Monday, August 7, 2006

Deep Water Wolves in Shark Skin Suits.

I feel compelled to very specifically state why I am opposed to Zionism. I feel I should also mention I am equally opposed to Wahabi Islam and all applications of Sharia. It would be remiss of me not to add that I have a corresponding dislike for Christian Fundamentalism as well. I think the point you can take from this is that I’m not dining with the Luddites of any branch or stripe.

You’ll hear more about Zionism here than you will about the others because Zionism is a more pervasive threat with wider reaching tentacles. Zionism is the Kraken of deep water intrigue.

It’s ironic that the main weapon of Zionism; the club of anti-Semitism, is wielded against those who don’t believe they’re just regular folks like us and that they don’t control the press or exert such enormous influence on world governments that they can do whatever they please, including being caught spying on friendly nations and then receive apologies for being caught. As often as we see the wide power of Zionism at work in every area of world affairs we are assured that what we see is bullshit. After all; “Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?”

The uproar and outrage about the Mearsheimer and Walt report is a classic example of Zionistas having enormous power to deny that they have any power. I’m not sure if we’re in Oceania or Eastasia anymore. Yesterday I learned that, under pressure from Israel, India closed down all of its Arab TV channels. Yowsah!

Everywhere in the mainstream media you read that Hizbollah went into Israel to capture their soldiers. The actual truth is that the Israeli soldiers went into Lebanon. Everywhere you are given the impression that Israel attacked Lebanon because of this event when the truth shows that they had planned this incursion long before; were all ready to go and went. Everywhere you hear one thing and then the truth reveals another.

Israel was caught red-handed in the AIPAC spying scandal via Richard Perle’s buttboy, (“1970 While working for Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson, Richard Perle is caught by the FBI giving classified information to Israel. Nothing is done.”) Larry Franklin. You can get a list of some of the major ‘known’ Israeli spying activities against friendly nations here-

Spy Me a River

The more you look at the actions of Israel in the world theater, from South Africa to New Zealand. The more you hear about mysterious moving companies and Dancing Israelis

Raise Your Hands!

the more you study PNAC and Odigo and 9/11 stock activity and Larry Silverman and WTC7 and the architects of foreign policy in the Bush Administration and roving hordes of Israeli art students and throw in a little cui bono along with hundreds of incidents I haven’t listed but which you could find in a cross referencing Google-fest that might take you your next 10,000 lifetimes well... ah well.

The more you look at the plight of the Palestinians and the indifference of world powers to that sad, stinking mess of apartheid and cold blooded murder; they caught a couple of guys in Phoenix the other day who were shooting people at random and I guess they arrested them. But IDF soldiers can routinely do this with Palestinian school children and count on exoneration after the fact; even if they casually walk across the way to a little girl that they shot and then empty the clip into her body; a real event oft repeated.

I object to these things. If Israeli Zionists would stop doing these things I would stop objecting.

Now, you might ask me, “Visible, aren’t there other bad guys and girls in the world?” Thank you, I’ll take that question. Yes, there are. There’s Bush and Cheney’s buddy in Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov. “And aren’t there other countries that do bad things, Mr. Visible?” Yes, China raped Tibet and is looking to do the same to Nepal. The British and many others have distinguished themselves at bad behavior for centuries. America, in the grip of a fascist administration is right down there at the bottom of the hog wallow with the rest of the red-eyed pigs- but America goes back a long way too, across the corpses of the Native Americans and Africans and Chinese coolies and let’s not forget United Fruit. As a sage general once said; “every ship of state sails on a river of darkness.”

I’m about balance and fair play and from where I stand it looks, clear and crystal, that Israeli Zionist bully boys are controlling the American government and the world press. That should be obvious. Why it isn’t as obvious as it should be is because many people are cowards and a large portion of the rest are incurious and stupid cattle- much like America’s glorious leader.

Ahmadinejad said that “the Zionist Regime must be destroyed.” The next day the headlines screamed, “Ahmadinejad calls for the destruction of Israel.” This came from some flack in the French government. This is not what the man said. If the Zionists don’t control the world press then how come everything always tilts to their benefit? Chance? Coincidence? How come they are favorably portrayed no matter what they do and everyone else is unfavorably portrayed no matter what they do? It’s a mystery, that’s what it is.

There was a UN resolution that defined Zionism as racism. That ‘sweetheart of the rodeo’ and stanch defender of all that is good in the human heart, John Bolton managed to get that removed. In a way that’s good, because Zionism isn’t racism. Zionism is racism AND fascism AND chicken pox.

It’s not just Israel and it’s not just “the jooooo’s”, it’s a cabal of blood-sucking low to the ground weasels that feed on human misery and enrich themselves off of the suffering of others. They move among the schools of human fish like wolves in shark skin. They are a strange hybrid of genetic mutation; the heart of a pig, the eyes of a snake, the skin of a shark and the hunger of a wolf; yes, I demean these animals by comparison.

It’s willing hands and hearts at all levels who are motivated by self-interest to the detriment of everyone in their way. Some are phony Christians like Bush. Some are black like Rice. Some are Jewish, like Wolfowitz. They move in the human slipstream and when you call attention to them they define that as an attack upon all of the people of their race or creed. However, upon the world stage at this time, Israel and America and Britain are the worst of the lot because they are the most powerful of the lot. For the good of the human race, those who are at the reins of power must be reigned in. Israel can stay, Zionism must go. Democracy can remain; the neo-cons must go. England can stay, but the corporations and the bankers and Rupert Murdoch must be held to account.

It’s not about Jews, or blacks, or white men in suits or Arab terrorists- so defined. It’s about a collection of bad apples that would knit the world entire to their prison planet schemes. They hide in the protective coloration and then scream like the stuck pigs that they are when you reveal their intent. They call upon all the animals in the forest to witness the collective slander against them ‘all’. This slander is not collective, it’s specific and it ain’t slander. It’s the truth. It’s a sad commentary upon the peoples of this world that so few can recognize it and that even fewer have the sand to call it as it is.

Well people, they’re not just going to pack up their tents and go away; recent events in ‘world’ government policy following the neo-con orchestrated attack of 9/11 reveals their long range intent and it continues apace. Sooner or later you are going to have to deal with it. Live on your feet or bow down to the shadow.


Anonymous said...

awesome, visible, just awesome.

Anonymous said...

Magnificent Visible. You’re getting your old fire back mate - thanks and congratulations. These people deserve as much stick as you (or anyone) can possibly give them. In every word, and all connotations, I agree wholeheartedly with you. Again thank you.

Anonymous said...

How right you are, Visible.

Anyone who cares to get their snout out of the Cheetos bag and do the
research will come to the same conclusion.

I'm glad you had the sand to write this. Bravo!

Anonymous said...

You didn't mention assasination in the press with anyone who disagrees with them. There is the destruction of the dollar...which will effect the entire world economy. The excessive debt. The reparations for their version of the Holocaust which no other group has ever received. A museum that spreads their version of events for generations to come. The aide sent to Israel. and the list can go on and on....The mantras of: We stand by Israel. Israel has a right to exist. Israel has a right to self defence. Stalin didn't get the entire world to move in lockstep with his ideology. No other ideology has ever entrapped the entire world like Zionism....No other ideology has been given the high place that it cannot be much longer can it go on?

Anonymous said...

Visible -- Your writings give me brain-gasms. If you don't stop with this excellent intellectual-tantric electronic stimulation to my central nervous system -- I may just have to come back in a future life and ask for your hand in marriage.

Incredible report here! I am going to wiz it throughout the internet. This blog is a string of electronic pearls tossed before the Zionist swine.....Gawd -- I love reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

a very interesting point you make about how they conceal themselves in groups whom they convince to feel threatened collectively.

at the same time they accuse Hezbollah of hiding in the populace when it is in fact not true.

it's measured and incisive thinking like this that makes coming here an ever renewing pleasure.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thanks....stay strong..and never again mention

Anonymous said...

"And the first shall be last."

Making reference to your placement at What Really Happened today.

Super bit of writing.

Anonymous said...

Once again, you leave me, speechless.

If only there were another topic for which you may be drawn beyond Zionism...but alas, there is no topic for which you see so much racism, deception and untruths.

Some day, Zionism will be a mere memory (nightmare) that we will share with future generations, certainly not to forget history's lessons ever again.

How many millions will die this time around in the path toward Zionist goals, we know not, but we can all pray for those who get "collateral damaged" in the process.

There is another day. Another incarnation. Another time between incarnations to experience the truth of the overself...that we are all one together, sharing the suffering, as we have always done.

Visible said...

Sorry folks, Blogger isn't sending me the emails with your comments right now. Several people have written asking why they aren't going up. I haven't a clue. As soon as it is fixed you'll see them. In case there's glitch that can't be fixed you should save a copy of your comments in case they don't come through at all this time.

Thanks for the heads up!


Catnapping said...

I was blown away last night by the news that India was blocking Arab news. Amazing!!

How is it that Israel can dictate to India? I would love to know what backroom finagling was involved there, who was blackmailed, and just how many lives were threatened.

Anonymous said...

I thought I was alone in understanding all this. Now I see I'm less unique than I believed. You are possibly the sanest person writing on the web. Thanks.

billie said...

you have hit the nail on the head. i posted recently about not knowing whether to continue to speak out about what i know and risk getting sent to an american internment camp- in america-or having my family rounded up. i felt that i was fighting a battle that many people are in denial about. thank you for letting me know that i am not crazy for researching pnac and nato and the tri-lateral commission, etc. i am on the right track and will keep going. thanks again.

nolocontendere said...

The phoney relationships between the zionist/fascist movement and their various covers is the most important point for us to stress and for them to protect. They simply cannot allow the rubes to grasp this, if exposed they'd wither on the vine.

Anonymous said...

IF only Americans couls see what is really happening in the real world and not the CNN BBC and other crap....No wonder the americans in this region (Middle East) are known as "Naive" but also known as nice citizens.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it always the truth that in our darkest hours voice appear to guide and instruct? Finding your blog has been the best thing to happen to me in a long time. I've felt like hiding under the bed for the last two years.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mister Les Visible
Why are you writing about what your eyes are seeing? What you see is not true. No, no, no, no. You don't understand Mister Visible; the world is flat, flat, flat. G-d made it so. He also gave it’s wealth to the Jewish people, long ago. And He gave to us all of the lands from the large mountain on the left and the flat expanse of earth on the right, to the big pond up north and the great ocean down south. (This, of course, as everyone knows, is the Middle East).
If you ordinary people were to watch the right television station you would realise that you must bow down to the new Religion and conform or you will all be annihilated. Oh. No. Sorry, that’s the Ori. I’m mixing up my favourite fantasy TV shows (Fox News and SG-A).
Now, if you were all good world citizens you would be doing what those nice Indian people are doing and not looking at Arab TV at all, so their eyes don’t see the lies.
Your wonderful Mister John Bolton’s vision is 20/20. He can see that a Jewish life does not equal an Arab life. No, not at all, because look at how many more Arab people G-d is taking as opposed to the number of Israeli people in this latest cul in Lebanon. (I think Mister Bolton is a Prophet). His eyes certainly see the truth.
May the Lord bless your every waking moment
Sollie Leberwitcz
ps. My good friend Rabbi Hashem says he could recommend a good optometrist if you wish.

Anonymous said...

first time I have been here and this is just outstanding

possibly the best writing I have seen on the internet

into the bookmarks for sure


Visible said...

I should add something here because an arch-fascist at another site named Moryath who now goes by the name of Normality is claiming that I don't let any negative comments on my site. As God is my witness and, of course that is true, I haven't moderated a single comment in a long time.

I put in comment moderation because of a poster who called himself The Apollonian and who was posting real anti-Semitic crap in volume here. You can track back and find some comments by him that I let stand; should evidence of that ever be needed. Ironic as it may be that is the truth.

I will add that flaming me (should it occur) or 'anonymous' name calling won't fly. It's okay to say, "Visible, yo're wrong and here's why- - yadda yadda yadda"

I won't respond because I very rarely respond in the comments area and I'm not inclined to argue. I state my piece, you state yours, that's how it goes. You want to argue, argue with yourself or someone who cares.

Anyway, like I said, haven't had to moderate a thing; probably because certain types know they won't get on here. But you are welcome to diagree with me, imply I'm deluded et al. Ad hominem attacks and the like though; not happening. Readers here agree with that policy and, if you don't like what I have to say there's plenty of propaganda sites around for you.

End of story.

qrswave said...

as usual, Les, you cut straight to the heart of the matter.

As long as 'they,' as you've aptly described them, control the media, it's up to everyone else with a conscience to stand up and object.

And you're right, sooner or later everyone will have to fight. Better start now, when your voice can be heard, than wait until their knife's at your throat and all you can muster is a whimper.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for voicing my feelings and despair...Palestinian

slcslc said...

Where I live, when the sheeple hear ANY version of the word "zion" ~ they think we're talking about Salt Lake City.

Awesome writing, visible.

Anonymous said...

First time i read your blog and your words are beautiful...truth is always so!!!Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

First time i read your blog and your words are beautiful...truth is always so!!!Keep it up!



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