Tuesday, April 16, 2024

"Even Now... The Coiling Darkness... has Made Itself a Home... in the Hearts and Minds of Many of The World's Leaders."

God Poet Transmitting.......

A bishop was stabbed in Sydney. He had been outspoken about COVID lockdowns and The Killer Vaccines. He's had things to say about The Israeli genocide in Gaza. The People You Cannot Criticize decided to animate some of their cancer sleeper-cells that are embedded in humanity.... like Hassan-i Sabbah had his Hashshashins in every country, waiting to strike at the heart of any who would oppose his agenda.

The psychopaths among us have been throwing their weight around more and more of late. They're all comfy and confident about ruling The World. They think they got their dominoes in order. It's the classic tale of hubris that we see again and again in this world. This world was made for this sort of thing; being The Temple of... The Purpose of Demonstration... that it is.

Expect the appearance of ever-greater chaos as Election Season goes into a higher gear shortly. The Deep State likes to use Fear and Confusion for crowd control. Advanced Materialism creates an atmosphere of subjectivity in The Hive Mind. Do not forget that we are at the further end of The Cusp Period between the ages. A whole lot of eggs are getting broken. A whole lot of omelets are being made; not all of them are edible.

I wish to point something out here. It is a permanent... and lasting reality that exists... regardless of The Weather moving across the mind's screen. Because of the pervasive atmosphere of subjectivity... people come to believe that The Weather is more than the weather. It's certainly another form of Bread and Circuses.

It's whatever it takes to hold your attention... while your pocket gets picked... while you get herded this way and that... while you believe what you are told, and... do not question the sources that are telling you... whatever they are telling you. It's in the nature of subjectivity.

There is an intransigent collective of cinderblock heads who believe that The World Leaders know what's going on, and are doing their best to control... whatever it is that they think they know... for the greater good. This is not true. Most world leaders are common hoo-ers. (which is what they call them in North Jersey)

Most world leaders sold their souls in order to be world leaders because The World is not controlled by world leaders. It is controlled by bankers... who are controlled by demons... who are controlled by The Prince of Darkness OR... The Shadow of God OR... The Left Hand of God OR... The Face of Carnal Hunger and Worldly Ambitions OR any number of names... that people give... to The Sower of Confusion in this world.

The Devil is God, the... way... that... The Wicked... see... him. There is no devil in actuality other than The Mind within a certain bandwidth. Hermes Trismegistus (or thrice greatest) says (in The Emerald Tablet)

“Thou shalt separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross, suavely, and with great ingenuity. It ascends from earth to heaven and descends again to earth, and receives the power of the superiors and of the inferiors. So thou hast the glory of the whole world; therefore let all obscurity flee before thee. This is the strong force of all forces, overcoming every subtle and penetrating every solid thing.”

Please note the Bold Text that refers to The Superiors and The Inferiors... which are also called, The Supernal and The Infernal. The Power spoken of is beyond... above... Good and Evil. That is the point being made. Both Evil and Good serve the agenda of The Master of Both.

You may consider it unfair to be trapped between Good and Evil... on the playing fields of existence... where The Purpose of Demonstration is acted out, BUT... you put yourself here by Wanting, AND... it is only Wanting that keeps you here. Some twisted actors are obsessed with the idea of ruling over us all. They are actively seeking the power to do this. They do not possess this power, BUT they think they have enough of what they need... to proceed....until they find, and acquire it, WHICH... is NEVER going to happen.

They can cause all kinds of confusion and chaos on their way to finding out that it is never going to happen... mostly by convincing that aforementioned collective of cinderblock heads... to follow along after them... do their bidding... go in fear of them... listen to weather reports, and play with themselves while they wait for something to happen.

You might think of what is coming to be like the sinking of The Titanic. Many more people were killed besides the few who were assassinated for opposing The Federal Reserve Act. We're talking about a much bigger boat here. No boat has ever been built...to match in size... The Ship of State... that sails on a river of darkness. A single cinderblock is a hefty item. Imagine millions of cinderblocks!

It's possible for certain people to gain The Appearance of a great deal of temporal power. You see... arrangements got made... previously... in another location... concerning the roles that get played out here, AND... as stupid as it might seem to you, there are people who desperately want to play The Bad Guys, AND... there are periods that occur in the endless transitions of existence... from one state to another... where there are a lot of perks that come with being a bad guy... especially a really bad guy.

You might remember that we have said here... many times... that The Avatar might well come in The Hearts of Humanity in this instance... simply because of the size of the population, AND... I should point out that... no matter what anyone might think... that's the real reason that everyone is here at this time... be they Good... Evil... or a cinderblock head.

It doesn't matter, AND... it's a moot point to me... whether The Avatar does come as a single individual... or a series of individuals... or in The Hearts of Humanity... where a place has been made for his appearance BECAUSE... it will likely be all of these.

So... let me point out... in the framework of eternal verities and laws... like... for instance... The Law of Cause and Effect, and The Law of Opposites... repelling and attracting, AND ancillary minutiae... and, of course... lest we forget... Yadda yadda as well; if The Avatar is to appear in certain hearts of humanity... it is very likely... according to Laws of Correspondence and other somesuch... that... something else will be appearing... nay... is already present... in the hearts of those where The Avatar will not be making an appearance.

Even now, The Coiling Darkness has made itself a home in the hearts and minds of many of The World's Leaders... the rich and powerful... the famous and celebrated... the veritable Who's Who on Mammon's guest list for the big gala to be held... once The World is finally subjugated by The Ones Who Want it So Fucking Bad. This gala will not be held... not on this plane anyway. Quite another gala... has been inked-in... in its place.

It's all going to be happening internally... for those seeking, and praying... and serving, AND... for those taking, and preying... and self-serving. What will be going on Out There will be nothing more than weather, and... the outcome was already decided long ago. The real action is going to be going on inside of each and every one of us. It's all in your mind... happens to be true.

Those who are under the spell of The Fallen Kings... who are under the spell... of The Ring of Power, will not pass Go, BUT... will continue to the sure and certain denouement that ALWAYS attends the destiny of such. Those who are caught up in the aspiration for Unity... of which Love is the first emanation... will continue on to the sure and certain denouement that ALWAYS attends the destiny of such.

The much-anticipated dawn that breaks, WILL BE... breaking within... upon the darkness of the human mind. The Light will be the message itself, and the message will be the spontaneous celebration of Unity... through the shared experiences of The First Emanation. If Love is in your heart, then... Love is in your heart.

There is to be a vast sorting out, and that portion of the program has already begun. Like, will be drawn to like... through the magnetism of shared desires. There are invisible tractor beams that are much like The Gulf Stream, and other such forces that have been in operation here for a long time. You are headed where your treasures are.

All this uncertainty and nonsense... that presently exist... as powerful distractions... they may play well before the audiences so disposed toward them, BUT... for others among us... near and far... a long awaited visitor, and his friends... are on the way.

End Transmission.......

We are linked at another site each time one of these posts appear. We... occasionally... show up at other sites too, but this one we are always present at. It is The Truthseeker.

Today, a reader added a link to the posting that featured a fine presentation of that Tom Wait's song, “Come On Up to The House.” I wore out my copies of his first 6 albums. I won't say anything further about it. Anyway... Tom was as fine a poet/balladeer as anyone who has written in the last hundreds of years. It's worth your time to listen to this cover of the song by another artist.



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

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Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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