Sunday, September 4, 2011

Heroes, Losers and Window Shopping Troglodytes.

I could have first written a short book called “Visible for Dummies” before I started doing all of this but I was too busy and I assumed too much; if you don’t know what a term or a reference means, by all means, look it up. That’s why god gave you search engines and doesn’t want you to use me as your research assistant. I know everyone wants to screw the cute librarian with the glasses. You should be informed, I’ve got all that kind of attention already and I live with the librarian and her sister likes me to. However, if it is that important, take a number and the butcher will be with you shortly. How would you like those hog nostrils sliced; real thin so they look like pepperoni on the pizza? Be patient, one our operators will contact you shortly.

People who actually like coming here know I will get to my point soon enough, or I might just take a lot of time; you never know. I introduced Lord Buckley into the mix yesterday and if you missed it there, because you didn’t find me in ‘all the usual places’, given that some of the usual places need to grant space for their consort and the religious music they offer, while reflexively dismissing anything spiritual by anyone else.... Oops, I’ve confused spirituality with religion again, never mind.

Anyway, I introduced Lord Buckley, who is not to be confused with William Buckley, who used to talk like his mouth was full of water, while he was seeding the fields of blood; much like the Kristol’s now do, or Buckley Cough Syrup; “tastes terrible but works great”... and Lord Buckley has had a great impact on me personally, as has Omar Khayyam and Lord Krishna, Shiva and a Buddha or two.

I learned yesterday that Lord Buckley used to go on stage and encourage the women in the audience to bring their mink coats to the stage and then he would set them on fire. Now who used to wear mink coats all the time, or should I go down to Miami Beach forty years ago in the summer or do you get the picture? Apparently Al Capone approved of what he did but Al was in competition with a larger crime syndicate, so we can appreciate why he would have that sentiment but we don’t want to talk about who his rivals were. As I heard the tale, Lord Buckley died in the gutter, though the word is that he was killed by the mob; which mob? Maybe that’s why Groucho treated him like shit. Well, for those who don’t know the man, go to Visible Origami for a small taste in the links and let me give you one I didn’t include that attends to the conquistadores; maybe the text is a better thing at this point.

This is not about Lord Buckley but more about all of us that have wailed backstage because the stage has been controlled by those who demand an open mouthed and kneeling fealty from the performers and some of us won’t put up with this. Some of us burn their mink coats on stage and some of us create our own stage but any of us that are honorable and have some shred of integrity remaining, improvise somehow to get our message out to those who tend to tear us to pieces instead of hanging their leaders and the propaganda skunks, who make the joint smell like the world needs to take a shower and then get run over by the tractor trailer of the divine, as they sit in the middle of the highway licking their fur.

I’m going to be honest here, which might be a stretch for me. I have often toned down my real message because a website I really liked didn’t like me talking about God; those days are over. I don’t care who does or does not link me anymore. If I can’t be myself then the whole point of doing this in the first place is a big waste of time and I’ve done enough of that already.

I don’t care if a plane or a missile hit The Pentagon. All I care about is who did it, not how they did it. Unlike the estimable doctors of one science or another, who write endless books about shit that any fool ought to already question from the get go, I already know it’s bullshit and I don’t mind calling it by its rightful name. I got on a train and traveled for a full day to get to Luzerne to speak to a group of Swiss and curious attended by press and the rest who came to hear Dr. Griffin and Niels Harrit go on and on and on and on about the kind of thing that only the Swiss will sit still for because they live in the country that hides the money until they need it to make another war.

I’ll admit that I got impatient after a couple of hours and I will admit that I had not much to do but smoke extraordinarily strong pot and drink beer and talk to the people outside who had enough sense not to sit through the show. So I told the promoter to put me on because I could tell that no one was really getting anything because it was just going on and on and on and on and on and on and on. The promoter is and was a very cool guy and he did put me on next and I knew what I could say and couldn’t say, up to a point so... what could I do, I did my best Lord Buckley and maybe you want to go and read “Visible for Dummies” at this point but without saying it, I said it and when I left the stage after taking only about ten minutes, a good portion of the audience followed me outside and stayed there until the promoter had to come back out and encourage them to go back in so that they could hear two more hours about intricate shit that was designed to put their minds to sleep and succeeded.

The next morning when I awoke from my troubled sleep, I did my best to avoid the good doctors at the complimentary breakfast buffet but I had left something in my hotel room. That meant I had to traverse across the space where they could see me pass because I had already been waiting a good time to get away and just as my streetcar, on a given Sunday- with reduced traffic; given that it was a Sunday, arrived, I remembered what I had forgotten and wound up having that undesirable brunch with them.

If what it takes to tell the truth involves having to have breakfast with people who don’t like me cause I stole their thunder in a small town that I can’t even remember the name of, so be it. If my taking a slow train fifteen hundred miles back and forth over the period of three days is not enough to show the lengths I am willing to go to and get no compensation, where I am sure the doctors got theirs, then maybe I’m not trying hard enough and maybe I’m wrong and maybe I don’t deserve anything anyway but... I know what boredom is like and I find it intolerable. I find writing endless books about HOW something happened is intolerable too. I find arguing about whether it was a plane or a missile intolerable because all I give a shit about is who did it. I don’t care what their mechanisms were; that’s for the people who make money off of it by their tedious books and lecture tours that make Bob Dylan’s present 365 days a year tour look like he was living and working in France... and he’s been touring non stop for a long time and not having much effect on anything anymore, just like the good doctors because none of these fucks addresses the root problem which is WHO DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don’t care how they did it and I don’t care about all the convoluted frottage crap that people get into, I care who did it. The producer of the event took me aside afterwards and he told me that we can’t talk about that here and, you know what? I didn’t even say it out of respect for him in the first place but I’m a performer. I know how to get my point across without actually saying it. I say it here because I own here. If I can’t say it in your space then don’t invite me and if you have a financial angle with me, don’t visit or importune me because I don’t need you and I never have. The day I can’t be heard, because I am dependent on small change aficionados, is the day I tie my feet together and tie my hands behind my back and then hang myself and I can be a suicide just like the real thing, all it takes is 12 Chinese acrobats and a whole lot of people who whore for money or sell their asses for the thrill of fear and I am good to go.

I like Lord Buckley and I like Colonel Khadaffi and I like Russia and I definitely like Vladimir Putin or anyone who is, more or less-as politician’s go- behaving themselves at home and not terrorizing the landscape. This is pretty much the world today. If they are not killing you by proxy, as the cowards they are, they are boring you to death or apologizing for not letting you have a forum because we don’t say these things here.

You know what? If you can’t print or allow all that I do, then don’t print any of it. You know what? If you have to pass the hat to print my books, I can electronically print them with NO ONE”S HELP but the one I have relied on all my life. Believe me, I have never relied on any of you and I am not going to change now. My life is between me and GOD and now that I don’t care if a certain website prints my work anymore, I’m not ashamed to say it; I’ve never been ashamed of that but I am done mincing my words. You like mince? Go bake yourself a mince pie for all the thanksgiving you have none left of to celebrate. You get back to me when November arrives.

End Transmission.

I’m celebrating other people now.


Robert Bonomo said...

Ahh, Les, you hit him in the balls, and I loved it...I am so up to here with the bullshit, and today I read your piece, and I was ready to go out there with you and kick some ass.

I have tried to be patient, polite, understanding, as the whole thing collapses.. and finally, I have come to a conclusion. I am crazy, or they are asleep...and I willing to put my money down that they are snoozin and lozin.

Here, I know folks will read and understand, but in everyday bullshit land I am just sick of the blank stares and the radical changes in conversational direction.

No more time to look for stragglers, they are either in the boat or going to drown...

Keep going Les, keep writing and publishing, a lot of us really count on you to reaffirm the truth.

Anonymous said...

Dear Les...

i understand your position...don't be compromised by anyone...

it would be the same for your commentors if you became their editor in chief...telling your commentors to say this or don't say doesn't work out favorable...

soon those egos that awarded themselves editor in chief of their bloggers will find out that it back fires like bad gas...

continue doing what you do Les...

time to let go of those that feel the need to control others...they are living the ego mind...many are just robots sustaining the evil system...

Mr. Apocalypse is granting us the ability to see just who is who and to know the difference...the great divide is upon us...

Best Wishes Always

tim said...

Excellent point about the plane/no plane bullshit. What we have to do is demand the tapes that the FBI confiscated and the argument ends. Jesse Ventura's show is pretty corny, but the last one shown on TV was the 911 pentagon story. It ended with him talking to a 911laywer saying "the preservation of the institution (state) is more important than the truth." That pretty much sums it up and protects our owners.

siamsam said...

The more we look the more we see. (Monkeys that is)

There are zombie monkeys (the majority) that take in all the shit they are fed and relish the taste. There are semi concious monkeys that see something but are easily lead - pied piper style. There are the sentient monkeys that question everything and slowly slowly catch out the bad monkeys.

The more monkeys caught the easier the game becomes. In the begining we are all as the monkeys and happy to monkey with the monkeys. Then one day we realize we are not quite the same as the other monkeys. No matter how educated some monkeys may be they seem to be missing something. Soon we think we can spot bad monkeys where ever they be. But we can't as we still find that we have been unknowingly playing with bad monkeys.

It becomes a constant game to spot the bad monkeys as the clever ones hide their identity - as monkeys. Nevertheless, they are still bad monkeys and can't help acting like bad monkeys. Eventualy they are exposed for what they are - bad monkeys.

Did I mention monkeys :)

Richard said...

The price of looking into the mirror, all of us look but how many pay the price to see what is reflected? Albeit the reflection is not true ,directionally speaking, so adjust what is left and right.

So keep on being a renegade, a rebel. Its a fact that Geronimo had FIVE warriors, 8 women and some children when two bluecoat armies were sent after him....
The warrior causes fear because he has a dream for which he fights, but is not asleep, shall we call it a waking dream? S&B even had to steal his skull in order to access some of the power of having a dream.

In peace time a gentleman is just that, gentle, yet when it is time for defending the territory, becomes a knight, softness of heart is what keeps it pumping freely the force to swing the sword.

May you keep swimming in Divine Grace, your Heart as soft and light as the feathers on Geronimo's head-dress.

Thanks for the links, after all even a dog can shake hands.

Time for the Shiva/Shakti tango, woof woof from the Dog Nation

Odin's Raven said...

Luke 9:60 'Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God.'

DaveS said...


I'm with you. Why do the smart people who know who did 9/11 waste their time trying to find exactly what happened thru layman forensic methods rather than calling for the neocon assholes to be arrested, jailed and tried for their crimes? When the assfuckers are on the stand we can find out exactly what happened from their own mouths... but until the day those bastards are on the dock, there will be nothing but an endless feedback loop of no planes vs planes arguments.

I didn't watch 9/11 go down... I was pretty sure who was responsible for it on that day, and I was only more sure as time went on. All one needed to do is listen to what the politicians were saying publicly before the 'attack' and then see how well the event pigeon-holed into their plans. Kind of reminded me of every other false flag event we know about.

I wish I had recordings of me telling the freaks at the fishing/hunting bar/flyshop where I was working that the 'war on terror' was going to cost them all more than they would care to pay. That their freedoms would be curtailed and that this whole 'war' was a phony designed to ruin america. I remember they laughed at me and thought I was some kind of a 'liberal' freak – but I can fish, I was good at picking bugs, and so they tolerated my arguments.

These days, you should hear the conversations down there. Whining about the current administration and how Obama is ruining america... fuck, it was already ruined by Reagan and his team of dickhead warmongering assfuckers. Oblamblam is just more of the same, yet those idiots won't admit it.

And (in my best paul harvey) that is the problem and there is no solution other than revolution. Not a violent revolution, but an information revolution telling these idiots the truth in a way they will comprehend so we can try rebuilding a civilization (emphasis on civilize) where everyone is respected.

I'm not holding my breath...

And thanks again for the links to Lord Buckley. That dude rocks. Must be something in the Tuolumne H2O that creates such freaks... Him, Twain and a host of other awesome weirdos passed thru that spot and onto greater things. Not all the gold in those mountains is metal ;)

Again thanks to you and the rest of the crew who spend time here... life wouldn't be quite as interesting without all of you.

Anaughty Mouser said...

Took the gloves off on this one I can see. Only right. The time is soon nigh for the great unravelling to begin and woe to those who have not got their house in order before the show starts.

I'd rather get a 2x4 up against the side of the head than to merrily keep on slip sliding away into hell. The coming of the Lord knows no man except the Father - but there will be signs and those are ALL here now.

What were once habits are now vices. If you've got sin in your life - get rid of it, literally no time like the present. I'm speaking to myself here too.

'Visible for Dummies', if it existed, I can imagine could be summarised into one sentence: If you're not right with God - do it, do it right now.

Thank you Les Visible for all you give us to think about. No one else can do this quite the way you do.

May God bless you with eternal jewels unlike the temporal bling on this plane.

Yours, Mouser

Anonymous said...

How to spot a psychopath.

Here is the 20 point test - you can take it yourself for fun and evaluate your friends and aquaintances!

Each item is objectively scored as 0, 1, or 2. Max score is 40. A score of 30 or above gives the clinical diagnosis of psychopath.

The twenty traits assessed by the PCL-R score are:

1. glib and superficial charm
2. grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self
3. need for stimulation
4. pathological lying
5. cunning and manipulativeness
6. lack of remorse or guilt
7. shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)
8. callousness and lack of empathy
9. parasitic lifestyle
10. poor behavioral controls
11. sexual promiscuity
12. early behavior problems
13. lack of realistic long-term goals
14. impulsivity
15. irresponsibility
16. failure to accept responsibility for own actions
17. many short-term marital relationships
18. juvenile delinquency
19. revocation of conditional release
20. criminal versatility

The interview portion of the evaluation covers the subject's background, including such items as work and educational history; marital and family status; and criminal background. Because psychopaths lie frequently and easily, the information they provide must be confirmed by a review of the documents in the subject's case history.


When properly completed by a qualified professional, the PCL-R provides a total score that indicates how closely the test subject matches the "perfect" score that a classic or prototypical psychopath would rate. Each of the twenty items is given a score of 0, 1, or 2 based on how well it applies to the subject being tested. A prototypical psychopath would receive a maximum score of 40, while someone with absolutely no psychopathic traits or tendencies would receive a score of zero. A score of 30 or above qualifies a person for a diagnosis of psychopathy. People with no criminal backgrounds normally score around 5. Many non-psychopathic criminal offenders score around 22.

Read more: Hare Psychopathy Checklist - define, person, people, used, personality, score, traits, Definition, Purpose

Annsie said...

Hear, Hear, Ten years down the road and you still have groups going on and on about every little detail and wasting precious energy about the planes and no planes theories, the laser beams and what have you.. I don't care if Batman hit the pentagon at this stage..

Press Tv have linked Israel to 911 at this stage.Whats that phrase again...

The mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small;
Though with patience He stands waiting, with exactness He grinds all.”

Thanks Les..

Anonymous said...

lord buckley certainly most definately was a lord,and he had a fine moustache too,although my all time favourite moustache has got to be the one with the twirly bits at the end,lord buckleys moustache is a close second,,,,

burning rich peoples mink coats,may have not gone down to well with rich people I suspect,that may have had something to do with him living in poverty I suppose,but to me lord buckley,even though he didnt really have much was one of the richest men of his time...

their were more riches and power in one of lord buckleys moustache hairs than if you combined the entire death cult false jew colonialist empiricals and other garden variety oligarchal tyrant vampire rat squids all together.....

he is the same as you mr visibles from the same place,where all that deep loving integrity binds and loves us to the beautiful place,the place we all love

maybe we should call you lord visibles mr visibles...

anyway I'm going to go and practise growing a spiraly moustache for a while as everyone round my house seems to have gone stupid so I'm thinking maybe I should aswell,,,,

respects to you lord visibles....neil

Anonymous said...

i hear you man, know where you are coming from. down to the wire though now.. should not have to wait long to know. as individuals we can only do so much.

Anonymous said...

“AMEN” lol. My childhood and circumstances prepared me for being viewed as “different” as “they” politely term it. Some time ago I ceased to care about how I am perceived by “them”. Been going a different direction most of my life; dodgin’ the trampling herd and stayin’ outta the way. I see others doin’ the same. We catch each other’s scent on the wind. We see each other’s tracks on the ground. And we all sense there’s gonna be a gathering of some kind soon.

Alpha Silex said...

Can't wait to see the strange stares of the straggler sheep who might happen to look up at this. More fluoride please:

kenny said...

Bravo for not toning it down just to get a link. Being true to one's self is the most important.

And yeah, It's an owl thing ...

Who ... Who

Richie (Dana) said...

siamsan @ 1:59
I enjoyed your monkey story. Here is one back at you.


Start with a cage containing five monkeys. Inside the cage, hang a banana on a string and place a set of stairs under it. Before long, one of the monkeys will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, all of the monkeys are sprayed with cold water.

After a while, another monkey makes an attempt with the same result, that all the monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon, none of the monkeys will try to climb the stairs. Now, put away the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his surprise and horror, all of the other monkeys attack him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted.

Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm! Likewise, replace a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, and then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked. Most of the monkeys that are beating him have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs or why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey.

After replacing all the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approaches the stairs to try for the banana. Why not?


It seems that it has always been time to stop doing the right thing and start doing the right thing.
A pox on pandering.

I am enjoying the house cleaning Les.

Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus, and shall present us with you.
For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God.
For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.
For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;
While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Corinthians 4: 14-18

He who has eyes to see....Let him see.


Sook said...

I found you from that site.
You were probably inhibited by the divine so we could find you.
I think there are enough here now that you've been released.
The master's let go of the leash: "go sic 'em boy!"

Anonymous said...

My name is Simon Stevens i reside in Wellington NZ. Before the Anniversary
"Celebrations" of 911 i will sending a letter to the NZ SIS and to top Govt officials to call them out on the Cowardice/Ignorance regarding 911. I do not expect gratitude or pleasant results - i am just not much interested in living in a world of such overwhelming lies and deception so feel i have nothing (worth loosing) to loose.

Let the cards fall where they may.

I will back to post said letter.

PS i will not waste time detailing the obvious to them (the minutae )
of the events surrounding that fatefull day - Im sure they have a good idea - i only which to call them on their collective and individual cowardice.

Anonymous said...

It's the narrow path you've chosen, or the "Road Less Travelled".

Good choice, Les. It's a bit overgrown, not many people passing through here, but don't worry, we can take turns with the machete.

Anaughty Mouser said...

Netanyahu pledges to defend Marmara Storm Troopers - comments by Mouser

Netanyahu: "We need not apologize for the fact that naval commandos defended their lives against an assault by violent IHT activists."

Mouser: Bullshit. They were peace activists, weaponless in international waters, bringing food and non-military supplies to the innocent prisoners of the Gaza strip.

Netanyahu: "We need not apologize for the fact that we acted to stop the smuggling of weapons to Hamas, a terrorist organization that has already fired over 10,000 missiles, rockets and mortar rounds at our civilians."

Mouser: You Sir are a complete asshole. The bottle rockets were fired by your own agaents into deserted plots of land on the illegally occupied Palestinian lands to justify 'retaliation'.

Netanyahu: "We need not apologize for the fact that we acted to defend our people, our children and our communities,"

Mouser: Meanwhile you genocided 1,450 Gazians in cold blood - over 500 of them innocent children during Cast Lead I - fuck you Netanyahu, get the fuck off the Palestinian's land stolen by Rothschild - while you still can.

Netanyahu: "To the naval commandos, I would like to say that just as you and the rest of the IDF defend us, we will defend you everywhere and in every forum."

Mouser: Eat shit you murdering zionist - may you reap what you have sown.

Anonymous said...

First uncompleted draft - seeking feedback

NZ Security and Intelligence Service.

Dear Sirs and Madame’s,

This is a letter concerning 911 and the moral cowardice and wilful ignorance of those officials in this country (that would be yourselves) who continue to support and feast on the fantastical official version of this State and Oligarchic organized terrorist event.

I will not waste my time and energy in pointing out the obvious glaring inconsistencies in the official version for you either know the truth of things (have some basic understanding of physics) or as so many do, choose to live a life of wilful ignorance.

I have of course extensively researched the events of that infamous day. However even this was not necessary as it was obvious from the moment I first witnessed the event that the towers were pre rigged with demolitions, even of course WT 7 which was not hit by a plane. (Again Physics 101). You could of course have a conversation with the Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth regarding the finer points.

I am not so naïve to believe that this letter might cause you to reconsider 911 and its implications or that you are misinformed. I write this for myself for I consider that a world as totally deceptive and counterfeit such as this is not a world worth living in.

(Do not make the incorrect assumption that I am intending to leave this world by my own hand) I am not. This is actually an expression of FREEDOM where FREEDOM does truly equate to – NOTHING LEFT TO LOOSE.

This world of course has always to an extent been like this, but never to such a degree. There is now nowhere to hide from it and I do not wish to hide or to censor myself on behalf of the psychopathic elite and those who choose to serve them.

It would be comforting to think that those who are entrusted with the security of this country are playing along with the officially accepted consensus reality pertaining to 911 and its attendant horrors for practical and strategic reasons with a plan to fight against the current and future tyranny it has bought about, but this again would be naive.

You may yourselves expect to be on the winning side of history, to accept the lie and to profit from it, but this would as history will affirm be a very naïve assumption on your part. It is even less likely that you’re your children’s lives will be enhanced by your wilful complicity.

PS: You may have in your records a letter (I have long since discarded my copy), dated approximately 1980 – 81, inviting me to apply for employment with your organization. I
decided not to pursue this. I point it out because the irony has not escaped me.

Simon N Stevens

4 Queen St Petone

Anonymous said...

Final version (absent editing) to be posted (hard copy tommorrow), would appreciate any comments on how it may be enhanced.

NZ Security and Intelligence Service.

Dear Sirs and Madame’s,

This is a letter concerning 911 and the moral cowardice and wilful ignorance of those officials in this country (that would be yourselves) who continue to support and feast on the fantastical official version of this State and Oligarchic organized terrorist event.

I will not waste my time and energy in pointing out the obvious glaring inconsistencies in the official version for you either know the truth of things (have some basic understanding of physics) or as so many do, choose to live a life of wilful ignorance.

I have of course extensively researched the events of that infamous day. However even this was not necessary as it was obvious from the moment I first witnessed the event that the towers were pre rigged with demolitions, even of course WT 7 which was not hit by a plane. (Again Physics 101). You could of course have a conversation with the Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth regarding the finer points.

I am not so naïve to believe that this letter might cause you to reconsider 911 and its implications or that you are misinformed. I write this for myself for I consider that a world as totally deceptive and counterfeit such as this is not a world worth living in.

(Do not make the incorrect assumption that I am intending to leave this world by my own hand) I am not. This is actually an expression of FREEDOM where FREEDOM does truly equate to – NOTHING LEFT TO LOOSE.

This world of course has always to an extent been like this, but never to such a degree. There is now nowhere to hide from it and I do not wish to hide or to censor myself on behalf of the psychopathic elite and those who choose to serve them.

It would be comforting to think that those who are entrusted with the security of this country are playing along with the officially accepted consensus reality pertaining to 911 and its attendant horrors for practical and strategic reasons with a plan to fight against the current and future tyranny it has bought about, but this again would be naive.

I fully expect this letter to be dismissed and no good to come of it for myself personally. Further I will no doubt be added to some terrorist watch list. I will state here for the record that I have no intention (although I may have harboured such useless and counterproductive thoughts in my more immature youth) of confronting this tyranny in a physical fashion. Instead I confront the LIE and those who embrace it with its mortal enemy, TRUTH. This is of course the purpose of this letter.

You may yourselves expect to be on the winning side of history, to accept the lie and to profit from it, but this would as history will affirm be a very naïve assumption on your part. It is even less likely that you’re your children’s lives will be enhanced by your wilful complicity.

PS: You may have in your records a letter (I have long since discarded my copy), dated approximately 1980 – 81, inviting me to apply for employment with your organization. I
decided not to pursue this. I point it out because the irony has not escaped me.

Simon N Stevens

4 Queen St Petone

PH 04 56 88 193

Anonymous said...

The plan. Take control of the outlets of info, control the truth output to a trickle and fill the rest with disinfo. Then it will take 50 years for the truth to be known even those with the ability see and hear knew it from the beginning.

Just like it is now comming out with the truth about who killed kennedy when those who did it are mostly all dead.But there is one main character still kicking who needs to be brought to justice.

Hey, We don't need to convince the choir. We need to organize the choir. Lets sing in unison and sing loudly with the words shaking the rafters.

We know who did it! That is all that matters. The how is for when they are sitting in court. We need to organize a prosecution, a trial in the public. We can have this online. they are welcome to bring there case as well. But, would not that be a confession?

9/11 the sequel is done with pre-prodution. We need to keep our eyes and ears open and when the curtain rises start booing even before the first word is spoken. We need to take the momentum before they do.

Those who are awake are awake, those who are asleep, well, were they ever awake?

Enjoy the day.


amarynth said...

To the Mouser:

"'Visible for Dummies', if it existed, I can imagine could be summarised into one sentence: If you're not right with God - do it, do it right now."

I laughed! and I add ...

And lose the trimmings!

Richie (Dana) said...

This guy is one of my hero's

Kick back for a few minuets and have a laugh.

George Carlin saw the truth clearly


Anonymous said...

Thank you Les. Tell it all. 'Twil be your faith in glory to tell the old old story.
I am a witness. I have been shown. God is real. God is alive. God rules.
Faith is a gift from God, but I've heard it said that if you walk with faith, faith will walk with you.
The bible says blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.
The Urantia Book says this is a blind faith planet (a benefit).
But I am not a blind faith believer for I have been shown.
And I am here to witness that you may have strength and believe.

Love to all,

Anonymous said...

pierre said...

thank god I dont know anyone, do much anything, or feel much pleasure. I might be a sociopath, but at least Im not a psycopath.
(this was on the recent BBC Sherlock TV series, this difference).

For my part I have been interested in Judy Woods energy beam dustification ideas, if only because it expands my mind and makes more sense than complicated explosives, and also hints at further powers than the usual suspects (ie alien help I would suppose). But I'm not hung up on it, I dont have that 12 year old ego problem (apologies to 12 year olds). It's that ability to divide and conquer pushing all those largely irrelevant buttons that keeps on keeping on the shit that hangs on. why I think organisation and leadership is missing, discipline too. The MAIN thing is that the government is lying and there is more than enough circumstantial evidence to point the finger.

and if I may stick my neck out, the main problem I have with Vis dummy spits (my words) is for your own sake. If you are ok with it fine, if not, then I recommend circumspection (not avoidance). I also think that some commenters have been put off (eg Snake Sage).

I wonder why Buckley et al developed their style that way, 'cause straight talkin' didn't cut it with the KoolAid cats? or treat them mean keep them keen? or genius's relieving their boredom? there's so many ways kids are brought up to lie and get away from the basic honesty that they are born with (beaten down) so maybe its a way for the truth to out, like the seemingly arcane language of many a (night time) dream. In some ways the 50's (and earlier generally) were more open minded and challenging than now.

I didn't pick up any more meanness from Groucho towards Buckley than usual, except perhaps his reacting to some real competition (feeling this as a slightly selfish shit myself). But I miss a lot, and trust too much, and write 10% BS IMO.


pingstro. I can only ping, my ding'a'ling thing 'aint got that maestro al' presto, but my al Fresco distro is still 'goin strongo.(but Buckley would have made sense).

MachtNichts said...

Happy to hear you growling. The upcoming anniversary is already a pain in the behind with people talking Blech all over the place.

I have seen too many blank stares myself. - What, are you serious? You're blowing everything out of proportion! It doesn't affect me! Don't worry about it! That will never happen! Who believes in God these days? -

Vis, I cannot thank you enough for what you are doing. And, as you well know, it has nothing to do with the appearance of things.

wv: oupsusto - make a soup and eat with gusto

Anonymous said...

just a link to another of my short stories
needs alot of help, but you'll get the gist.

Kray Z8 said...

Mr. Visible,
I sense a degree of frustration and turmoil in your last two blogs. When people can't or won't grasp that which would benefit them, it causes that. It stems from your compassion; if you didn't care, it wouldn't matter. You are a conduit for the transmission of knowledge from a higher power, and you're remarkably good at it. That is your path. Most of us are sincere but inexperienced seekers. We are doing the best that we can. That is our path. I believe as you do that everything happens as it is supposed to. You do the best you can do and it is all you can do; Whether or not it has exactly the effect you intend, it has the effect it's supposed to. Whether or not we understand it completely, we understand what we need to. If I am a dillitente it's unintentional. If I'm a "slow study", so be it. I'd rather try and fail than remain a prisoner of the paradigm. I have a hunch that recently you've been experiencing energy and communication that even by your standards is intense. Your sense of imperative is understandable.

I gain much from your insights and example and from those of the Friends who post here. Thanks for all your efforts. As long as you want speak out, I'll be here with bells on.

Peace, Love, Awareness,


Anonymous said...

@pierre 7:16;

How to spot a psychopath.

Here is the 20 point test - you can take it yourself for fun and evaluate your friends and aquaintances!

Each item is objectively scored as 0, 1, or 2. Max score is 40. A score of 30 or above gives the clinical diagnosis of psychopath.

The twenty traits assessed by the PCL-R score are:

1. glib and superficial charm
2. grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self
3. need for stimulation
4. pathological lying
5. cunning and manipulativeness
6. lack of remorse or guilt
7. shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)
8. callousness and lack of empathy
9. parasitic lifestyle
10. poor behavioral controls
11. sexual promiscuity
12. early behavior problems
13. lack of realistic long-term goals
14. impulsivity
15. irresponsibility
16. failure to accept responsibility for own actions
17. many short-term marital relationships
18. juvenile delinquency
19. revocation of conditional release
20. criminal versatility

The interview portion of the evaluation covers the subject's background, including such items as work and educational history; marital and family status; and criminal background. Because psychopaths lie frequently and easily, the information they provide must be confirmed by a review of the documents in the subject's case history.


When properly completed by a qualified professional, the PCL-R provides a total score that indicates how closely the test subject matches the "perfect" score that a classic or prototypical psychopath would rate. Each of the twenty items is given a score of 0, 1, or 2 based on how well it applies to the subject being tested. A prototypical psychopath would receive a maximum score of 40, while someone with absolutely no psychopathic traits or tendencies would receive a score of zero. A score of 30 or above qualifies a person for a diagnosis of psychopathy. People with no criminal backgrounds normally score around 5. Many non-psychopathic criminal offenders score around 22.

Read more: Hare Psychopathy Checklist - define, person, people, used, personality, score, traits, Definition, Purpose

Anonymous said...

I'm a Spiritual Sweat Hog

Thanks for your blog LV

Patrick V1.0

Anonymous said...

Question: 9/11 - cui bono?

Israeli Investors Made Huge Profits From 9/11 Event

"Between August 26 and September 11, 2001, a group of speculators, identified by the American Securities and Exchange Commission as Israeli citizens, sold 'short' a list of 38 stocks (United Airlines, American Airlines etc) that could reasonably be expected to fall in value as a result of the pending attacks. These speculators operated out of the Toronto, Canada and Frankfurt, Germany, stock exchanges and their profits were specifically stated to be 'in the millions of dollars'."

Answer: Israel.

Denny said...

Simon Stevens 12:45 00 AM

The last time I wrote out a letter similar to your own and sent it off to "those it may have concerned", all it resulted in was a satellite bug being put behind the back bumper of my car and my telephone being tapped. When I let them know via the tapped phone that I actually watched the two guys put the bug in place during the early hours of morning, they certainly wasted no time in taking it back off again.

And all because I simply enquired as to whether they were aware of the fact that so-called "dentists" are poisoning entire populations with highly toxic mercury dental fillings. (Luckily I didn't mention the fluoride too!)

I'll be interested in any responses you might get. Meanwhile check behind the back bumper of your car and bore them to death by making long phone coversations with the local vicar.

This entire world is based on lies, and the challenge is in remaining composed once having realized it.

PS: "lose" not "loose".

Anonymous said...

Speaking of who did it.... Turkey has just started using Israeli security screening methods.....on Israeli's.

Dozens of Israelis questioned at length upon landing in Turkey

The medicine can be quite bitter!

Erik said...

Hmm, on Discovery Europe this week:

"Giuiliani: Commanding 9/11"


(talk about 'in your face' ;)

Anaughty Mouser said...

Everytime anyone expresses the factual link between 9/11 and Rothschild's israel the cry "antisemitism" is heard.


I am 100% pro-semite. I am 100% anti-zionist. The Palestinians, not the israeli khazarian ashkenazis, are semites.

The white, israeli, zionist false-jews are not semites and were called the Synagogue of Satan by Jesus in the book of Revelations.

'Those who call themselves Jews, but who are not, they are the Synagogue of Satan.'

9/11 was done by Rothschild through israel and US secret service for geopolitical gain - in order to implement a new world order where the zionist international bankers own and rule everything.


Anonymous said...

Olav Palme, then prime minister of Sweden, was killed by Mossad for being the first openly pro-Palestine state leader to allow the PLO to establish an office in Stockholm with the expressed goal to have Palestine declared a sovereign state by the UN.

Later Anna Lindh, ear-marked as the next primeminister of Sweden, would be killed by Mossad for openly expressing her disgust for the inhumane treatment of the Palestinians at the hands of their oppressor israel.

Olav Palme and Anna Lindh's lives were not given in vain. On September 20, 2011 Palestine will be acknowledged as a sovereign state by the UN by a 65% majority.

Anonymous said...

"Giuiliani: Commanding 9/11"

Did you know Giuiliani, although an American citizen, was formally 'knighted' by the queen of England? The same queen who the Rothschilds had planted into power through Cromwell. The same queen who has Lord Rothschild as her private personal accountant.

Let us accept as fact Rothschild did 9/11 through israel and US secret service. It stands to reason that the man who 'knew the towers would come down before it happened' would get a gold star from the queen school marm.

Corruption royale.

Paco said...

I remain a big fan of Lord Buckley.

Many years ago there was a coffee house on the Sunset Strip called the Renaissance. Buckley would show up. unannounced. and the performers, like Paul Horn, would clear the stage. A shout would go out that "the lord is here" and Buckley would take the stage and do his riff. It was pure magic.

There is a book called "Dig Infinity, The Life and Art of Lord Buckley" by Oliver Trager. If you can find a copy get it!

Stay cool all you cats and kitties on this sweet swinging sphere!

Thanks to Les for keeping this legend alive.

Thomas said...

Beatiful Les!

Your strength and honesty sets a fine example.

I had a somewhat similar experience this weekend, meeting, in my crushing loneliness here in #1 highest voting %, #1 facebook %, #1 atheist % society, danced and played music with some truly lovely people, and was invited to come and jam with them whenever I wished. As soon as I mentioned God, I was told that it would stop right there, they wanted none of that, instead they were talking about "the globe" and "the children". I said, well, then it has to stop here, I will not abandon God, FOR ANYTHING! It really hurt me, though, finding something/one that felt so right, and then being pushed out of it over words.

Later, in my evening prayer, when I thanked God, I was thanked back for that incident!

What I was also told then is that the names are not important. I am supposed to go and consort with these people, just use other words. Words are just words, but we work for the same energy/side, without a doubt. What I'm trying to get to is that it is silly of me to miss out on what we can teach each other, and the Love we can get flowing, quiblling over guttural sounds and mental structural projections. Of course, you are in a quite different situation here, so...

I'm with you entirely on this one. You are yourself, and I hope you will keep being that.

Cheers to our One Infinite Source, Our loving Creator, Father God, Mother Allah, Krishna, Jah Jah, the One Absolute Flawless One.


Love to All who come here :)

al spense said...

the pretend owl,
sat in a tree
he had no eyes,
so he couldn't see
he had no mouth,
so he couldn't talk
he had no feet,
so he couldn't walk
he had no ears,
so he couldn't hear
he had no soul,
so he couldn't fear
he had no wings,
so he couldn't fly
he had no hope,
so he couldn't try
he just sat there,
in that tree
he couldn't see you
and he couldn't see me.
allan spence

Les you are truly a beautiful man.

siamsam said...

Tony Blair's office was the subject of a torrent of questions today after reports emerged he was Rupert Murdoch's daughter's godfather.

This pile of shit has been playing with the bad monkeys from day one.

siamsam said...

I think I posted this little ditty before, but I think it may deserve another airing considering recent events :)

Tony, Bono, Geldoff and Gore

Iraq, Asia, Africa, - nothing said at home
Our Honors and our privileges shield us from your scorn

One big happy family come and join the club
To sell your soul to Lucifer’s the only little rub

Reduce the Prolo numbers now they’ve served the cause
Better left unspoken, unless behind closed doors

Give them bread and circus, idols by the score
Fluoride in the water helps us even more

GM food, of course its good, one step at a time
Aspartame for the little ones to help them tow the line

We know they’re hard of thinking
So let’s not pay to care
The game is done – the party’s won

Yours sincerely

Tony, Bono, Geldoff and Gore

Siamsam 2010

Anonymous said...

Lord Visibility

Now that has a ring to it.


Anonymous said...

Sycophancy is a turn off.

Constructive feedback is a positive.

Defending a Universally inclusive position seems a terrible waste of valuable drinking time.

Denny said...

Anonymous 10:45 00 AM

Who did you say compiled that test..?

I once overheard someone state that there are more psychopaths here in Sweden than in any other country in the world, and as a result began suspecting everyone around me of being one. However, it was sometime later that I realized he said "CYCLE paths".

I scored miserably on most of the assessed traits apart from number 8 - callousness and lack of empathy (apart from during my schooldays when I was officially declared by the headmaster of the all boys paedophile infested school I attended - or rather, rarely attended - as the worst pupil in its entire history).

So I guess that now makes me a psychopath, then.

Mind you, I wouldn't place too much trust in those so-called "qualified professionals" you mentioned. That particular pseudo profession is literally crawling with psychopaths.

Anonymous said...

Well, I listen to you. After two years of being a soloist at a Super Gulag Christian R. Elitist Wanna Be anything but what Jesus commands "frozen chosen" empty citadel of hypocrisy. I said, "no more." Two elders and the choir director said, "OMG this is wonderful news. The Lord works miracles. We have already found someone else to take your place." I said, "Yes, this is true..God thanks me, the congregation thanks me, the choir thanks me and I thank myself for not allowing my talent to be waisted on your mean self-righteous, militaristic, dominionist, less than noble or humane cult of armageddon evil."

Anonymous said...

Thankyou Denny - mis spelling noted.

As to any heat i will recieve - i have thought long and hard about this and at the end of the day my inner being says - go ahead. Unless the powers that be target my cat Snapper i am prepared to accept the consequences. Thankfully i live in NZ and not the US, - still the rot here grows daily.

Next targets for shaming, the local Main Stream "News" services.

Anonymous said...

lord visibility does have a ring to it,great poems people,really really good, will have a go myself if I can get to the beautiful place,.
you know,i was thinking in my little way, maybe many lifetimes ago all of us here could have been a swarm of bees or something playing about in lau tzu's garden,inspiring wonderful thoughts that could only ever lead to the deepest compassion,...
maybe we were flowers in a feild where muhammad sat for a while or where arjuna prepared for the great battle,could we of been trees keeping the sun off jesus head in the places he was rolling about,,,,
I know one thing we are all here now,
the world has been starved of the thing it needs the very most,truth and deep respect,and us here even though we may have been abused traumatised rundown and beaten that is the one thing we all have,deep respect and a deep yearning for truth,people that is a beautiful thing,
lets use that beautiful thing to its fullest cappacity for the coming 911 anniversary,

respects people...neil

Anonymous said...

Denny - What inspired be to go "Full Retard" - to quote from a "Retarded Movie" were 2 things that pushed me into this mode - The inspiring story of "The Lemonade Liberation Front" and the young women in the US who are prepared to arrested and the young children who chose to ignore the psychopathic Po Lice. And anger at the story of the man beaten half to death for not having a light on his bike helmut.

Oh and the Founding Fathers (US) who chose not to sign the Declaration of Independence - Anonymous.

Anonymous said...


Robert D. Hare

Anonymous said...

Hi Les. I guess there's one thing I'm going through that is similar to your experience; I got really, really, really fucking tired of WRH and the atheist dogma that goes on there, so... I stopped going there. I get so tired of people who use religion to claim that God doesn't exist; it's an intellectually lazy position to take and the whole atheism thing is an emotional issue anyway... The one or two times they prayed to God, it was for their own friggin interest and I have come to know that the real purpose of prayer is to seek help or blessings for others, not ourselves. That's my take, anyway. Keep doing what you do Lay Viseeb, you're the best at it and it makes a difference to those who arent of the HILO (head in lower orifice) variety. I love ya brother, take care...


chris said...

les thanks for being you, your perspective and take on world events, shines a little bit of light on my day.
your friend in new hampshire,

Anonymous said...

the place near Lucerne was Eschenbach. You stormed onto stage and made your statement concerning the jews / Israel being the perpetrators of 9/11, your performance lasted for about 3 minutes at most..
I am assuming you were well aware, that a resident of Switzerland making the same statements in German would have been arrested and tried, for racially based hate speech.. for me, the moles were visibly in place..
Griffin is reaching in his speeches and books a large audience, an audience he would never reach if he would dare to pinpoint the obvious criminals, you know that.
Discussing Smoking Mirrors with you at the time, you made a strange remark, you stated,"they" would have decided, that you would no more personally write and edit your 2nd and 3rd blog..
(Visible Origami / Reflections in a Petri Dish??) Any explanations on that statement?? (some people refer to "they" and "them", whenever they are referring to the judeo/freemason matrix...

Doug said...

I think also, that the time has come to start naming names. It is still important to show people how the towers could not have been taken down by an airplane. I am praying for the 'hundredth monkey'
theory to kick in real soon! Possibly, if enough people realize that the 'official story is bullshit' then the 'proverbial shit' will hit the fan. Doug

neal said...

I never kicked over a table full of money that did not have it coming.

I've never come across a round table full of everything that didn't require attention to be paid.

Mega flora, and fauna, and megalithic structures, all squeezed into that instrument, looking small and pale. That still feels just like the other day, when decisions involved everything.

They say we are with you, and that is a truth, not just the machinery.

I hope this helps, but the agreements are really from small things, just waiting together- it has always been this way.

Anonymous said...

Denny - Thankyou for relating your experience - if our "Security Establishment wish waste their time hounding me i will do all i can to waste their time. I am also mindful of the fact that this very excellent site (Thankyou Les) is mostly preaching to the already mostly awake
so i am choosing to activly get in the faces of those who would never visit such a site.

And i am most definitly positive that results will be achieved on a Metaphysical Level.

And please no offence but i have understood your following comment implicitly for a good many decades

"This entire world is based on lies, and the challenge is in remaining composed once having realized it".

Please refer to my earlier comments re Lemonade Liberation Front ect.

Thankyou for your input. It would be a wonderful thing if the posters on this site were able to gather together - I think we would
have a lot in common.

To the poster Richie (Dana) your monkey tale did depress me momentarily - lets hope us human monkeys are not that screwed

Anonymous said...

pierre said...

@ Anon Monday, September 05, 2011 10:45:00 AM

I had already looked that up as it was posted previously, that got me responding. we need a gene to make their skins glow a certain shade of green.

wv: forst. singing "forst they are jolly good fellows, foorst... (those who force - NOT jolly good fellows)

Anonymous said...

"Radioactive Waste Is Piling Up in Japanese Sewage Treatment Plants, Some Sold as Fertilizer"

Radioactive watse cannot be used as fertilizer unless you are trying to grow cancerous tumours or leukemia.

est said...

it reminds me of carlos
to don juan

in 'journey to ixtlan'

as remembered :

'so, none of them were real ?'

'no, not even the boy'

Anonymous said...

"'serious shortcomings,' 'omissions,' and 'major flaws' in the 9/11 Commission Report and offering their services for a new investigation (they were ignored)"

How can Americans, or the world, believe an 800 page report of the events of 9/11 that does not even mention the third building's collapse?


Visible said...


Well it's good to see you still come around here to read. I'm glad to see I was even more brief than I thought but I suspect the truth is in between as usual but that feature isn't important.

I am pleased to note that if one avoids the mention of the actual criminals involved they will sell a lot of books but I'm not so sure that's a good thing. That smacks of a kind of disinfo to me.

As for anyone getting arrested, as far as my information goes, the actual crimes for which arrest is possible have to do with a particular event decades before 9/11. So far as I know it is not against the law to say that Israel did 9/11.

My memory is that I alluded to it but did not come right out and say it. I could be wrong. Anything is possible I suppose but you would have the video surely. There were all kinds of cameras there.

Anyway, this is a predicament that I encounter every day; to tell the truth or not to tell the truth. Israel certainly did 9/11 and though Swiss and German nationals may be under the hammer in a certain regard, other nationalities are not and it is their responsibility, our responsibility, to tell the truth lest we find outselves in the same circumstances.

I was certainly not at my most stable state of consciousness at the time and that's my fault regardless of my reasons.

I don't recall anything about the other blogs being threatened. Maybe it was a language disconnect of some kind. That happpens frequently and to the present date.

I don't know how to resolve this connundrum in my mind. I see people profiting from the event and profiting well, traveling everywhere and citing endless facts and figures that don't address the cardinal issue and I know, with all the research they have done that they cannot have failed to come to the same conclusions as myself. I feel it is my duty to speak the truth and I'm not afraid concerning censure or anything else. Others have to factor their profit line against the loss of income if they do it. I've opted for the more painful road.

I've nothing but affection for you, if you are who I think you are and I understand your situation and the good work that you do is admirable but I'm me and I have to follow the course that my conscience ditates or it will give me no peace.

Anonymous said...

Hey Visible,

Someone called 'judeye' thinks 9/11 is the litmus test. What a cool idea to come forward in September 2011 - and on WRH too!

Anonymous said...

"Robert Fisk sells out: drinks the 'Muslims did 9-11' Kool-Aid"

What is it with all these foreign freelance jewish journalists? Are they f**king stupid?

Muslims did NOT do 9-11.

Rothschild through israel and US secret service did 9-11 for geopolitical gain - so a new world order could be implemented where zionist international bankers own and control everything.

Robert Fisk: The truth is not anti-semitic.

Anonymous said...

Erik said...

Hmm, on Discovery Europe this week:

"Giuiliani: Commanding 9/11"


(talk about 'in your face' ;)

If by 'in your face' you mean DICK in your face, then I totally understand where you're coming from.

Giuili does like to dress up in drag... which I wouldn't actually object to if he wasn't such a horribly hideous bastard inside and out. ew. X^(

@Anon 1:05:00 PM

Hear hear and amen.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up-

To Divine, to Intuit and to Comprehend.

smile (y) edna said...

Hipriestess, it is you!

I might have known I'd see you here....

rule 9 - hi!


Anonymous said...

I agree with you that the "what hit the Pentagon" hoax was a distraction, and it was intentional. was responsible for that hoax, and it has been debunked thoroughly since then: is COINTELPRO, it has been well established here:

Anonymous said...

Dear Les, I just came across your writing which is like rich food for the sustenance of life. Keep it going. Blessings, Peace and love




Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

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Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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