Friday, January 31, 2025

"These Low-Life Infernal Creatures from The Land of Excremental Landscaping, Turn Everything They Touch into Shit."

God Poet Transmitting.......

There certainly is a lot going on. Can you imagine the scrambling, back-shooting, ass-covering, circle-jerking, debutante ball that is going on in the backrooms of The World; both actual and virtual? Jeezo-flipping... callipygian-hotcakes batter!!! These interesting times have now turned into very interesting times. Will they ratchet up yet again into very... very interesting times? We'll see.

Okay, my friends. Let us trace the spoor of the incandescent... hissing... deep purple... radioactive slime back to its origins. For a very long time, the pharmaceutical industry... the food industry... and the medical industry have been in bed with each other doing the most unimaginable things. They began to plot a world that was under the absolute control of a very few psychopathic... soulless creatures, which... would be... of course... themselves.

These are big operations that had their own research laboratories, so they got up to... and into, all sorts of things, AND... since they are psychopaths... they had no concern whatsoever for the end results of the discoveries applied to The Human Race. One of the results of the chemical experiments that they engaged in was... the feminization of the masculine principle and the masculinization of the female principle. Another effect... delivered through vaccine compounds... was the destruction of the immune system and the magnetizing of human response systems to things like 5G and other invisible mediums of control.

Eventually, they hooked up with DARPA and fiendish Israeli scientists, like something out of a graphic novel based on the Frankenstein tale. All sorts of organizations were created, like The WEF, which recruited the bright and conscienceless from the university systems, in the same way that the CIA... MI6 and other intelligence services have done this since their inception.

What they know about the hidden side of life is much more structured than what you imagine you might know about them. They know about religions and occult systems, AND... because they are self-involved to the exclusion of any other motivations, they simply reversed the principles of whatever they were... 'allowed' to discover For The Purpose of Demonstration; as we are about to see, if you are only patient (and careful) enough.

I'm leaving out a great deal, but that won't interfere with the general synopsis of how much shit can fit into whatever size bags we are using in our tests and studies.

Basically, Fascism is when the corporations run the governments. These low-life shit-heels from The Land of Excrement and Fecal Landscaping, are the sort of people who turn everything they touch into shit. It's the reverse Midas Touch. They understood that in order to create a successful one-world fascist government, they had to employ Communism as a control system. This is why you see rich people so often promoting Communism.

They had to get all of the industries, regardless of whether they were mind-related or physical-goods operations; meaning information on one hand and food and drink and everything else on the other. They also had to control the bread and circus dynamic so that all profits feed back into a central sorting room; metaphorically, AND... probably literally speaking.

They needed the food corporations talking to the pharmaceutical corporations and the medical industry talking to all the sub-industries that supply them, and... well... they needed all of The World's industries talking to each other, while... at the same time... taking their marching orders from specific holding companies, like Black Rock... State Street, Vanguard, and sundry. All of these answer to an even lower authority that is half poisonous mushroom... half shadow and half absolute darkness.

So... the food industry laces its products with certain chemicals that cause the transgender phenomena we are witnessing. This is ALL engineered. This is why the appearance of Robert Kennedy Jr is such a WTF moment for them. Near the top of the pecking order is Larry Snappin-Turtle Fink. No doubt his in-house counsel is called Bustahymen Lipshits.

The aptly named Fink gives his marching orders to The American Senate (and the rest of the government) and they carry it out for him. Now whether Schwab tells Fink what he wants... or whether it's the other way round, or... whether they both answer to Mammon in whatever fleshy envelope he is presently occupying isn't really important. What is important is that we have a beast with a hundred thousand mouths and a million eyes that squats like Shelob's Mother on the dark side of the Material Plane.

As they have been getting closer and closer to their goal of an absolute... worldwide... surveillance state, they have been getting cockier and cockier. This is all a regular and routine part in the process of their inevitable... ultimate fall... because Pride and Arrogance do indeed go before a fall.

As we have mentioned... these few... these damned few... are Godless creatures who believe in no authority other than the demon who is coiled up in their mind. Perhaps they think this demon is their own self. By this time... who knows? This kind of spiteful... evil shit has been going on for a very long time, and it has ALWAYS failed because there is ONLY ONE supreme authority in this entire universe and that authority sets up these interactions between seeming good and seeming evil for his entertainment. I don't care whether or not you have a hard time rationalizing this... because reason has nothing to do with it. God is absolute and he lets things play out so he can watch the movie.

This Supreme Being is ALWAYS on the side of righteousness. He is ALWAYS on the side of all that is good and orderly so... Good and Orderly ALWAYS win. However... on the way... for those so inclined... or in debt to The Process... really bad things can happen. History is filled with the evidence of protracted Draconian Hells that have been and gone here. The good news is that you don't wind up in any of these situations unless you have some sort of cosmic RSVP.

This can come at you in many different ways. You might be living where it happens and wind up included, BUT you wouldn't be included unless you were supposed to be included. The host body of the drama in play would reject you if you weren't supposed to be there. I have experienced this on several occasions in real life; whatever that is.

It can also come at you through The Killer Vaccine Agenda. Many millions have now been poisoned by these foul agents. Millions are dead because of them. Millions more will die because... for whatever the reason... they trust the science or the science got to them one way or the other. Essentially... if you believe in and follow the tenets of material science, you will get what it has to offer. If you are more circumspect... and you follow your inner guidance system and the ageless knowledge and remedies of Lady Nature, you will get what she has to offer.

I know how it looks. I know you can feel overwhelmed and outnumbered. I don't know if it's that you are a quart low in The Faith Department or you actually think God is really far off... or whatever it is that has you believing in the works of man over the works of God. I do not suffer from this conflict, which does not mean I do not encounter conflicts on my road to liberation. I do, but... just as soon as I release my attachment to solving them myself, and allow The Divine to do it for me, resolved. I get caught often in every day, but my reaction time is faster every day, and such timeless problems as come to us all, are handled more and more expeditiously because... success is speedy for the energetic... or so I am told.

Try not to step on the glueboards of the world. Try not to run afoul of the webs of this world. Watch where you are going AND why you are going. Rely on The Divine and pay attention. That should cover you as you detach from the snatcher-grabber hands of The Hungry Beast who lives within, and who... slowly but surely... is being turned into a devoted house pet and all around majordomo; at your service, sah!!! let The Sun shine in, and... most especially... let The Sun shine out, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

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AL said...

"Try not to step on the glueboards of the world."

As an exterminator for many years I always find that line quite awe inspiring. I never used those damn things, customers would ask for them and I always refused because they're so damn inhumane. If you want them you can use them but not me I don't even have them on my truck. Pestilence control seems what G has a use for in me. How many bugmen would say something nice for the yellowjackets before he took them out. I also let many alone explaining that if they are over 10 feet high in the tree they wont hurt anyone let them be. Many I had no choice but the ones I could were granted clemency.

Anywho good one Brutha!

Anonymous said...

One last thing. The Chinese are very skilled in this type of thing and encouraged to be so. Very enjoyable to watch . Now for the post. I like to think I have Faith in God. Many things have happened in my life that are inexplicable and I have a deep knowing they came from God . Why then do I think things here are not going to change. It’s all so deep and insidious and has been going on for so long it makes me entertain the thought that perhaps Gods lets this happen in a never ending cycle and when the body dies, the good can move on from this experience and go elsewhere . I don't know ; however the demons are being flushed out in the open for anyone with eyes to see and its amazing how many are still blind but whatever. I keep reading your posts because you give reassurance that will to come to a crashing end. I have written these words here many times before. It’s tiring this ordeal and yet as I am in a good and safe place surrounded by good and caring ,and for the most part (grin) sane folks .I could not ask for more in these EXtremely weird times.

Visible said...

Jesse; it is The Mind that causes all of these disconnects. It needs to be stilled and that takes a protracted and relentless effort. Eventually one is in command of it.

Visible said...

Now this has suddenly come to my attention

What the Hell is going on?

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

All I can say is. . .NOSTRILS TO THE SKY!

M - said...

Stumbled upon this excellent essay.

Imbolc Sona everyone!

Joe said...

I am a devotee to your daily musings and I realize that you are more a poet than a pundit when it comes to our plight.

However, I must humbly ask you to define what you mean by "fascist". I am almost as old as you and I have spent most of my adult life with a "fascistination" of the National Socialists, their movement, their ideology and their accomplishments. At first, I sucked up all of the (((victor's))) propaganda about their nefarious deeds with the holohoax and other atrocities. But, after learning the who, what, where and whens of the history, I was always left empty with the "whys".
In my opinion, Adolf Hitler was the Trump of his day... a man who had seen - first-hand - the decadence and treachery foisted upon his nation by the jews who not only stabbed Germany in the back, but then went on to rot out their culture during the Weimar Republic. Their usury and influence on the Versaille Treaty led to the hyper-inflation of their currency which destroyed the entire middle class of that proud nation.

So, why to you use the word "fascist" in a derogatory way when these brave men were actually acting to defend and REINSTATE God's Natural Laws to their vanquished country?

I would love to read a dissertation of your wise mind on this century-old period of history. As you well know... we are repeating it again in our own way today.

Your sage opinion is always a refreshing elixir.

God bless.

Visible said...

Here's what I said. it was a complete sentence; Fascism is when the corporations run the governments. However, I have no use for any political system. I live according to none of them. Your concern seems to be with Germany and how it was treated, especially when so much was done correctly according to the age-old menace. There have been MANY other examples this form of government.

word bird said...

Ivermectin may be the no-longer-so-secret cure for cancer, and for a long list of other diseases.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now=

"There is No Closing The Barn Door at this Point. There is Nothing Left but Bales of Hay and The Occasional Tangled Lovers."

Anonymous said...

pierre said... next level rope dancing..... they don't look like twins... detatchable quantumatically coherent siamese variety. made my day, I got roped into it.



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