God Poet Transmitting.......
Desperation fuels madness. In the same way that one... driven by hunger... will venture forth... even into great danger... in pursuit of whatever it takes to... temporarily satiate that hunger; the more desperate an individual or members of a group become, the crazier their behavior is to sway Destiny back on to their side of the action. I don't know how real the attempts on Trump's life were, but I do know that in every other area... whether it was lawfare or malicious slander... the Deep State was more and more driven... and their actions more desperate... every time Trump bobbed back to the surface again... because his basic composition insists that he float... no matter where the currents run.
I know that was a colossally messed up couple of sentences... that turned into a paragraph... that you just had to wade through above. I could have shown a greater degree of finesse. I know I could have been more deliberate... attentive... focused... or whatever it was that I wasn't doing. Even now... I could go back and erase it; all of it, and you would never know that I had derailed my syntax, BUT...
... as Chet Atkins once said to Les Paul, after they had finished the album they were working on, or... maybe it was the other way around; “Hey, Les, there's a few mistakes in there and we ought to go back and fix 'em.” At this... either Chet or Les said; “leave 'em in there. Let them know we're human.”
So... in my defense, I am doing the same thing with that paragraph. You already know I'm crazy. You might as well know I am human... sort of.
Then there's the reason I opened the post that way, to begin with. Heh heh, that's some kind of a double entendre, isn't it? I'm on fire today! Oops! Too soon? So... whenever something unfortunate happens, I am always temporarily perplexed by the question of who was responsible. Did someone go off the reservation under a cloud of self-will run riot or... was it an act of God?
If you think about it, you can look at just about everything as being representative of one or the other. Did it come about by Divine or human agency? Perhaps it would help to have a better grasp of the principles in action on this material plane. If you do something. It sets something else in motion; NO... MATTER... WHAT. This is a rules-based location we are in. They ALL are. The secret to getting along here... with the least amount of static... is to know the rules of the road and to work with them, not against them. A lot of them are common sense. Some are of a more esoteric order.
We know someone started those fires in LA. We know that whoever arranged for the initial effort... knew very well that it would alert every pyromaniac in the state. They're pretty stupid in Kalifornia for a whole lot of reasons, BUT... there being no water for the hydrants to access... was not due to stupidity. That was intentional.
We know that they have been meddling with the weather. We have ample evidence of that in recent times. We know that the compelling reason behind messing with the weather is to promote the scam of Climate Change. We know that the scam of Climate Change is as much about CONTROL as it is about making more money.
See... the rich have got more money and more control already than they ever had before, so... why? Why would they be all jacked up about it now? These people... for all their obvious ignorance of basic truths... are not unaware of Trends and Patterns. They pay professional soothsayers to tell them what's up, the same way that emperors and kings did in earlier times. Those courts were filled with astrologers and diviners back in the day... because the crown always rests on an uneasy mind, or... something like that.
These billionaires and web weavers KNOW that big changes are coming. They have a certain grasp of history or they employ people who do. They know what happened to other ruthless types in earlier times... again and again. They know more about what's coming up than most people do. Their problem is their priorities are skewed and they recognize no authority greater than their own. They are compelled to repeat the mistakes of their predecessors because they are just like their predecessors, so... they are subject to The Purpose of Demonstration. Is that God's will?
What is God's will? Eastern tradition says that God (the macroprosopus) is motionless and still; following the big act of creation. They say all the action is determined by The Whirling Mother. You could say there is a line of communication between the two because they are the same thing in two different aspects. So... who started the fires? ♫ we didn't start the fire ♫
Part of the key to understanding, and... keep in mind that the really important details CANNOT be communicated in the human tongue... is that God... is The God of The Good and The Evil. The main Christian prayer says... at one point... “lead us not into temptation.” Hindu Gods are shown with nets and axes that cut the nets. The implication is that the same agency that traps you is the one that also sets you free.
So... you could say that everything happening down here is due to human agency, WHICH is also subject to certain immutable laws that control circumstances and outcomes. That is one way of looking at it. So... we do things and the things we do encounter currents of force that carry us to inevitable outcomes. Those playing it safe know how to mimic The Creator by being very still. The less you do, the fewer consequences you have to deal with.
Those winds didn't suddenly come up out of nowhere, BUT... they do come around at regular... predictable... intervals, AND... it is possible to give them a nudge; to accelerate the speed and the force of the wind. The same thing can be done with a hurricane that is already on the way. That hurricane can be accelerated and it can also be directed. Even I understand how that can be done and that's not my area of expertise. Certain obvious principles are at work in the process. Think about it.
We already know that there is nothing The Bad Guys won't do to maintain their Overlord status. We know that they know that certain changes are coming and the best they can do is to try to get ahead of the changes. They have been dumbing down humanity... big time... for a while now for that very reason. They have been taking control of governments around The World... in order to set and influence policy. You can see that the compromising atmosphere is much greater in Europe and The Crown Colonies because they don't have The Constitution that we have, and their access to guns is much more limited. There are obvious conditions present that anyone paying attention can spot, BUT...
... you have to possess an objective capacity, so... that is the point of all the distractions and the ongoing Hegelian dialectic; thesis, antithesis, and synthesis... problem... reaction... solution. Very simply... on the one hand... that is where the fires came from. On the other hand, a certain demographic is getting a wake-up. Sodom and Gomorrah was not an accident. We may not know The Details and now it's all analogy and allegory, but... the principle remains that eventually, decadence triggers one of those rules... one of those laws. In other words... whatever you do down here triggers a response in the balancing mechanism that is always in a state of adjusting circumstances.
If you run around having a bunch of unprotected sex you are going to catch STDs. You are going to catch them anyway cause Nature finds a way. Surely Jurassic Park taught you that. (grin) If you go around getting in people's faces you are going to wind up in a Steve Inman video on X. If you plot and scheme, you are going to wind up in them. Always be mindful when you are sneaking up on something or someone that... something or someone is sneaking up on you.
Consider free will. Very few people understand what free will is. I am one of those few. (grin) Your free will consists of the ability to go contrary to the laws of God OR... to move in harmony with the laws of God. You can substitute the word Law for Will if it pleases you.
Everywhere in The World at any time... you can see people in the various stages of one or the other, and if you have some amount of keen and penetrating insight, you can see where each of them is headed and you can even see what the speed and intensity of their approach is to whatever... inevitably AND specifically... awaits.
I am fortunate because I love God. That makes my course easier, BUT... even if you don't love God... there is incredible profit to be gained... in following God's rules and laws. In the process, you will come to love God anyway. That is inevitable. Beauty and symmetry evoke admiration, and admiration is Love in the becoming stages.
So... who started the fires is not really the point. The point is that everything is involved in The Purpose of Demonstration, and Justice will be done AND... IS being done. Often... especially in times of apocalypse... when God makes crazy the ones he seeks to destroy... he drives them toward ever more impulsive acts of outrage... as we presently see in GAZA, and... it is only a matter of time. The desperation is getting stronger and stronger... much like the winds driving the fires, and desperation is a prescription for fatal mistakes. Be watchful, and...
... one last thing.
FCK Israel and everyone who supports them pic.twitter.com/5Kkb9Ugef2
— Pelham (@Resist_05) December 30, 2024
End Transmission.......
Today's Song is;
The Feet to The Fire (different fire) broadcast
is still available at this location.
(at one point there is an interruption and you have to just fast forward a tad. Inexplicably we were being messed with again and it ended the same way)
Links appear at GAB=
X is hosting us for the moment at= https://x.com/visible_les
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=
— Les Visible (@visible_les) January 10, 2025
"Always Be Mindful that When Sneaking Up on Anything, that Someone or Something is Also Sneaking Up on You." https://t.co/inMO3zA2hs pic.twitter.com/mx7SvGJajl
Substack is here=
What was so garbled about that paragraph? It seems to make perfect damn sense.
Well, it didn't look that way to me initially, but... you are right (grin). It did actually make sense.
Frequently I will type a comment then delete it. Its getting to where I find myself repeating and theres not much point in that.
You heard of C40 cities? Evidently LA was one of them. Lahaina and Paradise are/were not. C40, brought to you by Bloomberg.
Just one of Nfinite NGO's to keep the clowns seated in authority positions serving multiple masters so that None of them do the actual duties of the position they occupy... and they think thats just Fine!
I tellya, if people would just shoot a few of the "authorities" who oversee these shit shows, the authorities might take their Duties more seriously... cuz their Death is on the line. Or maybe they were dead before they got seated so nothing will stir an itch.
Getting past the point of giving a shit either way. Perhaps for some of us thats the point.
"These billionaires and web weavers KNOW that big changes are coming." .... cuz they are CAUSING THEM using various fronts aka NGOs, foundations and philanthropies. :P
The shootings are on the way, and those are not the big changes I am talking about. There is a God regardless of who does or does not believe it to be true. This must be factored in to everything because it is the unseen from whence comes the seen. That's physics. They have already proven that everything is thought born. One needs only to expand on the implications of that.
I also had no problem with 1st paragraph.
Damn right, those fires were intentional, and the insurance companies who dropped calipornia home owners had a heads up. I suspect DEWs are involved, and add a little class warfare, a few worthless, delusional religious nutters who think their way is the only way and everyone else should be dead, and you have the biggest BBQ party the u.s. has ever seen. Is HAARP involved? I dunno.
Guns. Huh! Physics majors and various hobbyists can come up with more discreet weaponry that can leave guns in the dust. Problem is, they're often 'outgunned'. Numbers matter. Well, there are other ways to fight back without using any kind of recognised weapon, but me thinks I'll shut up on dat.
Sodom & Gomorrah. What really happened, and what was the real reason? Well, this Gnostic metaphysical researcher has his theories:
The REAL Reason God Destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (BANNED From the Bible)
Is it real? Hell if I know, but it's a possibility. Morgue turns everything you were taught, downside up and outside in. Overstand?
About Trump. time will tell and we shall see However no matter what he does ,it cannot be denied that he was (is) an agent for change and awakening . God works in mysterious ways that I certainly don’t understand . Trump was selected for a job and not just by the voters. Musk as well. As far as I am given to any kind of rational thought , these two have done a great service to US . If they screw up going forward I will still be grateful for their appearance on the scene. My guess is there will a mixture of good and bad deeds on their part but as you say, Hey, they are human.
Anonymous; I know good things are coming! I know there will be a horric counterpart to that. However, I wish Trump and Musk and the crew the very best. I have supported Trump all along. I just have a problem with one item and you know what that is, but I SUSPECT he is going to turn some tables. It is just a feeling. He recently said something about Satanyahu that gave me a greater hope. I'm with you on that. I KNOW good things are coming but The World needs some shaking up to embrace them.
Blue car, blue trashcans (in other photos on X) left unscathed. We know what that means!
Added due to my DEW suspicion. From Rumor Mill News. 13:11:29 (1/10/25)
Note trees still standing. Definitely NOT natural.
LTPTB; That death metal Viking metrosexual is insane. I'm not even a little bit confused in my saying that.
Thanks for the great post, Visible, and the intelligent comments, readers.
Something is definitely afoot; liar, liar pants are literally on fire; 2by4's abound
and the truth will out. God's Will Be Done.
It wasn't the 1st time I heard that theory, so. . .
No clue on if 'Morgue's' a Viking, though my brain got cross wired for a few seconds, being in touch with a couple of Vikings, one of which used to play for a defunct death metal band and I suppose he might have been referred to being 'metro' in the past when he was a teen to early 20s, though I kind of doubt he had a fop personality and you can imagine how hard I laughed along with a 'SAY, WHAAAAAAAAT'? NO WAY IS THAT BEOWULF CLONE INSTRUMENTALIST METRO!
From some of the comments on other videos of his, you are not the only one who thinks so, but I will be checking other vids out if they have the right title. His latest was a complete waste of time, so I will be selective.
I'm still laughing over your response and my brain short.
Somebody's been gaming the water in a big way in CA (from the every.single.time file) - https://x.com/MorePerfectUS/status/1877053423075377518?mx=2
Excellent as always, Vis. Thanks.
and there are other factors as well;
"They pay professional soothsayers to tell them what's up, the same way that emperors and kings did in earlier times. Those courts were filled with astrologers and diviners back in the day... because the crown always rests on an uneasy mind"
"Does thou say that there were Indras, other Visvakarmans before ourselves, other palaces before mine?"
"Indeed yes, " The youth answered. "I have seen them"
"Moreover, I have seen the world arise and vanish, arise and vanish again, like a tortoise's shell coming out of an infinite ocean and sinking back. I was present at the dawn and twilight of the Cycles, past counting in their numbers, nor could I count all the Indras and Visvakarmans, even the Vishnus and Brahmas, following one another without end."
Brahmavaivarta Purana
Krishnajanma Khanda
I am back to creating tomorrow. You know where to find me.
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