Dog Poet Transmitting.......
A long time ago, a psychiatrist gave the opinion that I was a 'chronic' Schizophrenic; meaning- incurable. My response was that most people have a fenced in mind and that the fence is the parameter of the self defined real; but has the self been defined as real? Sometimes a part of the fence gets broken and you can flow out. Of course something else can also flow in.
In the material world and most especially in the Kali Yuga, it can be a good thing to have a fenced in mind. Alternatively, consider what sorts of creatures are kept behind fences. Consider the fate of livestock. If your karma is good, you are unlikely to be mistreated. If it is bad, do the math. In either case, the killing floor awaits. Many human beings live in a manner not unlike livestock. They embrace the controls placed on them and the security they think they are getting but the same fate awaits them, there is no security against Death, except that one has found the one who has mastered Death and made them a friend. Such conditions exist on both good and evil planes. As the Bible says, “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”
Sleep is to be understood as death and we are apprised of the cyclic nature of existence, every time we go to sleep. Generally we die every day. When one orgasms one also dies. This is why the French (of course it would be the French) describe it as, La Petite Mort. Sex and Death have many a curious connection with each other and very often the dead animals we see on or by the side of the road are in the pursuit of Sex. Of course, food and migration account for a certain amount but, a thinking and introspective person would do well to consider those habitual events, which they participate in and seek to find the deeper meaning of them.
A certain amount of artists are schizophrenics. This is where the inspiration comes from. Mystics hear voices, I can attest to that. People who are insane also hear voices and they can be benign or dangerous. If one considers the virtues and hindrances of a fenced mind, one should come to some impression of there being only one mind and that what we call our individuality and personality, are the result of the fencing we make, within the expanse of the one mind. I had the truth of this demonstrated to me in a most convincing fashion and more than once.
Many people need a fenced mind because they are ill equipped to deal with what resides in the dark unknown. That darkness is ignorance and all the fears and horrors of the subconscious are manifestations of forces that we have not mastered. Here is an example of the manner by which one masters these forces and makes them articulate.

In times of material darkness, the clarity that might be possible for the masses is a rats nest of confusion and disorder. Religions have become businesses, no different than your brick and mortar stores. The only difference is that their product cannot be seen. Some religions have preachers and priests that can make convincing arguments about how the unseen can be observed moving through the seen. It often then metamorphoses into a cash register. When religions are new and also legitimate, they are still infused with the power of the teachings of the founder. Eventually it degenerates into statues and artifacts, using cant and dogma to hold it together. Then you have fenced in religions for fenced in minds.
If one is sincere about their pursuit of the ineffable- for the right reasons- one will discover that there is a teacher, a guide, a companion, who has already arrived previously at the destination the seeker is moving in. Angels cross over the world, ceaselessly observing the possibilities of light beneath their course. When any evidence of the luminous is noted, the awareness of this is instantaneously transmitted to the ineffable and then to the servant of the ineffable who is the most efficacious for the necessity of support, succor and protection.
It has been the case that we are far more concerned with dangers from without than with dangers from within. My considered observation is that that should be reversed (grin). It is an impossibility... that I would ever be able communicate... how vitally important the presence of God can be in life. If one is in communication with the ineffable, one is then connected to everything that can ever be known and which also is the substance and life of all things and also apart and to itself. It's the whole ball game.
If... because of fear, you batten your hatches, hoping it will keep the rain out and that the sun will find a way in... you have only isolated yourself with your fear. Fear is a shadow and it increases in size and density of being, according to your faith in it. Much of this happens subconsciously. Imagine your life to be a garden. If you do not tend it, aggressive things will come into play. Your garden will turn to disorder and those things that bear no fruit will occupy the place. The wind and rain bring both life and destruction. All the forces of Nature can be positive or negative; Nature, unaided, always fails. If you should choose to walk the path upon which angels give guidance, all the forces of Nature and else-wise will flock to your side as an automatic response.
The human mind is a marvelous thing. We have all seen evidence of surprising events made possible by the power of it. A small group of souls forged the idea of this country. “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Fellowship is the catalyst. In other words, the sum of the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. There's your special ingredient.
My friends... make the ineffable the centerpiece of your life. Make it the first entity you turn to in conversation. Make is so that you are ever and always speaking only to the ineffable. Make it so that you expect only the ineffable to appear. Whatever question you may have about anything, address it to the ineffable. Begin your day with the ineffable, as if it were the ineffable who brought you awake. Remind yourself at that time that you are awakening into a dream (unless, of course, you are one of those rare souls who have escaped the web.) and hold that thought as you go through your morning ablutions. As you radiate, express and contain yourself, you will come into a state of continuous, elevated awareness.
It is the ancillary and secondary considerations that don't get the necessary attention and which accounts for our winding up more vulnerable and exposed than we may like. Some say the Aquarian Age is here and some say it has not yet come. This is the problem with cusp periods, their length of influence, especially in times of material darkness, is uncertain and also dependent on the degree of immersion in respect of every sleeper. Some flowers bloom early. Some come in their time and some never arrive at all. It is important to know the difference between real escape and false hope because the dream-weaver is fully capable of dialing you right back in. This is the birth channel of false prophets. It is a kind of 'too big for their britches' syndrome.
Everything in your life depends on a harmonious relationship with your seemingly separate selves. In the manifest and most especially in times of material darkness, the demarcation lines are notable. We partition ourselves off and depending on the climate of the times, we are antagonistic or supportive of the parts. You are three in one, the same as these realms are demonstrated through- 'as above, so below'.
Your subconscious see everything in pictures. It's like a child. Your self conscious is your state of awareness adjustment to the moment; be you so or be you not. Your super-conscious is the overseeing awareness that comes into play to the degree that you seek its influence; not seeking it puts you into the machine like playing field of cause and effect.
God is real. I am not real but... I am becoming real as what is unreal is burned away, by the love of mutual pursuit. God is always looking for you, harder than you are looking for God. That should inspire you in truly profound way; “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
The trifecta, the hat trick, is always available as long as there is breath on this plane. See that you have one thing on your mind and the same upon your lips in every moment.
If something is not true, it will show itself to be so because it cannot self validate. If something is true it self validates and leads to greater truths. Put an end to Sisyphean struggles. Master the mind and let the heart then swallow it up as the one resides in the protection of the other and performs the true miracle in a continuing demonstration of it. That should serve for the moment and all moments to come.
End Transmission.......
I'll have whatever you're having ; )
"I envy no one, nor am I partial to anyone. I am equal to all. But whoever renders service unto Me in devotion is a friend, is in Me, and I am also a friend to him."
Bhagavad-gita As It Is 9.29
Tell me about the protection thang! Gods above and below, how many times has my arse been saved from my own stupidity. You'd almost think something had a vested interest in me. ;O)
Hi Anon.
I hope you're not having what I'm having. As I take another sip, I know that what I'm having is slowly killing me and it's starting to look like it's going to win. The milk thistle and turmeric with black pepper, vitamin D, CoQ10, etc. just might be keeping me alive, but, in this realm, there's limits...
I have no idea if I'm fenced off and keeping the Light out, or if there is a huge dam break that's allowing the demons in and it's party time for them. For most of my life, I've been in the dark and it's been my intuition that has either saved the day, or absolutely buried me.
It's funny that this has come up as my wife works in a setting where some people die and some of them actually know it's coming. She mentioned this to me the other day. If such a person can look back on their life and say to themselves that they had a good life and did most of what they wanted to accomplish, they die in peace.
If they have many regrets (most of which, she said, did not spend time with their family) they pass with great difficulty....
I said, "Well, being as I got the living shit kicked out of me here, I'm not so interested in how I did, but more of, hey can I just go now!" :D
And yes I meant it. :D
Anyway, you said some very nice things to me a little while back and everything is cool in that department. If I suddenly depart, it's not going to be by my hand. Slow departure, however, seems to be active.
Time for another sip...
I say hello to Lord Vivasvahn daily as the earth rotates toward the sun (Resh) in the morning. He always greets me back in his usual big way. Of course, I may be insane and just think it's happening, but, I'm going on that it is real. Actually, I REALLY like him. He's always been right about whatever truth he has decided to impart on me. I am wonderfully astounded by that....
As circumstantial evidence mounts as to what my wife may doing in the clandestine, I attempt to ask for guidance and strength. It's awful quiet out there for that. I'm hoping that will change. I just want to do what is right. I really mean that.
Is it time for another sip...?
Key 8 is so appropriate for me. Strength? Oh yes. The mountains represent the mineral kingdom, with the mountain peak representing attainment, and where the Hermit resides. The ground and trees representing the vegetable kingdom. The Red Lion is the animal kingdom, and the woman represents man. And man is above the animal kingdom and why she (or he... the Magician, both one and the same) articulate the Lion and make him speak the words she wants him to speak. Control of the animal is control of the mind...
So it goes. I've made it to The Sun key and after coloring it in, I've not even looked at it since. Regeneration! It would seem I'm being pulled down and not allowed to finish. Only 2 more to go. Israel Rigarde wrote that coloring in the Major Arcana keys is doing yourself a huge spiritual favor!!! I hope I make it!
Thank you, Vis. I consider your post instructional. That's a good thing for me.
Nice column, Vis. Thanks!
Schizophrenic; interesting 'label'. Way-back when I was getting my Masters in Psychology, I was fortunate to already have major experience in woo-woo land. So, I could step back and differentiate between physical stuff causing it (brain injury) and the non-physical intruding on the physical. The 3D 'Establishment' had erected impenetrable barriers (read: fences) against anything but a physical cause. So, I had to research it myself...
One 'opportunity' was during a required Internship: Several of the residents - teenagers - had been diagnosed as Schizophrenic and essentially 'discarded' into meds. I found that they were ordinary folks who had let their fences down too quickly, perhaps because of drugs or trauma. Their personality was 'overwhelmed' by the stuff coming-in. If they had been pre-trained by spiritual types, they might have been able to hold-on and 'grow into' the added info. Without that preparation, their minds just could not hold on. Plus, resultant sub-personalities. Sometimes they were brilliant; sometimes they were just word-hash. (And yes, this is similar in effect to kundalini rising too quickly...)
In a more enlightened world, those teens would have been 'guided' how to note what was them and what was not-them. And then, to 'repair' their self-hood to the needed minimums for a balance. And then, to enjoy their brilliance. (Aka, fences not too high and not too low or broken, but just right for their abilities.) Not med them and discard them. Bah...
One interesting aspect of being in the Cleaning business (courtesy of Higher Self) is in the 'response' from the entity being Cleaned. It is a lesson in humbleness. An opposing entity can effectively 'infiltrate' your mind, since you are 'attached' to it for the Cleaning. It works both ways. At one point, you are doing your thing Cleaning and then - without a transition phase - you find yourself in some bizarre fantasy or fear. Once you realize (probably via HS) that you have been had, you sigh, internalize the lesson, and go back to work. Over the years, you get had enough that you experience some very strange places in yourself. Growth the hard way. (And yes, try explaining the above to a 3D-trained psychiatrist...)
The other cause of being labeled 'Schizophrenic' results from our woeful lack of psychic-attack training. These days, most folks on Earth are 'easy meat' for psychic penetration, so to speak. Sounds, yep. Voices, yep. Unusual behavior, yep. Loss of time, yep. Etc., etc. (Think of all of these as unconscious, uncontrolled 'Channeling'.) None of these are Schizophrenic if you are actually being influenced, but try telling that to a 3D-trained psychiatrist.
Interesting times...
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
Read your piece first thing in the morning and it made my day again! Thank you!
Your posts have become filled with life lately and seem to be getting better each time, thank you visible, or should I say thank you ineffable for showing mr visible the eternal truths we all need so badly in these dark times, and bravo mr visible for being such a wonderfull tool in the hands of your creator. The best part about you that I like the most is how you have transformed through the years from being a pain in the but of the system, very usefull but unfortunately still in the dark and shadow world of fear, to being a beacon of light showing us the other side, the bright side of love and life, something much more rare and needed in this time in my opinion. May the light shine through you all the rest of your life and may you take more and more of us into your journey which I am sure will end in the light for you, and for us that are following you I hope!
PS To jim who seems to me to be in the process of destroying the rest of his fence in order to free himself into the light:
There is a writing on the walls of some of the monasteries on Mnt Athos in greece that goes like "if you die before you die, you will not die when you die". Hold on brother, there are many more of you than you think going throu the same!
Read Abram Hoffer's original work on treatment of schizophrenia with vitamin B3 (niacin).
Taking vitamin B3 in doses consistent with such treatment may be a helpful input.
There is a lot of information on this,it may help you.
Dear Visible -
That was beautiful - I loved it.
Thank you dear Visible for two spiritual gems in a row!
Reminded me of Buffy-Saint Marie to remember to seek:
This I mean to whisper to my mind
This I mean to laugh with in my mind
This I mean my mind to serve 'til service
is but Magic moving through the world
and mind itself is Magic coursing through the flesh
and flesh itself is Magic dancing on a clock
and time itself the magic length of God.
In service & gratitude,
From NJ With Love
That is one of my all time favorite songs/poem. It was written by Leonard Cohen. I hope you get to hear the various versions but especially him doing it. of 'Alexandra leaving '
The "wheel of fortune" tarot denotes this cyclical decent into and out of desire. 5 billion years of evolution and in less than 10 we have HD online streaming porn accessible to nearly every household on the planet. What is it doing to us and what happens when we quit? The answer lies in the greatest online database on planet earth; just skim over it an you'll see the over all trend:
Hello Visible......thanks for the memory’s... the memory all things little and small!
Just to be sure Visible - what are the "right" reasons
for pursuing the ineffable?
vis had surgery on his hip a couple of days ago and it's been rough for him.... he's no longer a young man (grin).
visible is in pain though so... please put out a prayer for him, write something positive about him here in the comments (or email vis at his usual address), let him know he is loved.
Dear Visible,
Your pain is our pain
Your joy is our joy
Your life is our life, shared
Fire walking for the sake of the One humanity
Feel the freedom from pain
Feel the love all the way through
Feel our will for all to be awakened
We love you!
To Visible From for courage. I won't give up and won't allow you to either. The suffering you experienced will be fleeting...and will end soon. Hang in there, OK?
Dearest Visible, We will all triumph over the pain we suffer on this physical plane... you have to know that your work inspires, and all who have been inspired by your prose, poetry (incredible music), and fiery editorials are now gathering at your side... you are surrounded by loving intentions for a speedy recovery.
Con mucho amor,
Dear Visible,
I pray that you get well soon. Sending you love.
Thank you for all that you so freely share.
I pray that you will get well.
I am out and on my way to Mexico for a couple of weeks. It has been Hell and is the result of an attack by the ones you are aware of. They missed. Sometimes dying is a lot less painful but that is by the by now. Please folks, don't come by the house. There will be no one to let you in. Several of you have traveled long distances. One of you made it to the hospital. Stay where you are. All will be well. I have to manage this with the resources and friends I have. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I really thought my suffering was at an end. Maybe it finally is. Pray for me as I do for you. I will have a posting go up between now and tomorrow, which a friend will facilitate. God bless you all. When it gets like this you know we are winning.
Our suffering is what brings us closer to our Lord Jesus Christ and God in Heaven, whom Jesus serves.
I thought if you read this Vis it might help you endure what you are suffering.
Get well soon, peace be with you brother.
Luv Kazz
Since Vis is unavailable to provide goodies to read I thought many might find the following article very informative, and very interesting for those who have eyes that see.
Some summer this has been!
Thinking of you and wishing you a full recovery.
take care,
Dear Vis,
So sorry you are hurting.
Thinking of you + praying for your speedy healing.
You are loved!
Liz in Florida
Dearest Visible,
Over the years you've given us countless moments of inspiration.
Blessings and prayers for a speedy recover are flowing your way every day.
Woof&BowWow : )
Speaking of eyes to see, Jesus in Tibet.
Wishing for a speedy recovery and hopefully your pain becomes more bearable in short order. My other hope is for a full recovery with complete mobility.
Apologies, but this is also partially due to my own self-interest.
There are many, like myself, who look so appreciatively forward towards your future postings. Your inspirational writings are a blessing to those fortunate enough to have the ability to read them.
The comment section is also appreciated as it's usually a good follow-up. Especially when quoting you and expanding on each article you post.
Hope you get well soon, your words are sorely needed.
Prayers and best wishes,
Dog Poet .....
All quiet - Good - Focus on you - and don't worry bout nuthin'
I imagine you in a lovely home - surrounded by nature
in good company with cool afternoon rains and
lovely breezes.
A Friendly Stranger
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