Thursday, October 1, 2020

"There is an Army of Darkness that is Calling forth the Inner Demons of Humanity, to Steal the Minds and Bodies of the Unwary."


Dog Poet Transmitting.......

If you live in Kalifornia, YOU ARE BEING WARNED. Human Nature has a suicidal side, attended by a ruthless indifference to anything standing between it and the object of its desire. As we have said, more times than we can remember, the primary offspring of Materialism is Insanity. If you live in Kalifornia, YOU ARE BEING WARNED.

When I was younger, it used to puzzle me for lengths of time, as I tried to understand WHY people would remain in a location when catastrophe, that could be seen on the horizon, came calling. Sometimes there were incremental stages of warning in a series; first a Post-it note, a whisper in the ear, a shake upon the shoulder, a rougher shake, a voice screaming, a voice through a bullhorn and then? The raging sounds of the catastrophe itself, coming across the plain, over the mountain, down the swollen river, from beneath the Earth and from the rising seas.

Sometimes there would be the scurrying of diplomats, a rising tension with a neighbor, or threats from afar, then tanks on the border, the incursions, and then? Why did they stay? Why did so many of them stay? There are the obvious reasons; this is MY HOME! These are my possessions! My family lives here! If you were to ask me, I would have a one-word reply, KARMA. It is Karma that determines the opacity and size of our blinders. It is Karma that attenuates our vision and reasoning capacity. It is Karma that sets the level of our awareness and degree of intransigence.

Presently, by the GRACE of God, we are experiencing, courtesy of this Grand Apocalypse, a grand wave of awakening that is pressing from within upon us. Depending on the force of the magnetized hallucinations of dancing matter, on that is our capacity for seeing dependent. The power of The Dream is great. It is attended by a compelling lassitude and comforting darkness, illuminated by a false light in which NOTHING you see is real. The endless parade of Fata Morgana captivates the mind. People are roadkill, as their appetites drive them back and forth across the highway. The world is littered, daily... with the corpses of people who were unable to pay attention, because they were already paying attention to the wrong things. The cellphone is the new altar, the new tabernacle for reverence, and invocation.

Contemplate, if you are able, the runaway horse that is the passage of the last couple of decades. Consider the puissant force of replicating LIES that are the fodder, for that herd of horses, hobbled in a burning barn. God help them! Their hobbles and halters are illusory. They could shake them off if they wanted to but they have become real to them, just as all the rest of the terminally unreal has acquired the APPEARANCE of substance. It's not even there BUT... it sure looks like it. It 'looks' like it.

Look in HORRIFIED AWE AT THIS!!! As you read the article it will take you to a TELLING PICTURE of the fellow who is the author of this. Unless you are REALLY stupid, your own Inner Phrenologist will sort out for you the character and origin of this Satanic Performance Artist. It is WAR, my friends. It is a SPIRITUAL WAR. There is an Army of Darkness that is calling forth the inner demons of humanity, to steal the minds and bodies of the unwary. It is IN YOUR FACE and it is at the nape of your neck. It is in the unruly waters of the subconscious, from whose depths monsters are called forth.

Once again, I call upon you to employ your Inner Phrenologist.

Deana Algarin

Within the chaotic landscape of the undisciplined subconscious, around the world, the sleepwalking zombies are summoned to acts of carnage and rampaging disorder. If you are not in command of your own mind, you may be assured that someone or something else IS.

When the human mind has reached a Critical Mass of disordered and unhinged behavior, because their sails are in tatters and the rudders broken, THE SEA WILL RISE. It is all done with mirrors in emulation of The Sun and Moon and Nature DOES REFLECT the state of human consciousness. It is ALL connected.

Generations of vipers have been launched up the landscape by the Force of Materialism. Comfort and Convenience has created mobs of selfish and demanding personalities, who want whatever they want and they want it now! It is a simple matter to dangle the prize before the animal eyes. Our dark passions have rendered us into Beast Mode. If there is a Visible World, does not Logic and the Law of Polarity insist that there is also an Invisible World? Just as there are levels of existence, so there are planes of experience that are self-contained worlds, in which the general behaviors, are the norms of the populations who have conspired to legitimize them. Every argument in their minds is turned toward justifying and rationalizing whatever they wish to be so.

When balance goes missing, order degenerates into disorder. AND NATURE WILL RESPOND! Because The Awakening has not been able to penetrate the hard surface crust of denial, demonstrations WILL TAKE PLACE to break that crust. It is a sad dichotomy that is tearing at itself within the unawakened mind of the sleepers. Their restless turning and tossing, in the throes of nightmare, have set them lashing out at everything in reach. The interior weather of the human consciousness is being reflected in the exterior weather. EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED.

As the lunacy of insane government polices impact on the well being of their citizens, the time comes when it can no longer remain acceptable and the citizens rise in opposition to the lies, whose intent is to enslave and destroy them. The media ignores these massive uprisings, because the banker oligarchs own both the media and the governments; “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” You can only push CERTAIN PEOPLE so far.

It is not a complicated matter. If one does not see what is glaringly evident, there can ONLY be a few reasons; bone-deep stupidity, cowardice, or culpability. Where THEY ALL err is in thinking that the temporal realm is a law unto itself, where laws can be made and enforced by those who imagine they control the realm. This IS NOT and NEVER WILL BE true, and the whole point of it seeming to be, is in order to provide a playing field for The Purpose of Demonstration. Life is a series of plots and actors, endlessly replacing one another, for The Purpose of Demonstration. Lies exist so that the truth might inform them and so that experience can confirm what is and what is not. All that is in error exists in order to be corrected. Without Evil there could be no Good. They are both necessary for the drama to take place. As the Bard said; (and every word is true)

“All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages. At first, the infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms.
Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier,
Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice,
In fair round belly with good capon lined,
With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modern instances;
And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts
Into the lean and slippered pantaloon,
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side;
His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide
For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice,
Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion,
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.

Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat and it happens again and again, individually and collectively, in generations brought forth for The Purpose of Demonstration, so that this stage and that stage can be erected and torn down and another built and it is all sorted and sordid, and history is made in order that they may repeat it until they learn. Some learn soon and some learn after various lengths of time, and some never learn at all, or so I am told.

Look! It is happening RIGHT NOW before our eyes and WARNING after WARNING is being given and what? What? So it goes, on and on at the banquets of the dying and the dead. Not everyone is condemned to endless failure and ignominy. Some have found the secret road, hiding in plain sight, and have walked that road and returned to tell those who are prepared to hear; for everyone else, it is a matter of suffering, loss, and regret until they are prepared to hear.

Today's Song is;

It wasn't here a moment ago, I just saw it. Where did it go? Here Parler, Parler Parler. Parler will no longer let me put the links to my posts in the Parleys. I am going to have to find somewhere else for people to not see my work.

Pocketnet must be jumping these days. They got those manufactured wave machines that are bringing the surf. Grab your board and paddle out!!!

les visible at pocketnet


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Excellent. Me thinks we're all getting what we signed up to get, though awareness as to why eludes tha majority. We're also getting what we deserve at the same time, though again; most will be clueless on what they did wrong or right.

Ye gods, I'd like to add more; but sometimes discretion is the better part of valour. Let's just say, THANK YOU for your occasional foresight, and for all you do.

Unknown said...

Plus 1000

Visible said...

It's my pleasure to be occasionally foresightful and consistently hindsightful.

Ray B. said...

Vis, a 'warning' column. Thanks!

Vis: "Their hobbles and halters are illusory. They could shake them off if they wanted to but they have become real to them..."

There is the old tale of how to train elephants into submission. Restrict the freedom of movement of a baby elephant with a small stake and chain. The baby will pull and tug until it finally decides to give-up. Even though the baby grows-up, the 'decision' is deep in its subconscious. The same stake now 'imprisons' a full-sized elephant... (Unless the elephant becomes spooked or enraged - or enlightened...)
Vis: "It is a simple matter to dangle the prize before the animal eyes. Our dark passions have rendered us into Beast Mode."

In the great SF novel Dune, a Reverend Mother tests the Duke's son, Paul Atreides, as to whether he is Human or Beast. The test involves whether the person has enough self-possession to master his/her body and desires (in this test, pain). If so, the person is a Human and lives. If not, the person is a Beast and is killed.
Vis: "Life is a series of plots and actors, endlessly replacing one another, for The Purpose of Demonstration. ... Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat and it happens again and again, individually and collectively, in generations brought forth for The Purpose of Demonstration, so that this stage and that stage can be erected and torn down and another built.."

We are probably on different Rays (grin) on this one. While I agree on the PoD aspect, I also believe the stage itself can be discarded. Unlike some, I do not believe this Reality was set up for our benefit. We are currently in Mordor, while Gondor still exists. (And Valinor still beckons.) In other words, I believe fundamental change can happen. The stage can be retired...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Kray Z8 said...

Greetings, Dog Poet!
Wow! No smoke on your mirror! Clear, concise, and powerful; just the way we like 'em. Like LTPTB I could go on at length, but won't (grin). Lately I just try to get my spirit in sync and pray for all to awaken. Mainly just try to stay out of the way while The Eternal does what needs to be done. One point occurred to me recently: the baddies need plenty of useful idiots to do their grunt work for their plans to have any chance of succeeding. Guess what? YOU CAN'T GET GOOD HELP! No one can. Grouchy people like me have been bitching about it for years, but what with the dumbing down of the generations, elimination of the work ethic, dissolution of societal bonds, miniscule attention spans, etc., virtually everyone is incompetent. Even in the rare cases where a person is actually motivated to do a good job, they're not equipped to; they don't know how. The poetic justice of this situation is that they (the baddies) intentionally created it! Now it's going to bite them in the ass right at their moment of maximum need and it couldn't happen to a more deserving recipient. DEMONSTRATION INDEED! Thanks for all you continue to do, Vis. Keep howlin'. Thank You, Great Spirit. Thanks for sharing, Gang!
Faith, Certitude, Determination, NAMASTE

Anonymous said...

Two nights ago I had a vivid dream of a 9.0 earthquake on the west coast.


Visible said...

Happy Birthday, Mandocello!!!

For me it was 10.5 and a tidal wave a quarter of a mile high; vain imaginings, certainly NOT wishful thinking. There are a lot of fine people in Kalifornia. I don't know what these premonitions mean. Time will tell and we shall see.

Visible said...

God Bless you Kray and Ray and the rest. Help is on the way. Just because God and his angels seem to be out of sight does NOT mean they are not present and engaged. Wonders beyond wonder are on the menu and events are to come that beggar all imagination and expectation that preceded them.

robert said...

Dear Visible One,

Warnings are given right up to the last trumpet call.
Connect to the timeless just in time
or be swept out with the abusers of time, their time and the time of others.

"for everyone else, it is a matter of suffering, loss, and regret until they are prepared to hear"

Why do only those who know their own hearts see through the illusion of temporal solidity?
Why do people fall for the stupid notion that the heart is only about evanescent feelings?

The heart's vision is the only penetrating radar!
The mind is limited to what it knows, holding back what the heart knows because it is inconvenient to mental vanity.

We all know something is wrong with what humans create, disconnected

"It is not a complicated matter. If one does not see what is glaringly evident, there can ONLY be a few reasons; bone-deep stupidity, cowardice, or culpability. Where THEY ALL err is in thinking that the temporal realm is a law unto itself, where laws can be made and enforced by those who imagine they control the realm. This IS NOT and NEVER WILL BE true, and the whole point of it seeming to be, is in order to provide a playing field for The Purpose of Demonstration"

Those who would dupe and use others for their own ends aka the selfish, are deceived by the illusion that they have impunity in the temporal realm and will be cast down for all others to see.

This is the demonstration of the demonic fate, once and for all time.

Pay attention to our heart's desire, knowing where it comes from....

Gracias, mis hermanos y mis hermanas

Hereticdrummer said...

Absolutely brilliant, VIS. As the earth is run by a cabal of murderous, violent psychopaths, and this trickles down into every nook and cranny of society, so shall the earth respond violently with catastrophic forces of nature. The earth, as a living entity, can only be pushed so far. Years ago I would say many of the things you just so articulately expressed to an ex lover. She would smile and mockingly, though in a gentle and non malicious way, call me, "The Voice of Doom." If I could only see her now, I wonder what she would say.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is now up=

"I can see the Neon DENOUEMENT Sign, Winking in the Event Horizon of Pending Dramatic Change."

Duntoirab said...

The main thing I look for at RMN is Morgan giving a heads up on new Visible posts.

It's like a hunger. Mostly you put things I have read before into an easily assimilated way that resonates for me.

For that I thank you.

Robert from Scotland

Visible said...

I'm going to be on the feet2thefire radio show tonight with James Jancik at 7:00PM Central Time. the direct link to the show (for people with a youtube account is=

Then- if that doesn't work there is his general youtube page that should automatically show it once we go live=

Then there is his Facebook page with Live Chat=

This should cover all of the bases. Posting this should possibly keep some people from seeing the latest post directly below but no longer, given that I JUST MENTIONED IT (grin).

Okay, I've done my bit.



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

Visit the recommended reading page for many more.


'Materialism' from the Les Visible Album
Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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A classic Visible post:

With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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