Friday, June 21, 2019

Kalifor to NY- from Sodom to Gomorrah; Twisting on the Dance Floor with the Fallen Angels.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Every day... the world presents itself before my eyes. I have options at each moment. Do I look at whatever it is with perspectives and opinions that have developed from previous encounters? Do I allow the subjective to have an influential voice in what 'I make of it'? Do I scuttle my former takes on whatever it is, assuming I have seen it or its like before; thus giving myself a fresh objective posture...? Yes! Let's do that as often as there is a potential for my previously being in error. Sigh, yeah... 99% of the time it's what I thought it was.

Sometimes you don't know if what you see or hear is really true because it seems too unbelievable to be believable. Then, since 'they' say it is true, they take the poor creature and release it into the wild with a drug habit. The possible (likely) suffering wasn't even considered? There were no details about this creature being used as a weapon. Details were very much lacking here. Hmmm. Then there is the sort of thing that happens every day in another way and though you wouldn't want to go through it yourself, there'sno way it isn't going to make you laugh. How does something like this happen in a location like the location it happened in? I don't mean Bakersfield, where... like Fresno, it doesn't come off that surprising. I'm talking about Costco and the other recent events at other outlets.

The irony and percolating hypocrisy of certain places is startling. Meanwhile they are cutting edge on issues that are apparently more important than doing something about the sidewalk fecal slicks. I don't know how Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the cartoon politicians can keep a straight face with the pending collapse of the world they were elected to manage and care for. Kalifornia is in serious trouble and there is no way that ship rights itself because of the shrill clamoring of the competitive insane wanting their piece of the bridgework before it sinks beneath the waves. More and more I think about the epic statement Nature is, no doubt, contemplating about that state.

Kalifornia, like PRIDE, is headed for a fall.

Strange things are happening and I cannot understand why they are happening.

Big... BIG changes are coming and let's just pause here for a moment and let me ask you if you have ever run across this young lady? I cannot remember ever being stunned as dramatically as I was yesterday when I discovered her. She has also managed to run afoul of a certain Tribe Attack Dog. Watching and listening to this young lady left me with head spinning like the pea soup girl in The Exorcist. Let me say, unequivocally, I do not remember being this impressed with anything human in a very long time.

My moments of rocking surprise are experienced these days in my encounters with luminous beings, masters, Devic Realm entities, Lady Nature and the like. Some of them would probably come under the designation of human, at least in terms of appearance but, in my judgment, they are another order of life form, once you journey past the surface. Be sure and read the whole treatise that continues past Soph in her Burka outfit, so you can get the whole atmosphere of Mr. Sleaze and some of the things he's been saying. They are so confident in their psychopathy that they carry zero concern of being interrupted in their performance of it.

Materialism is the conscious enemy of Christianity and any bonafide spiritual system; I'm not referring to the perversity of the priest class but the invisible everlasting truth any of them are built on. The two are in natural opposition to one another. Just as Atheism is the predictable religion of Materialism and Satanism is the obvious working philosophy of Materialism.

What happens when a significant number of people focus their desire (which is a living and creative thing) upon pedestrian items and interests, is that they cause a persona to precipitate into being. It crystallizes into form and though it is not real in any enduring sense, it is real enough to those who are transfixed in the thrall of it, by the power they have collectively endowed it with. This materialized and conscious force is Mammon. This force has associates.

With the specter of war against Iran causing a demonic frenzy, dancing in the heads of Sheldon Adelson and his psycho-droid John Bolton, a dark urgency is pressing its way through the greater unconscious and also veiling many another strange and inexplicable phenomena, such as what we see here. What can that possibly mean. Why would this group of people be driven ACROSS the border and released on US soil?

How is it possible that the educational and library systems of the entire country have been hijacked by sexual profligates? How does something like this take place in broad daylight, while it runs counter to the long standing traditions of the organization doing it? Out of concern for your patience and because of space constraints in this format, I have not included dozen and dozens of articles on similar events. The world as we thought we knew it is in a state bordering on total upheaval.

We KNOW that the greater portion of humanity is not in agreement with what is taking place, yet the mass media reports it otherwise, under the commanding fiat of THOSE WHO OWN IT. The picture being painted by the people reporting on it is in direct contradiction to both the report of the senses, as well as the intuitive capacities of the human heart. The former is subject to deception, The latter... less so.

A police officer was shot in Sacramento a couple of nights ago, while doing her duty and a crowd gathered to harass and threaten them. It's boiling over in the streets. It just takes a push here and a shove there and it's Conflagration City.

Gay and... all directions South are the sexual expression of Materialism. I saw it in the malls as they came up on the horizon. I watched the feminine principle with the Aquarian torch, loosing the higher powers of her nature upon the human mind and instead of Intuition and Understanding, instead of The Sophia, sitting upon the throne of consciousness. The force ran down into the second center and sexually feminized the male principle. A loss of balance precipitated dysfunction in both the male and female principles and we have what we have today; a war zone. The sexual dynamic for the dark magic of Satanism is the reversal of the Kundalini. You've heard of parallels such as 'reciting the Lord's Prayer backwards', the inverted cross and the inverted pentagram. This is all symbolic of the antithesis of the force of light. Materialism is the dance floor of the fallen angels.

What I have just said will launch a fury of outrage in those swept along the path of their weakness, a tributary on the way to the highway of perdition and captivated in the thrall of the entertainments and appetites of the physical plane, they will not listen and cannot see. It is no accident that EVERY major system of human enterprise is subjugated before the Infernal Realm. The churches, the political theater, commerce and industry, are all kneeling before The Shadow. Have no fear my friends. It is only through fear and your own mind divided against you that 'they' have ANY power at all. It is only an impression, only an appearance. There has NEVER been a time that the Lord of Hosts has not been in complete control of EVERYTHING. God is not mocked.

There will of course be the revealing and uncovering that awaits. There will be the summing up. All the stress and trial, all the apprehension and uncertainty of these times is only to try your spirit, to temper you and fire the steel of your integrity and bring forth the truth of your true nature. When you KNOW that the hand of God is in all things, you will have no fear.

How clear now is all the scripture. “greater is that which is in you than that which is in the world”. “If God is for me, who can be against me?” “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” “The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.” “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.”

The appearance of these times is the evidence of all the prophecies. Look around you and everywhere people are departed from the guiding light of the love which holds them in place. Not a person, or other living thing can move, or breathe, can think or see or feel, where the power to do so has not been granted by the indwelling everlasting. It is within the all encompassing ineffable that we live and move and have our being. Faith is truly the substance of things unseen and we are defined and rendered self realized if we have placed our faith in The One. Otherwise, I would rather not imagine what the result might be.

We are on the verge of all manner of world shaking transformation. This should be clear enough to anyone who is not wandering in darkness. I sense all manner of things but hesitate to comment further on what I do not know. Time will tell and we shall see.

End Transmission.......

"If only we did listen to God in the morning we wouldn't have so much trouble later in the day."

♫ Listening to God in the Morning ♫


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Calipornia, puhlease! Soph is absolutely BRILLIANT! I came across her a while ago from one of my alternative news sites, but she ended up on the back burner due to other news priorities. Must promoter her on my blog. Thanx fer da link.

Time of the era is in the process of going bye-bye, but it ain't gonna be easy; as we can see. Also, the gods BETTER take me out with it. Me thinks that's what my agreement was. After all, after this part of the Universe is glued back together, what use are the Epoxy holders?

Nostrils up!

Manticmeister said...

Greetings Visible! The reason that the possibly Ebola-infected Africans are being driven into the country is because our currency is failing. The elites need martial law in place before that happens, but the only form of martial law that the public is likely to accept is a medical martial law, supposedly to "save" us from a deadly pandemic.
Love to all,

Anonymous said...

I have posted many times and it does not seem to go through.
Let me just express my sincere gratitude for your writings
I hope this one get through

Voltman said...

Ahh...Philo Sophia...Older than her age, philosophical and comical Sophia.

The first time I saw Soph, roughly 6 months ago, I thought some adult had simply put words in her mouth as a gimmick to draw attention to the content.

One wonders how long the pauses might have been between the spliced takes of her fast tempo narration...

If it's all coming from a 14 year-old, she is remarkably knowledgeable and streetwise to say the least.

She is way more intelligent, articulate, moral, courageous, inspired and mature than the supremely ignorant and disingenuous brats who are going around censoring, demonetizing, discrediting, and otherwise distorting the truth and impeding the free flow of information under false pretenses, all over The People's Republic of The Internet.


Meanwhile, back in Kooky Kabuki land:

"Donald Grump has said a war with Iran would cause “obliteration like you’ve never seen before”..."

Here comes The Big Bad wolf & The 3 BIG Pigs!

They're squealing:

We're gonna HUFF!!
We're gonna PUFF!!!
We're gonna blow....
Your house down!!!

We're gonna HUFF!!
We're gonna PUFF!!!
We're gonna blow....
Your houses up!!!

With Time Slipping Away
I Can’t Say What I’ll Do
But let me Tell You Who’s Who
You Know Why?

Cos I’m The Big Bad Wolf (What You Say)
I’m The Big Bad Wolf (What You Say)
I’m The Big Bad Wolf
And I’m Blowing Down Your Neighborhood

The Big Bad Wolf – The Heavy – The Glorious Dead


President Huff & Puff Drumpf
"Large-Mouth" Pike Pompedo
Johnny “The Walrus” Boltoff
Mike Dense

In the end, the Big Bad Wolf gets eaten by the little pig in the brick house… {{{smiles}}}

"The BIG Bad Wolf said a war with Iran would cause “obliteration like you’ve never seen before”..."

Would that obliteration then be worse than the Dresden Hellfire storm and the large scale fire bombing of other large German and Japanese cities?

Would that obliteration be worse than Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Would that obliteration be worse than the death of nearly all life in the North Pacific?

Would that obliteration be worse than the Terror Fires of Santa Rosa and Paradise California?

Should we all be shocked & awed in DEW course?!

Voltman said...

Here's my birthday present for President Bullshit:

“obliteration like you’ve never seen before”.

I GOT A BOMB – Deek Jackson
If you liked that nice song, check this other interesting video from Deek Jackson:
WW3 IZ DA BOMB – Deek Jackson

“Someone please start WW3. The fuckin’ tension’s killin’ me.”– Deek Jackson

Anonymous said...

Hello Visible.....
Coming to a neighborhood near you...
Many respects. Terrance

Anonymous said...

Soph's commentaries remind me of George Carlin. Similar vibe though perhaps even more acerbic. Thanks for the link Vis. It's quite a revelation.


Ray B. said...

Vis, a good mix of Smoking Mirrors and Visible Origami. Appreciated.

Vis: "My moments of rocking surprise are experienced these days in my encounters with luminous beings, masters, Devic Realm entities, Lady Nature and the like. ... We are on the verge of all manner of world shaking transformation."

My 'inner life' is very strange, and supports your experiences. (And even stranger, if you have to incorporate "I Don't Know.") As some of my terminology is 'unusual' as used below, it might be useful to review here, here, here, and here. (Sorry.)

An interesting, very long Cleaning occurred over the last few days. Sometimes, the personalized higher-consciousness 'slug' coming-down from way-high (beyond Higher Self) stops at the level of the entity being Cleaned. Other times, the 'slug' continues transforming all the way down to root-consciousness (lower than rocks). This seems to be to 'set-right' all the lower beings influenced by the entity being Cleaned.

Higher Self and I can often 'track' this setting-right all the way down. Sometimes, there is a sense of 'denseness' or of 'static' as you get down toward ordinary-human levels. And, this 'slug' often hovers at those levels, beaming love/light/energy to 'lower' beings affected by the original entity. (And, the numbers affected at that level have ranged from two beings to a few thousands.)

Well, this entity's Cleaning had the personalized 'slug' also descend down to root-consciousness. But in the ordinary-human levels, it was terrible. Almost painful. The 'slug' gazed-around (whatever that means) Earth and the word "Enslaved!" (probably downshifted) was repeated many times. Before, HS and I had never heard 'words' down-there from it.

The 'slug' retreated back upwards, to above whoever/whatever was causing the Enslaving. It was non-human and around Stone Circle Entity consciousness-level (42-level, for those interested.) The 'slug' started a very-stern speech to those entities, and they capitulated very shortly. (And they were not Cleaned, just backed-off.) Those entities then spoke to some non-human, lesser-level 'subordinates' (about 33-level), and those in turn spoke down to an 'administrative' level (around 20-level). This was all fairly quick. But, the un-enslaving turn-around was apparently going to be like turning an ocean liner. It went on-and-on, and the 'slug' was only satisfied after a few days.

Where the above gets interesting to us is that there were around 300 of the highest-enslavers, about 7,000 of the subordinate-enslavers, and around 90,000 of the admistrative-enslavers. If this was real, we could see some interesting 'changes' down here...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Jenny said...

Very nice work vis! I have not left a comment in A while ....but I am still listening to you and lady nature. Be well friend!

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now-

Evil ALWAYS Destroys Itself. It is a Main and Integral Facet of its Intrinsic Nature.

LPTB; I tried to respond to your comment the other day but Google is making me check for things in pictures as many as a dozen times over and over now. You have a blog???????? Why is it not linked at these sites???????????????

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

I have a very obnoxious blog, and when I click my ID, I get to my blog. I don't know why it doesn't work for you. It is a political blog, and I do stuff like post the problem, and tell people to i.e., please use 5G as much as possible so you die faster and get one more car off the road on occasion; as well as continuing to stress that the only thing small children are good for is burrito filling, the stew pot, what ever. . . I also periodically tell people to go to for some 'colourful' pictures, so you really wanna go there? Well, occasionally I post really cool pics of various gardens, vids from skateboarders from Hell, Purty critters, Johnson (Howard), Kincaide (Thomas), or Whelan (Michael) pics. . ., so I'm not all dark and gloomy, but I do have a misanthropic image to maintain, so. . . I also don't wanna get demoted from my hard earned title of Arsehole to the 33ed degree.

Hence I do my best to awaken my readers in the worst possible way.




Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

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'Materialism' from the Les Visible Album
Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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