can only understand anything from the level one occupies. The meaning given to anything and ones ability to use or apply anything, is totally dependent on what the level permits. Once the level shifts, it is altogether possible that both the meaning and function of most anything can radically alter from what it seemed to be. This is one more reason why, "I don't know" is a most potent mantra. Conscious, "I don't know", coupled with humility and a sincere core of genuine aspiration, will engineer contact with the one who does know. Nothing is more important than making contact; in my view, from my perspective, in my opinion. Absolutely nothing I can imagine is more important than making a personal connection with the ineffable. Following that, everything takes care of itself as if by magic; seen in comparison with anything that went on before.

End Transmission..,.....


Richard said...

Mas and Mas Visible

Indeed, in-deed.

Gratitude arises spontaneously, both for your persistance as well as the constancy with these themes.

May the violet clored snowflakes mark the path of your daily life.

Be well, be Alert

est said...

sitting here
waiting for
the sun to rise

what will
happen today
i wonder

i think
'cause that's
what i do

gonna read
and perhaps
write something

Copernicus Kidd said...

Well put.

Are you familiar with the work of Israel Shamir?

I rediscovered him last night and his goop humor made me think of you.

bullpasture said...

Vis said:
"Conscious, “I don’t know”, coupled with humility and a sincere core of genuine aspiration, will engineer contact with the one who does know. Nothing is more important than making contact; in my view, from my perspective, in my opinion. Absolutely nothing I can imagine is more important than making a personal connection with the ineffable. Following that, everything takes care of itself as if by magic; seen in comparison with anything that went on before."

I truly believe what Vis has written above is the most important commentary that one should take away from any of his blogs. It is all that matters. When we mortals are honored with an occaisional glimpse, then all fear, problems, uncertainty, and hate simply fall away ........ and life can be lived in the present moment.

With thanks,

Anonymous said...

spring cleaning....

and pruning hooks
ready the tares for the
fiery furnaces.

"If what you have discovered is real, it will not only endure,
it will intensify, as ones connection to it strengthens through trial, test and experience. . ."

Survivorman, Les Stroud

Come listen to Survivorman speak and perform feats of survival - Saturday during the incredible SRE in Mesquite, Texas
April 4-5
bring your own ammo.

When asked the question,

“What impresses you more about George W. Bush and Barack Obama, their absence of intelligence or their absence of integrity,”

a ready answer comes to mind, it is clearly not the same for each.
But in the case of Bush’s first Secretary of the Defense for
Tel Aviv and the global CRIME SYNDICATE that actually DID 911, Donald Rumsfeld, I think you will have to agree that it’s a really tough call.

and the beat goes on . . .



Anonymous said...

I read this a while back,

“A message shared from the heart is more powerful than any sermon or lecture.”

See ya in the stream.

David Fiske said...

"Anyone can have the ear of the world for a moment or two and anyone can attain to levels of relative importance in the relative world but not everyone has the friendship of the ineffable or his agents and without that, you got nothing."

Indeed Vis Amen to that!

flyingcossack said...

being a dualist is good, being a duelist is bad ... except for entertainment ... duelism is good ... unless its starving humans and animals to get them to gladiator each other ... that entertainment duelism is bad ... which proves there is dualism

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

Rat Singers, Sirens and Flaming Dumpsters.

Eric said...

Making these connections is what I am working on again. There is nothing else besides them.

zepheri said...

The Malayan Emergency had to be called this because
Lloyd's insurance would not pay out on claims if it was called a war. Would you like change with that?

Anonymous said...

Hi les
That study you mentioned above just happened to be published on April 1.
As a meat eater , even I was amazed at the conclusions they came to. Then I saw the date......

Visible said...

This weeks radio broadcast is available for streaming.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-

Cliff Notes Junkies with the Integrity of Pleather.



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

Visit the recommended reading page for many more.


'Materialism' from the Les Visible Album
Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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