Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Realm of Angels, Globoctopi ...and the Land of the Last Jot and Tittle.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

I have been sitting here, waiting for the Eagles/Seahawks game and asked the ineffable, “What do you want me to talk about today?” This isn't something I've done with regularity (like I probably should have been). Mostly I just sit down and let it produce itself. About every ten times, I'll have a problem with the post. A couple of days might slide by and then... so does the post. It's replacement will roar out of the gate in under an hour. So... I asked the ineffable what he might like me to write about and there was... silence. I went over to a news site and... there I saw a blurb, amidst a lot of other blurbs, which read, “Ruth Bader-Meinhoff Ginsburg hospitalized for chills and fever.” What is interesting here is that I had just been listening to a report about yet another judicial appointment by President Trump to the 11 Circuit Court of Appeals.

What should be pointed out is that this court and the one in New York, handles almost all of the cases on their way to The Supreme Court and almost all of them get decided in these courts and don't get sent up the ladder. Was it Fate? Was it some mysterious synchronicity? Was it an invisible push that sent me from one news item to the next? Hmmmm... Whatever the case may be, I want to point out that 'fevers and chills' ALWAYS precede The Big P. AND... it is The Big P that takes you down, when you are at an advanced age and have been wrestling with increasing bouts of frailty and discomfort. I suspect Judge Ginsburg is arranging for the ferryman's fee at The River Styx, as I write these words; could be wrong but...

I only mention this because I'm not emotionally invested in the outcome. I try to 'have made' such a thing, a thing of the past. Looks like Kismet will have its way anyway. What this means is that... regardless of the hopes and fears of supporters and opponents about the election, I doubt Ruth makes in much further down the road on this plane. This means a solid conservative is going to move through the Senate and the balance of power is going to be 6-3. It's been a long time since there was anything like that and NEVER has this country been in a state as critical as this, with big ticket legal briefs, that could decide major cultural issues. It ever we NEEDED a stanch conservative bench, IT IS NOW!!! This is especially true because of The Rhino Chief Justice.

There are forces in this country that want to make Heterosexuality a second class citizen. There are forces that want to start race wars and... if there is chaos and havoc associated with it, there are forces pressing the issue. There are forces ACTIVELY pressing for the teaching of perversity in grade school. There are forces that want to make having an informed opinion, hate think and talking about it, hate speech. There is a subliminal technology at work that is acting upon the subconscious of the widespread unaware among us. We've gone some distance since Edward Bernays. Attitude, opinion, perspective and belief systems are being formed in the backroom of consciousness by a massaging, rhythmic shaping. No one is going to tell me otherwise about this because it is palpable to me, which is why I am not impacted on by it.

You have to see the enemy of humanity as a creature, not unlike an octopus or a squid. Each tentacle is a separate industry and all of them work to the benefit of the creature. The industries that create cancer (processed foods, wave making techs and assorted) are a tentacle or two and the medical industry is another. The pharmaceutical industry is another. The 'banker financed' war making industry is a tentacle and the weapons manufacturers are another tentacle. I call this monster, Globoctopi. It's got rows of big sharp teeth AND poisonous fangs.

I am going to speak as plainly to you as I can. First though and MOST IMPORTANTLY, God-The Divine-The Supreme Architect and Commander; the real Master and Commander, who is not Russell Crowe, is ALWAYS IN CHARGE OF EVERYTHING... PERIOD... WITHOUT EXCEPTION and ACCORDING TO YOUR FAITH IS IT DONE UNTO YOU!!! So... if you have a deep and solid bond with your creator, it doesn't matter where you are. If you do not have such a relationship, it very much does matter. Karma is THE AUTHORITY... unless, you have a deep and solid bond with your creator and he is 'moved' on your behalf, that's what is written and so... you won't be reading anything like this. You won't be ceaselessly seeking the good offices of The Angelic Realm. HEAR ME! Unless you are persistently in the pursuit of the ineffable, you are in The Land of the Last Jot and Tittle.

Let us say... you are paying attention and you are reading this... BEWARE OF THE CITIES. This is where it is going to go down. For decades now, I have been trying to put together a community of kindred souls and have met with opposition of all kinds; lack of necessary finances, timing, my own behavior (intentionally provoked by the ineffable) and sundry. Later it occurred to me that a community that does not form itself, is subject to all manner of undesirable conditions; not the least of these is THE ENEMY WITHIN. I am no longer concerned with this. If it is meant to get done. It will get done. It is not my affair. Now... my dreaming project, is to build a meditation garden for 'the practice of the presence' and possibly, help to found The First Church of the Presence of God. Basically, you celebrate the indwelling and recognize the indwelling in everyone you meet. Everything else is window dressing, ceremonies and rituals for those who need them (grin).

I think we can be pretty clear about the timeline of it all now. The most critical election in American history is coming up a year from now. The world population continues to increase. Food shortages are inevitable. 5G is set to wreak turmoil AND Natural Calamity + Global Political Revolution, is coming or already in progress. The Satanists, with Little Georgie Sorrows and his ilk are pressing for catastrophe. Their plan has been in the works for a long time now. They knew about The Apocalypse and the one riding in upon the winds of change. For the Infernal Realm AND the Supernal Realm, it's a numbers game. It is all about the Grand Summing Up; the harvesting. Time to get with the program, my friends.

What I suspect is that there is going to be a fury of ruination and a great passing of lives, followed by a Golden Age of fabulous technologies and an awakened humanity, expressed in the arts and letters of the time and guided and powered by the Second Coming of the Christ ...IN THE HUMAN HEART. I expect a flowering of the age and a time of wonder and celebration BUT... this will not be everywhere and it may not be at all. The wheel is still in spin. It is the aggregate intensity of Love in the hearts of humanity that will determine outcome. Let us pray and lend our shoulders to the great wheel of selfless service that The Master, The Galilean, drew the blueprint for, long ago.

This is a time of the most remarkable spiritual opportunities. Seldom... very seldom does a time like this arrive. As has been stated here, MANY TIMES, that is why the degree of difficulty and the distractions are so great. This is why so many people are here. The force of pedestrian appearances is so great that few of us can see through them. Business as usual, has become most unusual, ...but there is something mesmeric in control of the collective mind.

Yesterday, I found myself in the company of angels, via internal communication. I had been pressing for this for a very long time and only had encountered it previously, when in a seriously altered state of consciousness. This indicates to me that the time is now fast approaching, because I wouldn't be hearing from this particular group of invisible friends otherwise. To say that I am overjoyed and literally walking on air is an understatement. I know there is a whole area of humanity that talks about regular communications with the angelic order but... my name is not Crystal Blue Persuasion and I don't charge a dollar a minute to tell you about what they are going to do for you. You won't be getting details from me in any case. This is just to say that when the accouterments engines of the divine, draw near to the Earth, something is brewing. Some might say... “the angels are always here.” Yes... that is true. 'Some of them are'. Some of them are engaged in the daily affairs of humanity, JUST LIKE THEIR COUNTERPARTS ARE. There are also a surprising number of entities that masquerade as angels but a time comes when their presence becomes noticeable, even to one in the lower ranks, like myself.

This is a time for attending to your spatial awareness. This is a time for praying as you go, as often as you can remember to. This is a time for practicing the presence of God all times... BECAUSE NOT IN RECORDED MEMORY has the chance of divine appearance WITHIN been so fortuitous. Now is the time to seek to awaken the Great Love within that it might rule, motivate and inspire your EVERY THOUGHT, WORD AND DEED.

That's what I got for today.

End Transmission.......

Epstein did not kill himself.

Kanye West is a fraud and a manipulated stooge.

Today's Song is;

First time up- A Vietnam War Love Song

Pocketnet and if you want to find us there, you search for 'visible' but first you click on this link.

les visible at pocketnet

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Days are Brimming with a Rolodexing Waterfall of Wonder and Delight.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

There are, of course, many things and situations in this world for one to desire or aspire after. The resulting karma of acquiring or achieving anything here, comes to pass in various ways. It can certainly be said ...and... here I speak as a voice of experience on the subject, a significant majority of the things and situations we can desire or aspire after here are not worth the getting. Disappointment can be a significant feature of karma and so can Regret and 20/20 hindsight. I believe another byproduct of Karma is; 'live and learn'... alternatively... 'don't live and don't learn'. Both of these occur with regularity.

In the end... life wears almost everyone down. We wear the marks of our struggles and those marks are what? They are the scars of the effort expended by the separated self, in its pursuit of personal desires and aspirations in this world, which also brings one into conflict with every other competing interest. THIS is SELF EVIDENT, unless you are not yourself. If you are not yourself, everything is seen through the lens of false-self interest. It makes sense (whatever 'it' is)... in THAT THEATER of enterprise.

I often like to think of the Chakras as being like floors in a department store. The spinal cord runs like an elevator all the way to the Sahasrara Penthouse. It runs from the basement, where the Kunda Pool resides. When you exit the elevator on any floor, every item is a reflection of that department. Each floor is a world unto itself. Some people spend most of their lives on just a couple of floors, especially in times of material darkness and they've no idea of the wonders to be encountered on the floors above.

Imagine, if you will, (cue Rod Serling) finding yourself on a floor where you want nothing at all because you are filled to the brim (and overflowing) with Bliss beyond description. You can sample every ware in every department, move effortlessly between them and your state of being is not changed. You are then, truly... in the world but not of it. We want things until we get them and then we don't want them anymore. This is the result of the relentless cycle of desire, more often that anyone cares to think. This is especially something most do not want to think about. It takes all the fun out of it.

There are a number of magical rules and laws of Nature that exist which most people are totally unaware of. Still... every one of us has had magical, inexplicable things happen to us, like an act of serendipity. Some might think it was simply their due and that can be the case. Some might think it is in answer to a prayer, or just good luck. I don't bring this up to provide some all encompassing answer for this happening. I bring it up to STATE that it is altogether possible to live in a world where these sort of serendipitous occurrences are happening, ALL THE TIME!

A clue can be found in one's childhood. Surely you remember when the days were brimming with a Rolodexing waterfall of wonder and delight. Summer lasted seemingly forever. First loves were a joy beyond description. These are a few examples of a state of being which was also a state of mind. The world had not yet divided into the duality dance of opposites; most especially male and female, although... these days... the waters of identity insanity, are muddier than The Big Muddy, in flood times. The world changes after the loss of one's innocence, which is why REGENERATED INNOCENCE is the divinest of consummations to be wished.

One can readily see, with the sexualization of children, the spread of rampant pedophilia and all attending outrages; the cynical hand and eye of the Prince of Darkness and his minions. Job One for the Infernal Realm is the despoliation and destruction of innocence and YOU SEE IT AT WORK EVERYWHERE!

We're not here to talk about what we can do about any of this because ALL OF IT comes down to personal choice and each choice will be judged on the merits, as it meets the touchstone of Truth. We are here to talk about how to protect your innocence and- if it is gone... how to get it back.

Of course, all of you are familiar with the statement by Jesus the Christ;

“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

People tend to... after a certain time... gloss over remarks they have read or heard before. They have perfunctory reactions. Timeless and eternal truths become no more than Yadda Yadda. Timeless and eternal truths deserve serious reflection. They deserve deep consideration BECAUSE... timeless and eternal truths have deeper and ever more deep meanings, when one studies them with intention and an open heart and mind and is patient, as needs be, when waiting for inspired scripture to respond in an oracular fashion. It will speak to you on a deeper level if you are patient. It does not reveal itself to the impatient, the dabblers and dilettantes and assorted small change operatives. Here is an example for reflection on the previous quote;

“Truly I tell you, UNLESS YOU CHANGE.” That part of the quote seldom gets included.

This 'child-like' state is often associated with the persona of saints, when they are described by observers, biographers and similar. It has also been associated with those considered simpletons who later proved not to be simpletons. It is a gift of the spirit, conferred upon the deserving. There are many gifts of the spirit, which are like the serendipitous, mysterious rules and laws. It is possible to get these rules and laws to act in your favor, by putting yourself in a position, where they are caused to react.

We do not have to appear to be, or be, beaten down by the ravages of pedestrian desire and one of the most expedient and certain ways to get whatever you want, is to not want it. Two VERY IMPORTANT considerations, tasks, objectives; call them what you will, need to be addressed, in order for you to find yourself in the spiritual catbird seat. Firstly, put an end to all personal desires and secondly; still, or kill, the reactive mind. In this case the end is more important than the means. Guru Bawa once told me, “get wisdom any way that you can. Steal it if you have to.”

Both of these seem to be an industry similar to Hercules cleaning the Augean Stables. Let me illustrate that a bit. The stables housed over a thousand cattle and had not been cleaned in 30 years. If you think about it, it sounds ridiculous to begin with; that it hadn't been cleaned in 30 years but that is sometimes the way it is with myths. This is the 5th labor of Hercules and he was set to accomplish it in a single day. What did he do? He diverted two rivers and they washed out the stables lickety split. I don't think Peisander used that term as a descriptive but I shall, even though, 'lickety split' has an unsavory sound to it when applied to cleaning out stables (grin). It does sound a little like the task set to Alexander, concerning the Gordian Knot. He also had an expedient solution for it. One might harvest considerable fruit by applying similar thought processes to curtailing all personal desire and stilling the reactive mind.

As for personal desires, another one of the remarkable, serendipitous rules and laws states that whatever is coming to you, whether you want it or not, is going to come anyway so; what is the use of chasing after anything that is yours already... even if it is not yet present? AND... if you've any hope of evading or canceling out undesirable circumstances coming your way, the ONLY possibility of that is to put it in the hands of the Supreme Mover who can do ANYTHING. His powers are LIMITELESS! LIMITLESS!!! There is NOTHING that God cannot accomplish in the wink of an eye. The Divine Being thinks whatever it is into being and... just like that... it exists. This Divine Being is RESIDENT WITHIN YOU!

Do you see where I'm going with this? Spiritual teachers have, for ages, been advising us to put the whole of our life in the hands of the Supreme Being. Surely there is a practical side to this??? It's not just poetic whimsy AND... from what I have been able to glean and understand about ALL of these spiritual teachers is that... they ALL did exactly that. Apparently this is not Rocket Surgery. Emulation is not only the sincerest form of flattery. It can also be the smartest course of action, depending on whom you are emulating.

I've watched people. go round and round about, trying to make spiritual progress. I've watched them join ashrams and make their way up the pecking order of whatever establishment they were operating in. I've watched them try to be Buddhists and Muslims, Hindus, Christians and especially New Agers. I've watched them operate according to the strict letter of the law and become unbearable pains in the ass and I have watched them shut off their gyroscopes and free flywheel it into a Floogie Bird flight, until they disappear in the usual manner of Floogie Birds. I've seen all manner of methods and techniques, both ad infinitum and ad nauseum. I've come away from the fray of it, with no more than The Greatest Commandment, as the sanest course of action. At least this is what works for me. I'm not talented or informed enough to follow the more complex paths. It is why I walked away from Hermetic and Occult modalities, though I still reference some of them when they prove useful.

I don't know what the rest of you want. It took much longer than it should have for me to discover what I wanted, which might be now defined as not wanting anything OR wanting only one thing. It amounts to the same for me (in my mind). What I do know is that each of us has a limited period of residence in this particular go round and none of us know what the length of that is. I also know that you leave here with ONLY what you have become and whatever debts and bounties might have accrued to you, for a future exercise of Destiny, in the next go round. You don't take anything else, so... it would seem to me that EVERYTHING ELSE IS SECONDARY to that and worthy of only secondary fealty... if that. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength and with all your mind. The second part of it comes automatically with the first, at least it does for me.

End Transmission.......

And... of course... there is Pocketnet and that includes all the other efforts that don't appear at the blogs anymore, due to expediency and a whole lot less work. So... if that interests you, you'll go here to find me at Pocketnet. Put visible in the search engine and whoomph! There it is!

les visible at pocketnet

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Danse Economique, Al Fresco and the Eternal Flagrante Delicto of WTF.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

A couple or more of centuries after Jesus the Christ walked upon this Earth, there was a schism in the faith. This schism became so contentious that the Emperor Constantine was obliged to intrude himself into the controversy. This would come to be called the Council of Nicaea. Give or take, this took place in 325 AD. The reason for it was due to the rise of Arianism. Anyone who has studied the traditions of any of the long enduring religions has discovered what an entangled affair ALL OF THEM HAVE BECOME.

We have Sunni and Shiite Muslims and it gets more and more complex as time passed. We've Mahayana and Hinayana Buddhists and it gets more and more complicated as time passed. We had... around the time of the Council of Nicaea, the Arian and the non-Arian, which I suppose I will call the 'traditional' following; given that Arius, after whom this system of thought is named; basically, the schism centered around an argument which, on one side, claimed that Christ was divine and co-equal with God (same thing as) and on the other hand, he was someone God created at some point for whatever his reasons were. What you have here is the dispute over Christ being Divine... or not.

Regardless of any of the positions anyone might take about this that or the other thing, either Jesus the Christ was the son of God or... he wasn't. Of course he was and I will tell you why. We have had something like 2,000 years, over the course of which the entire world has been changed and the testimony of recorded history, of the lives of saints and miracles abundant, in many another case show us, gives evidence of Christ, as the living manifest expression of God in human form. This isn't even open to debate and if it is... please go round the corner somewhere and haggle with one another; don't come round here.

Whenever priests and scholars get involved in what God is or is not, you are looking at a duplicitous and convoluted, round and round the Mulberry Bush, stifling ration of bullshit, from some location where the sun don't shine (please pardon my syntax). All of that ration is about, “SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!” Generally... churches and religions, are the outer concourse of doe see doe financial sucking it in and holding your breath. Are you with me so far?

Every major religion, by this time, is an intricate vampire entity that... like government, is created to enslave the populace and bleed them dry.

Now... Emperor Constantine... probably still a closet pagan at the time, but... also a skilled negotiator and not someone you want to mess with; otherwise he wouldn't have the title of Emperor, left this council gathering ...with the idea that it had been fixed and would have at least a refurbished 90 day warranty. I don't know if extended service contracts were available but... I digress. So... what followed was a lip service agreement that did one thing on the surface and something else below decks because there were powerful individuals on both sides of the 'me first, you later... maybe' Danse Economique.

So... of course... this all got back to the Emperor and I'm guessing here, cause I don't know and neither do any of you... I'm guessing that they then went looking for an advocate with a 'heavy rep'. So it is that he, who would later be called Saint Anthony, was sought after and... that was no walk in the park to find the guy because this was back in the time of the pillar dwellers and people who shut themselves away from any contact with the corrupt side of human intercourse, of all kinds, at that time OR... ANY TIME FOR THAT MATTER.

After many a roundelay of 'over hill and over dale', they found the (later to be called) redoubtable Saint Anthony and brought him into some larger venue of many a witness and Saint Anthony said, “I have seen him!” 'Him' being Jesus the Christ. You need to understand some things about Saint Anthony. He spent decades at a time in the performance of austerities and all manner of painful rejections of everything that might be constituted as a material pleasure. He was the real deal, apparently. He lived for a very long time as did St. Paul who passed while they were praying together. It's nice to have information like this on tap; isn't it??? This is the fruit of viscerally knowing that you do not know. As long as you don't know... God does know (within you) as long as you know; God does not. It doesn't get any simpler than this.

So... Saint Anthony saying this... had a wide spread and long lasting impact upon the question of who and what Jesus the Christ is/was. Personally, I don't get into arguments about this or ANYTHING having to do with the nature or presence of God. Either you are celebrating the presence of God or you are celebrating the presence of someone else;


I consider myself one of the most fortunate men on Earth because I do not just believe in God, I KNOW God is real and present; no ifs ands or buts about it. There is a comfort, beyond the bounds of human reason or any 'other' kind of awareness, that comes to one who has walked into the howling wilderness of the forever unknown and who has found that wilderness was only their own internal being and that once revealed it was a joy and a wonder to experience. In other words, there is no howling wilderness. There is only the fear of the unknown and for WHATEVER REASON, most everyone avoids this self inquiry. I do not. Job One... don't run from yourself because that is who you are going to encounter when you leave here. You are going to have yourself, exposed to yourself. You can COUNT ON THIS. It will happen and what will follow is your having to decide what you are willing to do next time you come back in the this dance of temporary embodiment.

DON'T BE A FOOL!!! Honestly my friends, don't be foolish. ♫Your time is gonna come♫ You will have to face yourself and there is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide in this regard. Why don't people get this? Okay... okay... self deceit... the mesmerizing hallucination of repurposed, refurbished illusions. It keeps on and it keeps on. You know this! I know this! Once again, IT IS WHAT IT IS. Come on humanity!!! Wake the fuck up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know there are people who don't like me; I'm too self assured, too convinced that I know what I'm talking about. Here is something to consider----- God speaks to all of us BUT... only some of us hear God. That's right. Why would you think God is far away when God is your own true self to begin with??? You CANNOT BE DISHONEST WITH YOURSELF! Listen up people. I know that all of you don't like me. I can understand that, I really can. I am not everyone's cup of tea. I can be abrasive, impatient, pugnacious and what have you ...BUT... it is only because I care about you. I really do care about you, even those of you who do not like me because I KNOW (or at least God does) that we are all a common consciousness beneath the skin. We are all the same person. Sure... you came in here as an Aquarius from Montana, or a Pisces from Florida, or any other permutation of astrological, fixed perspectives, for the Karmic roundabout of a temporary life and we can't, by nature of our separation by planetary disposition, all agree BUT REMEMBER... REMEMBER... a wise person rules the stars.

You do not have to be managed by your predispositions! You do not have to be ruled by the instinctive nature of your karmic nature. Truly... my friends. Listen up for a moment, I had my head handed to me with brutal efficiency by a monster who was large and determined. It did him no good and I have completely forgiven him because I know I chose this route as the most expedient. I chose this. It's over. After I left the less than tender care of his ministrations, I had six years of off again, on again, incarceration in life and death prisons and housing locations for the criminally insane. Why was I confined in the latter? Simple... I wasn't going to let anyone rape me. I was willing to respond in ANY MANNER, to make sure of that and so it goes. You got to stand up for yourself and if you do... Angels will appear on your behalf. I have had the truth of God's presence proven so many times that I cannot remember them all.

My friends... time is short. You have no idea. It's getting closer. Go and introduce yourself to The Ineffable. Let God know you're here. Speak to the Divine Mother! Speak to God's agent here on Earth. Do you not know that the moment you speak to God, God IS LISTENING??? God ALWAYS hears you; ALWAYS!!! ALWAYS!!! Please... I'm not here to shout into the passing wind. I am here to echo your own conscience. Listen closely... you might be surprised.

Love- Visible

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is;

And then there is Pocketnet. They don't want me there but I am there so... join and support me. It that too much to ask???

les visible at pocketnet

Friday, November 8, 2019

"Like a Dog Chasing his Tail for Eternity and Never Hearing the Tale."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

At this given moment in the course of our brief history, in this brief incarnation of temporary residence, for the purpose of appetite, desire, some kind of ambition... but in all cases, as an opportunity to pay the bill for previous appetites, desires and ambitions, or to experience new ones, we are present in a dreamscape. This dreamscape is woven like a web, or a tapestry. It is accordion like and it unravels like a scroll, over a particular reach of time. Just like a web, this dreamscape vibrates and attracts the attention of other entities moving along the web. The key term here is vibration. This is how like attracts like and that out-plays as experiences, with other people, interacting with the residents of every realm, invisible life forms and forces as well as the creations of Lady Nature; be they natural... like forest and mountains and seashore, or unnatural, like cities and towns. There are implements of technology that move between the natural and unnatural, or only within the parameters of one.

There are dividing lines that exist in the dreamscape and they are of many different types. There are seasons in Nature and there are larger seasons that are called ages and they each have their measured reach. Characters appear to play particular roles and the kind of dramas they take part in can be significantly antithetical, or contradistinctive from what precedes and what follows each of them. Ergo you get your 'clash of civilizations' and cultures, lifestyles and what have you. Certain episodes of interaction appear in early portions of the age, or culture, or whathaveyou and certain episodes appear in the latter stage. This can vary widely.

Surely you are seeing the sad results of bad parenting in these times. There is a rule in life that says, if you do not employ discipline on yourself and your offspring... bad results are certain. This is because a lack of discipline leads to a culture of excess. It behooves any thinking person to reflect on this feature of our times. A certain kind of persona has forced its zombies forward in the drama. They have created an army of the reckless, demanding and terribly uninformed. They have hijacked the educational systems and are programming those for whom real education was an afterthought (if at all) and have loosed them upon the rest of us.

This period of history is a bump in the road. Astrologers and metaphysicians call it a cusp period. Since it is a demarcation line between two ages that last for 2200 years, the cusp period runs around 200 years; before you are fully into the next age. A considerable amount of upheaval and chaos occurs as the archetypes and infrastructure morph into their next representative state of being. We're near the end point of this cusp and once that's gone, so will all of these creatures be gone and where they may physically remain, their influence will be nil. We just have to be patient.

It is a COMMON CIRCUMSTANCE in every cusp period for the appearance of revolutionary actors. Some amount of these are highly desirable contributors to new ways of thinking and living. Others are rampaging nihilists who, having found no (and not having looked) meaning in their own lives, have declared there is none elsewhere either, or have declared that certain awful transitions must take place to manifest a system where they are, finally, all equal and the rest of us are not.

All too few of us possess the capacity for self introspection and higher reasoning faculties. All too few of us possess that impartial objectivity that makes an understanding of deeper issues possible. The majority of us are blown hither and yon by the winds of appetite and the fires of desire. These are easily convinced of all manner of absurdities, as can be clearly seen by those possessing the qualities previously mentioned.

Off stage and hidden from the immediate line of sight, are those who play upon atavistic fears and desires of the people, most especially, they prey upon the minds of the disenfranchised, or those who've not accumulated what they wanted in life, either through an insufficiency of intelligence or drive, or imagination. They stoke the darker passions of these people, inflaming prejudices and telling lies, about all that they declare has been stolen from them, denied them, or not permitted for them and this includes not only objects and station in life but also... kinds of behavior. These manipulators control the avenues by which information is disseminated. They control the industries of entertainment, where certain lifestyles are lauded or promoted and others are decidedly not. They control the mediums through which Art is marketed and this gives them authority to determine what is... and what is not... Art.

Ultimately, in a relative sense, this confers a power upon these manipulators to define what is real and what is not real; what is desirable and what is undesirable, what is right and what is wrong, who should be elevated and who diminished... honored or dishonored. It CAN SEEM as if they are firmly in the driver's seat and little can be done about it. One is advised that they must conform to the pleasure of the Overlord, who dictates the acceptable and unacceptable protocols of life. This is, like everything is, only temporary. It is... in the common vernacular, BULLSHIT.

These manipulators and profiteers are, empowered in their season, for only the length of that season. This is why they are such busy little bees of the moment. They know that their sell by date is soon to pass. They know that one is coming who is going to set aright all that they have knocked and encouraged to go out of kilter. A time is coming, when the poisonous cloud of confusion and stupidity, shall be dispersed. This will, most definitely, result in an awakening. The people will rub the residue of dream dust from their eyes and ask... “What happened?” “Where was I?” Their eyes, having been opened, will clearly see who it was that ensorcelled and bewitched them. In that short moment there will be a rush of air, trailing in the passage of the manipulators, fleeing for the hills and the following rage of those now released from their stupor.

It's just a bump in the road my friends. The previous century and more, has been a Grand Guignol of horrific murders and pillaging, the like of which had never been previously seen. Even in the times of Tamerlane and the Khans's, it did not reach anything like the scale of what has most recently passed. Now... the befuddlement and somnambulism are destined to fade like the morning dew upon the grass because another sun, a spiritual sun, is set to shine upon the human heart and mind and all things are to be made Gnu.

I have been waiting... anticipating... for most of the extent of my life for this time to come upon us. I've been mostly awake. At first I had the initial problems of running into the sleepers, who passed on all sides, as well as the perception disability that my comestibles conferred upon me. I needed to slow down. It took longer than it should have for the toreador aspect to come forth. It's been fair smooth sailing since.

Some changes take a very long time. The process is beyond the comprehension of most; like the rising and falling of a mountain... antediluvian... primordial changes. Interestingly, the changes in us, from our first inception, to the realization of Godhead, occurs over an even greater spread of time. It is like the brief puffs of air in every breath, as if they were each a lifetime and the totality of all of the breaths in a lifetime of average length, being the stretch from inception to realization. As hard as it may be to believe, in some cases it is more than that, even much more than that.

The mysterious workings of the cosmos take place over an unimaginable stretch of time and the whole of a cycle, is no more than a single breathing out and in of the divine. That is creation... an out breathing, followed by an inhale with a pause between at either end. The divine expresses outward into everything and then gathers itself all up again. No mind can grasp this and our thousands upon thousands of incarnations amount to nothing at all. Until realization occurs it is no more than a dog chasing its tail. How many ever tumbled to one of the last things the Lord Buddha said, “I will return in 500 years.” Go ahead... do the math.

When you think about the enormous periods of time and the scrabbling of appetites all along the way. There are the massive stomachs of the dinosaurs and the progression until now and still.... appetite...desire and ambition. Once it may have been a tearing, rending and chewing, a panting pursuit after sexual union, the scrimmaging of armed men and who would be king. Only the objects and methods of performance have changed. The nature and objectives of the passions have not.

Now we observe the fury of literal insanities, seeking a preeminence over a competing madness... bones in the nose to studded rings in the nose, shaggy manes to purple hair... perhaps some changes in the image and quality of the tattoos but... savages none the less. One of them obvious and apparent and the other disguised by a thin veneer of pretended civilization. Thank God for the hidden hand of inspired and divine reason that here and there appears.

He/She (heh heh- preferred pronouns; really ought to be 'it' and 'that') finally achieves when they abandon the field of play and walk away from every promise and lie, walk away from every object of desire and from desire itself... walk away in one's own variant of Lao Tzu on the water buffalo... walk away to that sheltered glade at Cold Creek, to sleep the dreamless sleep of the realized and to purify the ears. To hear or see no more of the corruptions of the euphemistically civilized. Ah... to be free of all this. Still... one in Jivanmukti Duty must serve on the way. Let the lies and perversions fall where they may and hear and see them not at all... simply smiling, in the childlike delight, of seeing God face to face in everyone you meet.

End Transmission.......

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