Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Grand Poobah of the Mikado from Down Under from the New McSatan Burger Church of the Unrighteously Possessed.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Back at the turn of the century, Americas worst president and his henchmen, attacked America with the complicity of Israel, if not under direct orders from that country. These days, Donald Trump is under more fire, every day, than Bush ever was and is a thousand times less deserving. The assaults are a pincer movement from Tribe journalists and you can (and I do) see this everywhere. You might counter that most journalists are of that persuasion since, unless you are a proven gentile catamite, you'll get no place in the news feed. It's still glaringly evident.

At the same time, he is supposed to be a big buddy of these people; marriages and other connections are evident. It is clear now that 'they' have something on him. He definitely knows that whomever owns the media, the entertainment and music businesses and sundry septic tank reservoirs of the same shit, different day, aficionados, are collectively seeking his destruction. Whatever they have is greater than his courage to confront and expose them. Otherwise he would be coming forth with chapter and verse about their multitudes of crimes against humanity and he SURELY has access to it all. Now he has backed down about his wall. He has shot himself in both feet and his once strong conservative support is surely gone.

Maybe he's got some tricks up his sleeve, still. We'll see. The present appearance and stage managed direction, indicates that horrific winds of change are being massed for truly unfortunate outcomes. A serial, trouble-making opportunist has hooked up with Soros driven forces to perform (badly) in the area of fabricated charges, against people seeking to stand up against things such as, abortion now being legal right up to the due date of the child. Would they know if the mother's life was under threat much earlier? Of course they would and that's not the point. Meanwhile, New York's governor is lighting up the city skyline with 'pink' lights in celebration (yippie ki yay!)

The trouble making opportunist wants to take his Dog and Pony show on the road. He showed up at an event looking for trouble. Someone hired the Black Hebrews (with cool name recognition) to show up too. Of course the opportunist was in 'nam', no doubt a lerps hero.

It's getting crazier and crazier, as Mr. Apocalypse beats the bush and the roaches scurry in all directions. Into this melange comes the rise and crisp, clean, laundering of The Satanic Church. Look at the right eye of this fellow, Greaves; he's the Grand Poobah of the Mikado from Down Under for the new McSatan Burger Church of the Unrighteously Possessed. Notice how positively the Satanists are described and defined in this article in a MAINSTREAM British newspaper in the link above!


It's (life) getting lit up all over the place. It's all a matter of lighting folks, even the 3:00 AM, Sweat Hogs at the Dew Drop Inn, bar annex closing time, are transformed into beautiful gray cats when the light is right... and they are all variegated; disproving that they are 'all gray' at night. It's in the stark light of the morning sun that you realize your mistake and go running out of your own apartment, hoping that even if it is ransacked when you get back, your magic pumpkin lover will be gone. How's that for serendipity?

The madness is a pandemic and clearly a monstrous act of psychopathy.

I'm an incurable optimist. I am also sane, especially these days. When I see hyphenated last name, social justice warriors, marching to the Last Judgment and bearing a striking resemblance to Madame Dufarge I realize as soon as the knitting needles come out, I had better move to Idaho and become a gun nut, or move lock, stock, ...and still intact, to northern India (not making the mistake I made the first time), most likely, Varanasi ...and immerse myself in what has already completely taken over my life (thank god!) and which would be under threat from nothing else but that for perpetuity. The same would not be the case here.

Oh... I'm safe enough. The one I serve could dissolve the entire manifest world with a simple hand gesture but... living in fear drenched lands, surrounded by endless miles of real and metaphorical chain link fences, with razor wire glistening in the sunlight above it, is not my idea of a good time. Despite the really annoying voice of the narrator (I can't pinpoint what it is ...but it is annoying), this is a good indication of what is going on, though it says little about what awaits following the coming attractions features, of advanced progressions, in the Event Horizon. I'm not looking forward to hosting bake sales at Our Lady of Perpetual Misery Cathedral to raise money for the controlled opposition.

I am glad there are kids like those students from Covington around and it takes the sting out of hearing that fake Parkland shooting victim, David Hogg is going to Harvard to study politics. While the shooting was going on, he was hiding in a prearranged spot, filming things by sticking his cellphone over a desk, I guess ...and 'interviewing', others hiding with him. That sound suspicious of something?

The real problem is that people are dumb enough to be dumbed down, or so frightened for their own survival that they will put up with every lie and indignity, just as long as they can pass through airport security and get groped and fondled by people perverted enough to want the job. I refuse to fly until something changes.

Yes... there is a tidal wave of lies, roaring across the face of the Earth and threatening a Noah-redux. The control being exerted, by the usual suspects, through proxy and figureheads is frightening. Imagine a raging fury of schmoos, trampling everything before them, as they hop relentlessly forward, in a three legged race, with their Lemming opponents to see who can get to the cliff edge first. The smart money says they get there at the same time, given the nature of the race but... it's unlikely smart money is going to be involved.

I am praying and meditating more. I am waiting with an empty mind and an open heart. I am riveted with conviction in my certitude that my long awaited guest will arrive, or rather, I should say, come more completely into the picture. I am reading “The Light of the Soul”, the Alice Bailey channeled, Tibetan translated work by Patanjali. No one is certain when he was here, except that it has probably B.C. He wrote one of the most profound works on self control and expedient passage to ever finer realms of being. I've read it several times but it seems as if this must be the first time, because now I am understanding it. The introduction and preface alone is worth the time and trouble, not to mention the wonderful contents. I'm not concerned about the world anymore. What will be will be and... everything is under control. I weep for those who are so blinded and... there are many. It calls for 'unbearable compassion'. One looks at the situation, helpless to effect a righteous and lasting change, knowing there is naught one can do.

Without divine intervention, the outcome is sure and certain. Materialism is Insanity, as it is also Satanism. It is a kind of three in one, infernal trinity. I have finally recognized that whatever is on the menu is what is coming to the table. No doubt there are 'healthy choices' and otherwise. It could be that everything on the menu is suspect. That area is not a concern of mine; what's on the menu. My concern, if it is a concern, is the fiery, hieroglyphic alphabet, written into every form and whose vibration holds everything manifest in place and is responsible for the difference between anything there is. My concern is to make contact with the mind behind the letters and aught else. That contact has been made, actually to paraphrase Milton, “they also serve who only stand and wait”. This is from a sonnet dealing with his blindness; “When I Consider how my Light is Spent.”

There's blindness and there's blindness. Having made the necessary contact, it seems to me, that to stand, or sit, and wait, is the wisest course. I don't know where I am supposed to go or when. I do know that someone does and I do know they intend to take me there. I am occasionally reminded of that research team that fell to their death from a mountain path on Maui, decades ago, during a heavy fog. If you can't see where you are going, you shouldn't move until you can.

In this world there are far too many guides who don't know where they are going. There are far too many experts that don't know what they are talking about. The ratio of deceivers to the deceived is an interesting equation. All over the world today there are people lying for the sheer pleasure of it. There are people being paid to do it and people profiting from lies and generally, it's okay to lie if you are selling something or running for political office. If you are a priestly representative of an established faith, you pretty much have to lie, given that you don't know what you are talking about. In some religions, it is a matter of established doctrine that one must lie to those who are not members of that religion. Given that these perspectives are a matter of confirmed truth, one should keep them in mind when they find the world they live in controlled by those holding these perspectives.

It is a ghastly spectacle, this external world at this particular moment ...and without a trustworthy anchor and safe harbor, what are one's chances here? I have wondered more than once, given what little I know about visible and invisible life and visible and invisible hierarchies; how is it that some people are able to justify their behaviors to themselves? It mystifies me and it certainly convinces me- as if I needed any more convincing- that one should never lie to themselves.

Perhaps it is I that is wrong and not those who are 'Hellbent' on victimizing anyone and everyone who comes within their reach. Is a spider evil? Certainly this is true from the POV of a fly but is the fly even capable of thought in that sense? Still... I've been told in convincing fashion that one can be born into any form, for the purpose of karmic penalty and education... somewhere off in the distance I hear Vincent Price crying, “Help me! Help me!” Oh well... there is so much that I am ignorant of that it could be there are all sorts of rational explanations and justifications for every kind of behavior and I'm simply uninformed. Time will tell and we shall see.

End Transmission.......

♫ I Don't Love You Anymore ♫

... and an unplugged version:


Anonymous said...

The Buddha took a hard line on truth.

“One who feels no shame at telling a deliberate lie,” the Buddha told a monk after dramatically pouring out the contents of a dish, “has as much of a contemplative in them as this empty bowl” (MN 61, The Instructions to Rahula at Mango Stone)11 “

Anonymous said...

General anesthesia is highly informative. There is only the endless "Rebirth" of nothing-mind that when embodied mutates into transient mind-pouches attempting to hallucinate as accurately as possible in order to materially survive, typically taking place in skulls - calcium vats - although not exclusively.

Anonymous said...

'Brothers, I could not address you as spiritual, but as worldly—as infants in Christ. I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for solid food. In fact, you are still not ready, for you are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and dissension among you, are you not worldly? Are you not walking in the way of man?…' (1 Corinthians 3). 'For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast' (Ephesians 2:8,9).

Anonymous said...

Mr. Phillips was apparently a Marine Corp refrigerator technician in the U.S. during the very late stage of the Vietnam war. The Marines pulled out of Vietnam by June 30,1971(my brother was among this returning cohort), 17 months before Phillips even enlisted.

Semper Frigus

Chief Frigidaire speaks with forked tongue--too much firewater?


Anonymous said...

'Therefore God gave them up in the desires of their hearts to impurity for the dishonoring of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator, who is forever worthy of praise! Amen. For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones' ~ Romans 1:24-26

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Can't wait for this crap to be over, but hey. A contract is a contract. Based on circumstantial evidence, me thinks we have less than two years of anything remotely resembling our current status quo which seems to be on its way out in the worst way possible. But considering how messed up it is, I view this as a good thing; since it is going away. Whatever comes, I'm ready for it. After all, I know what I am. A spiritual being having a nose-acious experience. Just passing through the cesspool. At least I'm not stuck in it forever, though it seems quite a few wish they were.

Anonymous said...

I've never met a true anti-materialist.

Please be honest with yourselves.

Do you drive a car? Do you eat?

Do you physically walk when you want to go somewhere else to observe that location?

Do you invite potentially violent homeless people you know nothing about off the streets to come inside your home to live with you?


If you are still living then you are a materialist.

Ray B. said...

Thank you for an informative column, Vis.

On 9/11: The Israelis ((Likud, Mossad, 'dual citizens', etc.) had a major part in the Op. So did rogue elements in the US (arch neocons, 'turned' elements within the CIA & NSA, 'dual citizens', etc.). But the real movers-and-shakers were/are up in the Rothschild-and-beyond layer. They are nation-independent (and even religion-independent) and could not care less if Israel ceased to exist. Ironic...
On Trump: Read it and weep, folks. Trump is not playing 5th-dimensional chess; he is likely one of them.

Throw in this:
Trump Is A Pied Piper For The New World Order Agenda by Brandon Smith :

“Trump’s first action upon entering the White House was to invite multiple 'swamp creatures' into his cabinet, going against his core campaign promise. This was not all that surprising considering his past.

Trump was saved in the 1990s by Rothchild banking agent Wilber Ross, who bailed him out of his debts tied up in his failing Taj Mahal casino. Wilber Ross is now Trump’s commerce secretary. I ask, who is Trump going to be loyal to? The American people, who can offer him nothing of consequence, or the Rothschilds, who saved his public image and his billion-dollar empire?”

So, anyone who believes Trump is here for the American people (and the sane world) should cut back on their consumption of Hopium and gather some facts...
On the state of the world: Long ago, when I had just finished David Icke's series of books, I turned to my ladyfriend and said, "We're screwed. Without a lot of spiritual assistance, we're screwed." I still believe that to be the case. Fortunately, a lot of spiritual assistance has appeared and "Signed On." But that's another story...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Visible said...

I'll let that comment pass but not next time because you are simply trolling and being nasty and trying to annoy people, which you are probably pretty good at in your physical life but what I can't permit is spurious and infantile argument like the part about inviting potentially dangerous people into your home. First of all that has nothing to do with being a materialist or not being a materialist. I went on to define what I mean but just said, "Why bother?" to myself and erased it.

Ray B. said...

Oops, slight error in my above post. Read it and weep was the second of two URLs in a row. The more-pertinent one was Miles Mathis' column. Same overall conclusions. Sorry about that...

torus said...

To friends seen and unseen, I greet with the holy word Peace.

"Every feeling is said to be a wave in the ocean of Peace. The analogy is not strictly correct. Here we must understand that there is wave only in the ocean and there is no wave in Peace. In Peace, there is neither ocean nor wave, as there is neither ocean nor wave in water. Similarly, there are no thoughts or feelings in me, the Real "I" - principle. Understanding feelings in this manner, we can enjoy even the feeling of misery, by emphasizing the real content of that misery and dismissing the illusory name and form.
Thus every emotion is a clear pointer to that permanent background Peace. So you can very well lose yourself at the upsurge of any emotion; not in the the emotion itself, but in its permanent background.
We have all had the occasion of witnessing tragic dramas brimming over with pathos and cold cruelty towards the righteous, at which we have wept from start to finish. But the next day again we are prepared to pay in order to witness the same drama, so that we may continue to weep. What is the secret of this? Is this not the enjoyment of misery? This shows you that there is something inherent in the so-called misery that tempts you to court it again. It is nothing but the background Peace, which is behind all emotions.
Therefore, see through every emotion and perceive that Peace alone is there. This is what every j-nAnin does. So he enjoys every feeling which you so carefully separate from Peace and thereby suffer."
- Krishna Menon

Anonymous said...

Hello Visible......navigating the future through prophecy........
Hard times ahead....only through the grace of god do we survive what’s on the horizon.......


Visible said...

Dear Mr. Homeless Troll;

I believe I told you I would let the last comment pass but nothing further, because your arguments are ridiculous and your only interest here is to spread contention. I'm sure you are aware (maybe not) of whom those who sow discord and contention are in the employ of.

Giving a homeless person your house or throwing all your belongings into the street are only tangentially connected to materialism since you are dealing with material objects and your perspective... is that one who is not a materialist should, in order to prove the authenticity of their not being a materialist, in a dramatic manner, behave in a bat shit crazy fashion. Please relocate yourself somewhere that people enjoy argument for the sake of argument, regardless of there being any truth in the argument. It's clear to me what your intentions are here and it should be more than clear to you that your time here is up and you will never have a platform here in which to be a nuisance and troublemaking shit-stirrer.

The people who come here are, in the large majority, highly intelligent and spiritually aware individuals. You are neither. Please adopt the personality of water and find your own level.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Sunday, January 27, 2019 10:33:00 PM

Christ rode a donkey, broke bread and ate it, does that make Christ a materialist?

A materialist is someone who places gold over God and their fellow Man. A spiritual initiate differs from a materialist in that they aren't willing to sell their soul to get ahead in this world.

When did Christ ever ask a violent homeless person to live with him?

You said, 'If you are still living then you are a materialist.'

Does that mean while Christ was alive he was a materialist?

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Les Vis
I look forward to all your blogs and check almost daily as I need your inspiration to carry on.
The world at large is now bat shit crazy. I cannot fathom how Cuomo could erect a pink tower
in honor of abortion. Just when I think things cannot get any worse, they do and exponentially
at that. Thank you for writing, I have turned to God, though at times it is hard to reconcile God
with what is going on. However your words that it is all for the sake of demonstration helps me.
I hope I am worthy of making it out of here . All I can do is try to be a good person, stand behind
God’s principles and lastly try not to get sucked in the sewer of despair which is where the demons
want us. PS. I am computer illerate and use Anonymous becasue I don’t know what all the options mean
Thank you again. Reggie

torus said...

@Reggie, and all.

Les' writings read like musical charts to me. Thematic development, "melody", cadence, timing, paraphrasing other musical quotes (not cliches), restating themes,
etc. Like music, they come from silence.
I declare "pop" music officially dead, and as the music goes, so goes the....?
I marvel at pop's history, let's visit some prior decades.
Play The Police's "Invisible Sun" and experience the haunting beauty of...;

"And they're only going to change this place, by killing everybody in the human race.
They would kill me for a cigarette, but I don't even wanna die just yet!

There has to be an invisible sUn
That gives its heat to everyone.
There has to be an invisible sUn
That gives Us hope when the whole day's done."
Feel the silent, peaceful "background" of the invisible sun.

I think of when Earth, Wind, and Fire graced the airwaves.

"Shining star come into view
Shine its watchful light on you
Give you strength to carry on
Make your body big and strong
Born a man-child of of the sUn
Saw my work had just begun
Found I had to stand alone (all one)
Bless it now I've my own, oh yeah
So when you find yourself in need
Why don't you listen to these word, give heed
Be you giant or grain of sand
Words of wisdom
Yes I can!"

The "parasite" in your/our minds, isn't real.
as they say in AA.

"Before sorrow, anger, longing, or fear have arisen, you are in the center.
When these emotions appear, and you know how to see through them, you are in harmony.
That center is the root of the universe;
That harmony is the Tao, which reaches out to all things."

Play it loud!

"There has to be an invisible sUn
That shares its heat with everyone
There has to be an invisible sUn
That gives us hope when the whole day's done."

torus said...

Speaking of "Grand Poobahs" and "down under", here's a weird one. The following is from an Amazon product description.

"This collection contains the THREE novels by INGERSOLL LOCKWOOD that have surprised the world of the XXI century.This author wrote over 120 years ago, during the 1890`s, these three novels, in which the characters are first, a kid, whose name was Baron Trump, and his Master is Don; and a separate novel about a president who resides in 5th avenue, New York, in a tower with his name, who surprisingly wins an election...The Baron Trump novels recount the adventures of the German boy Wilhelm Heinrich Sebastian Von Troomp, who goes by "Baron Trump", as he discovers weird underground civilizations, offends the natives, flees from his entanglements with local women, and repeats this pattern until arriving back home at Castle Trump."

Anonymous said...


Talk about synchronicity. I was surfing on the net this morning and simply stumbled upon this. I wasn't even looking for it. A real twilight zone moment.


torus said...

@ anon 10 pm

Thank you.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now-

Covington Catholics, Gosnell Zombies, Incredibly Stupid Tattoos and the Providence of an Internal Sun.



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

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'Materialism' from the Les Visible Album
Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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