Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Ernst Zundel, a Man of Truth, Conviction and Courage.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

I can't let pass an important passing of a truly great man; Ernst Zundel who was a tireless fighter for truth and responsible for a large amount of fantasy refutation, like the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz that never existed.

During his bullshit show trial in Germany I was in the country and followed the charade closely. I communicated with his wife, Ingrid, who sent me a video of his life and work. The Sleaze Patrol in Germany was so powerful that they even gave Zundel's lawyer five years in prison too, for defending him. I don't think that was the charge but they came up with something.

As time marches on and the apocalypse accelerates, the truth is being exposed in greater and greater detail. It is astounding that this robust and pernicious lie about the murder of 6 million Jews is allowed to continue and even more amazing that the vast army of cinder-block heads, dunderheads and Nimrods continue to be programmed to believe this fantasy construct. Their own almanac shows an increase in their population over the war years. Given this, how can their claims be at all credible? Of course, they are not. Halfway down this following page is a list of the same hoaxing effort before and during the first World War that is entitled; “read every word and prepare to be mesmerized.”

The thing is... if you are ignorant, or a coward, it is easy to be convinced of anything. It is something else to be so indifferent and obsessed with personal pursuits that the truth is unimportant and only useful when it serves your ends. If you are an honest person and not a coward and you know how the power of lies can pervert the minds of the populations that you have to move among, then... then you probably know about this monstrous lie and those who suffered because of it and you're not shy about saying so... Still, in time to come, this lie is going to be exposed for the lie that it is and oh my... that is going to be something.

In any case, I wanted to call attention to that fine and noble soul, Ernst Zundel, who had the courage of his certitude and convictions to bear all the censure, injury, harassment and confinement that they brought into his life. Speaking truth to power never comes at a small cost and that is why there is such a small number of us who are capable of it. Ernst Zundel was such a man.

Here is the truth about the so called Holocaust; it is a lie fabricated to cover a far more monstrous Holocaust, performed by these same self proclaimed victims. (who assert that they have been so egregiously injured in an extended event that never happened). I speak of the Russian Holocaust, where tens of millions were tortured and executed by these so called victims. These are the same people who today, torment the Palestinians and seek to replace them in the annals of history, because the Palestinians are the true residents of the so-called Holy Land. Their DNA convincingly proves this. On the other hand, the interloper Ashkenazi Jew has no ancestral claim on this region whatsoever. This is hard, cold and clinical scientific fact.

Lies, enormous lies, lacking in even the most basic substance of validity, are made possible by the control of nearly every large media organ in operation. This is further bolstered by the control of most of the publishing houses, as well as the distribution agencies and social media constructs from Amazon to Facebook. It is further assured by the control of the international banking system. The culture is malformed and misshapen into monstrous abortions of twisted and demented expression by the control of the art galleries, which control the character of modern art. This is even further enhanced by control of the entertainment industries. Here is a classic example of the latter as it relates to the Satanic medium of Rap and Hip Hop. They are like some invasive species that has burrowed into every area of human expression, in order to assist in the downward spiral of devolution, presently in operation. Typhon is one of the mega devils who are operational in the psyche of this tiny demon-graphic, along with Mammon, Baal and a host of others.

When you study the landscape of contemporary existence and omit the invisible presence and influence of the ineffable, it can be crushing and disheartening and certain of dovetailing one's spirits into the pit of despair. This is the manifest power of shadows and appearances, which cause us to be unaware of the brilliant light of the all pervasive and eternal author of existence, which is the divine. The divine shines forever behind every mask of darkness and is in absolute control of the destiny of all things, be they of the supernal or infernal realms. The supernal realm exists for the housing of every being of light, which serves the ineffable without question or argument at all times and the infernal exists for those who war against the natural harmonies of life ...and for the souls of those convinced into the service of infernal designs and agendas.

Those of us that aspire to the light and who, in our own, often less than capable ways, seek to serve the light, can take comfort from the FACT that the ineffable is always in control of everything, no matter what appearances might say. Do not despair, ever! Let your light shine; ♫this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine♫ Do not hide it under a bushel. 'Put on the whole armor of God'. Let us think that the greatest expression of the ineffable is Love and the highest expression of Love is Sacrifice. Let us imagine Love being the white light that is shot through a prism and which creates all the other qualities of God, which constitute the armor of God. Let Love suffuse, enthuse and maintain you at all times and in all places. Let it grow. Love is like a plant; water it with the attention of your focus upon it and it will grow. However fragile it may appear at its inception, it will become a Sequoia redwood if you cultivate and express it. Love increases with every effort of expression.

You can mull about and agonize over appearances. You can be startled by shadows that bear no resemblance in size to the image casting them. Shadows are without substance. Our fear crystallizes them into manifestation but they are not real. For once in this life, cast all fear aside. Fear can only exist in the absence of Love and cannot exist where Love is resident. They displace one another and those who prey upon our fear require our participation in the charades that they create in order for Fear to have any power at all.

I receive so many emails from people who tell me about what they struggle with and ask what it is that they can do. It could be troubling if I took it seriously; neither should you. {I am much gladdened by those who are perfectly content to receive daily postings from this source and who are dismayed when they stop appearing but you must understand that if I don't hear from you in the comments section I have no way of knowing that you are appreciating them as you say you do. My sites are presently in transition and a state of turmoil. I have no counter on my pages anymore. I don't know who's coming around. The search engine function is gone. We're working on it but it is slow going.} For myself, the level of pedestrian frustrations is at an all time high. I could take these seriously. I do not. The waters will clear. I do not know when but they will. Remember what has often been said here, “the degree of difficulty accounts for the greater possibilities that are before us. Rise to the occasion!

Ernst Zundel was a great man. He still is a great man. A few will mention this. A few will speak to the accomplishments he was the author of. Mostly there will be silence if not outright opprobrium. He was slandered in life. He will surely be slandered in transition. I celebrate his fearless efforts on behalf of the German people and all right thinking members of the human race. He was a guidon in the march toward liberty in the heart and in the mind. He spoke the truth and he lived it at great personal cost. God bless him!

Much love to you, one and all, in your struggles here in this veil of tears. It shall not always be so that such travail and darkness shall assail us. It shall not always be so that we are burdened as we are. Hold fast to the Love and Truth that dwells within and the day will come when those who trouble us are no more. They will be exposed for what they are and there will be nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. They believe they are impervious and completely in command of events and appearances but they are not. They have revealed themselves because in their hubris they believe that no one and nothing can touch them. They are wrong and walking toward perdition, one step after another. Their time will come and so will ours. Let us hope that when that time comes we are found in a state of being that is pleasing to the author of us all.

Rest in Peace, Ernst Zundel.

End Transmission.......


Jenny said...

Love to read your posrs vis....you are spot on. Jenp

Anonymous said...

God Bless. Things will change very soon.

torus said...

Kudos, Les.

Anonymous said...

tymeflyz states..
Dear more or LES .. i prefer MORE ;grin]
I for 1 am grateful for every word you post or broadcast . Your counter would show I check all your pages multiple time a day.
Your service to others is exemplary as the older visible radio show lead-in stated yours is "a lone voice in the wilderness" or is that weirderness for our present day i dunno,,,[sighs ]
Thank you again for the perseverance. WE ALL NEED THE REASSURANCE ; ]
Yours truly
TYMEFLYZ @ gmale .com...on...now

p.s If you email me I may be able to help with the website difficulties .

Anonymous said...

Thanks Les....your words are very much appreciated today.
Keep on keeping it real!

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Another great post which strips the lies of the worst of the worst who actually made it in my opinion to be on par with the Romans that should be required reading. (I rank Rome and Khazaria as being equally bad.) One of the top five, I'd say.

As for what you say about the here and now, I'd say that those who want to live the longest are a combination of nutters and idiots. I'm quite fed up with it all (Have been, for years.), and have declared myself dead and waiting for the body to catch up with me. I mean, if people can now be recognised as being carrots or whatever (A nose, in my case; but that's all part of belonging to the Holey Order of the Septum!), why can't I declare myself dead. After all, I have nothing left vested in this realm which I hold in complete contempt; but I can obviously do a good job at being obnoxiously in everyone's face about it, and I try my best.

But other than that, I guess things are going statistically OK here. No need to go into details, but let's say things of a metaphysical nature are increasing rapidly, and that is a good thang. And now that my boss (who threatened to shove a screwdriver up my nose if I died before her) gave me a way to defluoridate my water (Borax, which will fix some of my other issues.), that may make things of the psychic nature happen even faster. (I promise will not explode any heads, I promise I will not exp. . .)

No, not quite; but some mighty interesting things have been happening, not that they would be of any real interest to anyone since they only concern my flatmate and myself personally.

Nostrils up. I wouldn't be surprised if we got to see you next year, though in the next realm. From the news I read, it sounds like a definite possibility.

Anonymous said...

Thank You Old Friend

Ernst was a warrior for Truth, and surely he was greeted with those words...

we long to hear,

Well done my good and faithful servant.

Imagine the reward for a lifetime of service


well done..

Blessings to Ingrid



Anonymous said...

Ernst Zündel: A Lover, not a Hater
By Michael Hoffman


David Widner

Anonymous said...

I believe that when we can look at mars and the moon and any dead planet in our system that the marks will be there that tell us the Jews destroyed this place.
Without a doubt!

Kazz said...

I agree Vis, the corporate entity which is passing itself off as the country known as ‘Israel’ was built on lies, but that does not mean the real spiritual ‘Israel’ does not exist. God inspired Stephen to speak boldly, rightly accusing Israel of their failure to recognise Jesus, their Messiah, rejecting and murdering Him, as they had murdered Zechariah and other prophets and faithful men throughout their generations. Stephen’s speech was an indictment against Israel and their failure as the chosen people of God who had been given the law, the holy things, and the promise of the Messiah (Acts 7).

The Priests of the Jewish Temple had a cozy relationship with the Bankers and Merchants operating out of the Temple Property in antiquity, just like they do today, which is why Christ stood against them. The maritime slave ship (the beast which came out of the sea), which enslaves everyone on the satanic corporate slave ship via cestui que trusts/birth certificates, is held at the Holy Sea in the Vatican. We know the Vatican does not represent Christ because if it did Pope Boniface VIII would not have declared, ‘ What therefore, can you make of me but God,’ in his famous Bull ‘Unam Sanctam’ in 1303 A.D..

Christ’s Kingdom is a spiritual kingdom (John 18:36) that rules people from within, and this Kingdom is only accessible to the those who are in the sheepfold (John 10:1). This is why God’s first commandment is, You shall have no other gods before Me, because you can either serve ’the state’ or God, but you cannot serve both of them.

Those who serve the infernal realms, who have been led astray by satan, do all manner of things to their brothers and sisters in the name of God and Jesus Christ, but God’s people are easily discernible from these other men and women by the fact that they love their brothers and sisters, so they do not enslave, punish, rob, murder or harm them, because they heard the wise counsel of their saviour and brother Jesus Christ when he said, 'do to others as you would have them do to you' (Luke 6:31).

Luv Kazz

Anonymous said...

Reading the blogs here boss
Matt, CA

Laura said...

I continue to read the blogs, dear Vis, and always receive enrichment as I resonate with your words of wisdom.

Love and Grace to you ~

Diane said...

It still freaks me out that any 'modern' country can/would make a law against any opinion since we all know opinions are like assholes...

Everything is opposite what it's suppose to be.

Visible said...

Final statement on Ernst Zundel in video format.

Ernst Zundel video.

wiggins said...

Just reading this over on Lasha's site. Another creature crawls out of the woodwork to piss on Ernst's grave.....Shakespeare had it right.


Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now-

The Temporary Trends and Story Lines of a Never Ending Tale.

Anonymous said...

Mas and Mas Visible
We shall miss Ernst's presence on this realm as there is a little less light with his absence, yet on whatever realm he is in, even the ones of transition, there is more light due to his presence in same......
terrific 'obituary', Thank you....
Cheerful Love Grizzlybear hug

Anonymous said...

I must make my way down to the desert for a visit.


Kazz said...

I agree Vis, the corporate entity which is passing itself off as the country known as ‘Israel’ was built on lies, but that does not mean the real spiritual ‘Israel’ does not exist. God inspired Stephen to speak boldly, rightly accusing Israel of their failure to recognise Jesus, their Messiah, rejecting and murdering Him, as they had murdered Zechariah and other prophets and faithful men throughout their generations. Stephen’s speech was an indictment against Israel and their failure as the chosen people of God who had been given the law, the holy things, and the promise of the Messiah (Acts 7).

The Priests of the Jewish Temple had a cozy relationship with the Bankers and Merchants operating out of the Temple Property in antiquity, just like they do today, which is why Christ would have nothing to do with them. The maritime slave ship (the beast which came out of the sea), that enslaves everyone on the elite’s satanic corporate slave ship, via cestui que trusts/birth certificates, is held at the Holy Sea in the Vatican. We know the Vatican does not represent Christ because if it did Pope Boniface VIII would not have declared, ‘ What therefore, can you make of me but God,’ in his famous Bull ‘Unam Sanctam’ in 1303 A.D., would he?

God’s first commandment is 'You shall have no other gods before Me', because those who serve 'the state’ serve Man, and therefore they serve those who rule by ego, which is governed by the infernal realm. These people are the dead who must come out of Babylon, because it is they who have sworn allegiance to ‘the state’, which is actually the corporations/corpses. This is why the Kingdom of Heaven, which is a spiritual Kingdom (John 18:36), can only be accessed by those who are in the sheepfold (John 10:1), because it is they who are the victims of this usury system, which was outlawed by God in the Old Testament.


Those who serve the infernal realms, who have been led astray by satan, do all manner of things to their brothers and sisters in the name of God and Jesus, but God’s people are easily discernible from these other men and women, because by their fruit you shall know them. God's people love their brothers and sisters, so they do not enslave, punish, rob, murder or harm anyone, nor do they do anything else to others they would not want done to them, because they hear the wise counsel of Jesus Christ. Without the discernment of the Holy Spirit one is unable to navigate the treacherous waters we all find ourselves currently in, and the only way to access one’s higher self/holy spirit is to cleanse one's temple/body of all devious behaviour. This is how we connect with the Divine. It is not God’s wish for so much suffering to occur in the this world, but Man has chosen to go his own way, so we can hardly blame the Divine for the state this world is in. God may be in charge, but this is a free Will realm because God has given us free reign, but God is very wise so God has developed a fail safe method that demands full accountability for all our actions, which is why the wise walk so gently in this world :o).

Luv Kazz

lilbear said...

Greetings Mr. Visible!

Thank you for continuing your posts in these exciting end times. Could end times ever be boring? Anyway, did you hear that congress is working on passing a bill that would make it illegal to support the boycott Israel campaign and make it punishable by a fine of over $200,000 and/or some serious jail time? Something like 20 years more or less. And this bill has support from both Democrats and Republicans? That part is not so surprising, I'm sure. Also, some company in Wisconsin is voluntarily(for now) implanting a chip in their employees? You know, for convenience sake, like buying snacks and gaining access to certain areas of the building.

So, I reckon things are accelerating now, and I'm gonna take your advice and look to the ineffable for guidance. It seems to me that there is no political solution for the situation we all find ourselves in, this should become more clear to the majority of people as time goes on. Take care.

lilbear said...

Greetings Mr. Visible!

Thank you for continuing your posts in these exciting end times. Could end times ever be boring? Anyway, did you hear that congress is working on passing a bill that would make it illegal to support the boycott Israel campaign and make it punishable by a fine of over $200,000 and/or some serious jail time? Something like 20 years more or less. And this bill has support from both Democrats and Republicans? That part is not so surprising, I'm sure. Also, some company in Wisconsin is voluntarily(for now) implanting a chip in their employees? You know, for convenience sake, like buying snacks and gaining access to certain areas of the building.

So, I reckon things are accelerating now, and I'm gonna take your advice and look to the ineffable for guidance. It seems to me that there is no political solution for the situation we all find ourselves in, this should become more clear to the majority of people as time goes on. Take care.

Smyrna said...

"obsessed with personal pursuits" is where most folk are at Vis. The vast majority. They are subsumed in the Devil's Jew matrix. Any understanding of this world on a macro level is way too hard and unattainable, and undesirable.

For the Purpose of Demonstration is the conclusion. What else could it be?

Bob McGhee said...

Thank you, Mr. Visible, for honoring Mr. Zundel and stating the truth. Your words are always an inspiration to me. They have never seemed the least bit pedestrian. I treasure your insights. All the best.

Anonymous said...



Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-

When Doubt and Uncertainty Come, Step Outside and Say Hello to the Sun.

Anonymous said...

Bill C. says,
You are truly treasured for all you say for it touches my heart and soul these words of truth and wisdom. Please keep on keeping on following your calling to bring light into this world via your insight transformed into such poetic verse that is pleasing to the eye and soul. God Bless you, your family, us loyal readers, and your true friends!! (was that last part redundant?) Peace!!!! B.C.



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

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Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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