Wednesday, May 15, 2024

"Set Your Mind on Healing Rather than Joining The Injury-Making Sociopathy that is Driving The Culture at This Time."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Everywhere you look... it's Crazy Town. It's a marathon game of liar's poker. It doesn't work on the physiognomists, and those of us acquainted with the mindset behind The Mask, BUT... around The World... it's monkey business as usual.

I met a man in need of healing today. When I take the measure of a condition, the first thing I see is all the hindrances and blockages to the healing force. I immediately feel the lassitude and torpor that wreathes the life form in a cocoon of resistance. It is as if the life form is cooperating with The Cell Rebellion that seeks its life. It has given in without knowing it has given in, and... it's all down to The Cold Vault from there.

It can be difficult... to address a human defense system... that protects the darkness that is feeding on it. It can seem intimidating. One has to step back first and let The Divine handle the matter. You will never do much on your own. Look at the harm caused by ignorant doctors.

It's an interesting mystery... a conundrum; if someone is supposed to die at a certain time and in a certain way, how is it that they can be healed? Jesus did it and said that any of us could do it too, if we had the faith. I know this to be true and I have seen firsthand the efficacy of it. It's a simple matter of channeling The Healing Force, without personally affecting or influencing it in any way, as it passes through you. Let's just call it Higher Love... because no matter what it is... it's going to be some permutation of Higher Love.

So... just as there is Higher Love... there are higher laws that bypass The Usual Restrictions we live and die with. The whole... entire drama... that you see external to you, is... a... lie. There is much more going on, and... if you can tune into it, it will free you from The Usual Constraints. First, you follow The Commandments... then you follow The Rules... then by virtue of this applied discipline... you are raised above them... because there is no longer any danger that you will violate them.

(It's like the plane of Good and Evil. This is an actual location that one can rise above. Actually... one gets promoted beyond this polarity... once the necessary balance has been obtained. Imagine two outboard engines... one pushes one way... one pushes another, BUT... you have a steering wheel. Good and Evil are ALWAYS in this world. The lightning was evil until we learned how to control it and use it. Evil provides the raw material we need to bring The Kingdom of Heaven to Earth.)

We don't do the healing ourselves. Anyone who thinks so is going to find out... at some point... that they are the one who needs healing. We are the ones holding the firehose. We don't have the water. We don't have anything but the capacity to point the hose, and... most importantly... continue to hold the hose without wavering. This takes a disciplined will. It takes focus and concentration. Focus points the hose, and concentration maintains the flow and NARROWS the force... which concentrates the force. It's similar to the way a laser works.

You might be holding only an ordinary hose, BUT... if you can concentrate the flow... if you have the proper nozzle... you can increase the power at contact. Have you seen those water-saving showers? They work on that principle. External technology and internal technology operate according to the same rules. All the external technology comes from internal technology. This should be a major eye-opener if you catch the implications.

Most people do not want to wake up. Most people want something temporary and illusory. Often they want several or many things. People are most often poor from a multitude of desires. People who are rich know how to go about it and maintain it... until their bad habits bankrupt them, one way... or the other... for The Purpose of Demonstration. Those who refuse to wake up have powerful investments in Dream World.

Then there are the predatory mindsets. They are deep into the manipulation of Dream World. Some of them are Moray Eels. Some of them are scavengers. Some of them are hunters. What I mean is that some of them wait for their prey to come to them, and some go out looking for it. Human predators are nearly always possessed by demonic entities. Some of them willingly sought this condition out, and... some are unaware of it. It came with the appetites that they exercised. The possession part is... what results in... them being led to ever darker and more terrible appetites.

You're walking along a road. Your desire body makes adjustments in direction... according to an internal GPS, and the road you are on accommodates to your desires... as if you were in a video game. It bends or twists accordingly, BUT... you are unaware of this, and so you are led further and further afield... by incremental adjustments... to one of Hell's many back doors. This is a very old story. You can literally see it in action if you can hold a sustained focus. You also hear about one situation after another where someone got led somewhere and something happened.

Prayer... call it Theurgy if you like... is a form of directed action. Here too... focus and concentration are very important, and so is the mindset of selflessness. Ask for others, and the angels of God are definitely listening. Ask for yourself, well... comme si comme sa. Scripture tells you to pray for those who abuse you. There is tremendous power in this. It isn't explained... many things that are said in scripture are not explained... because the people who use religion to control people... are not fond of your knowing what power is available to you.

The Deep State... The Satanic Elite... are having a field day... presently... due to the advance of Materialism in human affairs. It's that old bread and circuses act. Deception... misdirection; what does misdirection do? It sends you in the wrong direction. These are psychopathic liars, BUT they are powerless if you have a relationship with The Divine. One of their tactics is to separate people from The Higher Mind within. This is why they promote carnal mindsets.

The real reason behind the LGBTFU movement is to trap people in animal behavior. These people... knowingly AND unknowingly work for someone... something... that does not have yours or their best interests at heart. They want you ruined physically... emotionally... mentally... and spiritually. There is no upside to The Road of Excess except awful and protracted pain. The AMA Pharmaceutical Combine makes its living from not healing your distress. Why would you go to a doctor who never learned anything about healing?

You are in a turnstile world and you have to keep putting money in or you don't get through the turnstile. Insurance companies make bank from FEAR of LOSS. Nothing... at this time... is set up to serve your interests... unless you know how to game the system, you're screwed. Gaming the system makes you the same kind of criminal as the people who devised the system as a gigantic dairy farm for milking you.

Sexual perversity is an automatic byproduct of materialism in a particular phase. So are all of the other excesses... that we see as trends... moving like creeping Kudzu... or those pink-leaved trees that eat entire jungles, but... the good news is that all of these things are eating each other, and it will be like that picture of the cow eating grass in a snowstorm... with the grass and then the cow finally gone somewhere else.

I know Smoking Mirrors is supposed to be about geo-political doings, but these days there is no good news on that front. Corruption has taken over at every level, and ritual seppuku has become the order of the day. That's a good thing, but... while it is transiting we will talk about other things. There's only so much that can be said about the torturing and genocide of an entire nation of people by bloodthirsty psychopaths... while The World spins indifferently in space. I'm not going to wring my hands about it. I've said what I've had to say over and over again. It's clear who is doing what and why.

These monsters are not just destroying The Palestinian People. They are also determined to destroy The World as we think we know it. They are conscienceless aliens... from some dark dimension... by way of infernal regions of The Lower Astral Plane. The Cleaning Crew has been called in and they are going to be dealt with. Sometimes it is very hard to understand why things are as they are. Something from the dim past is working its way out in this and other matters.

One is better advised to set their mind on healing rather than joining in with the general injury-making sociopathy that is driving contemporary culture. Fill your heart with love... the way one puts sugar water in a hummingbird feeder, and that which feeds on love will visit there. Then it will begin to live there. Certain entities make their home wherever love is to be found. If you are of a mind to attract these entities then... fill your heart with love.

When The Divine decides to take up permanent residence in the higher locations of your being... once he has constructed or activated these locations; since they are already there, but... might be in a dormant state... he announces his intention to take up conscious residence in you. Then... by degrees... he advances, and as he does... changes take place in your being. He brings everything that he is with him. You become his representative here... one of his Good Will Ambassadors to The Human Race.

Healing is a natural extension of his presence. All his qualities attend him. His sanctuary is erected around you, and... over time... the protective field can extend for quite a distance. Eventually, you will have your own world that people come to, and which your virtue and fealty to The Divine has made possible.

The Divine presents to me as a higher and more complete version of myself, which I am changing into under the influence of it. I'll tell you what he told me; “Visible, every time we come together in mediation... reflection... contemplation... or in any of the variety of ways that we greet each other every day, I am more present in you than I was the last time, BUT... not as present as I am going to be the next time.

“When I come, I do not come alone, everything that connects to me comes as well; my angels and various attendants, my qualities, my powers, the healing nature that attends my presence, my protective mirror shields, and so... so much more than you know about. In the process of my arriving... you are being emptied of everything that is not me, to be replaced by only what resonates with me; whether added or uncovered... it matters not.

“Simply rely on me, and let me handle The Details, and everything will unfold upon the golden road to my kingdom materializing in the air all around you. You have my word on that.”

End Transmission.......

Reynold A. Nicholson

Some links will be at GAB if I can get it together in the next segment of time=

Friday, May 10, 2024

"Harmony Struggles Like a Dutiful Schoolboy Going to Class... While Bottles and Rocks Bounce Off of His Head."

God Poet Transmitting.......

I am filled with an inexplicable optimism. I have no obvious... visible reason for this. As I observe The World through the lenses of a variety of media, I gain some idea of the composition of their audience. I can measure the level of intelligence... based on the transparency, and slant of the lies that are told... to the specific ends that they are told, and... the extent to which it seems that people believe them.

I know by provable fact... that over 90% of the media... is owned by The Khazarian Mafia OR... it gives fealty to them... the way a regional aristocrat would do toward the king of the land... especially before The Magna Carta, BUT... not a great deal changes behind the scenes... BECAUSE most of what happens in this world is done for the sake of appearances. It's why people take showers... change their clothes... arrange their hair... brush their teeth. They do it for appearances.

Some have... through forces brought to bear upon them... lost all self-respect OR... never had any, BUT... most people like to put up a brave and confident front. Who knows? It might make a difference.

It is hard for me not to look out upon The Wider World and see an ocean of controlled stupidity... rolling back and forth in the waves of massaging misinformation. People exist (these days) at the level of their appetites. Instant gratification has transformed humanity into countless ranks of monkeys... pushing The Cocaine-Sugar Button... until their heart seizes up and they die.

There seems to be a certain kind of Mind Cloud... a sort of invisible film. It wraps the intelligence and makes it go dim. You can't see it, but you can't see out of it; not with any clarity. It has the effect of degrees of stupefication... depending on the quality of mindfulness in those who encounter it, and... it seems that almost everyone does.

It used to be... when I was speaking to other people... that I could see a glaze over their eyes. Sometimes on psychedelics... when I was in a crowd... or at some short distance apart... as it was my nature to be... a kind of fool on the hill... I could see a haze that hovered over the heads of the mass of them.

These days... nearly all of my human contact is virtual... I hardly go anywhere... except to the gym, and occasionally a store. Most of my time is spent in the backyard... communicating with my invisible friends. Maybe they are what gives me this mysterious and unreasonable sense of optimism.

There are occasional bright spots on the internet... when I encounter something by Massimo Rainmaker or The Science Girl. Then there are the endless rivers of non-stop contention... ridiculous lies... pushing and shoving. Harmony struggles like a dutiful schoolboy going to class... while bottles and rocks bounce off of his head. These are times of polarities at war. People have formed up into camps... battle lines are being drawn.

All of what transpires in the external world... is being manipulated by agents of disorder... that care not a wit for one side or the other... they have no perspective or philosophy of any kind, and seek only to fuel disorder and chaos. That is their philosophy. That is the single driving intention of the ones who are creating it on orders from Down Below.

I have to remind myself that everything ebbs and flows... that change comes in waves... that existence has a serpentine wavy motion to it, and that nothing is accidental. You are either paying attention or you are not. You are either here... right here... right now or... you are somewhere else... off in your head to some memory... or dreaming location... some hope forming on the other side of the window of your uncertain future... unless you've got everything nicely tied up... right down to the laces in your shoes. Anal retentivism is a growth industry, but then... so is cancer.

I have to remember that nothing happens because we want it to happen, but because the go-ahead, and possibly the motivation; the idea itself... came from somewhere else. The World is filled with ancient currents that run where they run. They can be very compelling, just look at The World around you. It is up to you... as it is up to me... what currents we choose to swim in. The Winds of God are blowing too.

I have to keep in mind that just because conditions stall or... appear to get hijacked... like everything seems to get hijacked these days... it does not mean that this will always be the case because... it won't. Real change is coming. The Awakening is a real force.

Mr. Apocalypse is an animated and specific persona of The Divine who does a particular job. He's as real as anything else is. I've spoken to him on a number of occasions. That might mean I'm hearing voices, and... it might mean I'm hearing voices. I only care if the information is good, and so far... it has been very good, even when the information has been bad.

The Avatar is coming, BUT... in many ways... The Avatar is already here. I am aware of this in ways I cannot effectively communicate in this medium, BUT that does not change my sense of it. It's more real than anything else is. You have a choice... to accommodate yourself to the transformations being set into motion by The Avatar... or to resist them. There's no middle ground here. It's sorta like... those who are not with me are against me.

You will change OR, you... will... be... changed. You can go gracefully and willingly or... you can go kicking and screaming. No one is going to stop the transition to ask you if you are okay with it. You either are or you are not. Memento mori.

I am reminded several times every day... in any number of amusing ways; “Visible, I am now more present in you than I was the last time we were together like this. Keep in mind that I will be even more present, the next time this happens.” I was told this morning that it is the single most important thing in my life... that everything else is a distant second, and that is why I must rely on him, and that is why I must pay attention. If I only rely on him and pay attention... there is nothing else that I have to do.

I was given a couple of other recommendations, and they are a part of me... whether I pay attention or not... because the first is something that everyone must deal with... in every area of their lives, and the other is a commandment, which... for me... is fortunately... already written into the schematic of my being.

On that note... let me say... that the coming of The Avatar is the single most important thing in your life... no matter what your reaction is to it... whether you take it seriously or not... whether you are even aware of it or not. It is going to set the tone... for your following appearances here... through the rest of this age, and very possibly well beyond that.

It's always that way. Great cosmic events hit us at the most basic level of our being, and... they change us, and... since these events ring through large reaches of time... they affect everything that happens in and around you... for large reaches of time.

You can... of course... have an adversarial relationship with this or any force. Your lifestyle and attractions may go counter to the force or you may... inherently... dislike the force. What possible effect do you think that will have on the force? Heh heh... good luck with that. It will either break you or... it will wear you away into some approximation of the sand on a beach... somewhere.

There is a whole lot of sand... this is evidence of all the previous efforts to retard cosmic forces. There have been many, AND... they have all failed. The Purpose of Demonstration is either to show this happening... or to elevate the one in harmony with it. With Cosmic... Heavenly Force... it is always best to have the wind at your back. With Temporal Force this will not be true if the first part is true... so one is advised to learn how to dance... to be a toreador... because angry bulls are everywhere.

The World... by nature... is bullish because it is the plane of action... where self-will runs riot, and where carnal minds have discovered that force works. Well... there are several schools of thought on that. Certainly, it works, and... I might add... it keeps on working in unexpected ways long after it is originally applied.

On the one hand... it looks like Stupidity is also a growth industry, and that is partly due to our living in a time of convenience...where everything can be sent out for. It makes people lazy, and not just physically... The Monkeys are at the buttons.

It's a wonder that I would feel optimistic... when I occupy the objective perspective, and see the grasping... conniving... appetite-driven mindsets; the scheming ambitions... the vanity posturing and hair-flipping retards on the Tik Tok runways... where I don't even go, so... how would I know? It comes around. It's hard to miss. Much of The News and Media is advertising... of one sort or another... because everyone gets a piece of the action now, AND... they are very big on modified behavior.

Programming is in effect all the time now, and far too many people are obliging.

Yet... I am still optimistic, and I have been for a while. Nothing bothers me much. I don't know why. I think it is because The Awakening is not going to stop. It is going to get stronger, and stronger, and stronger. It is pressing on The Hive Mind, and ALSO... events are soon to transpire in the realm of nature that are going to wake people up. We've been getting many previews lately. The same force is going to be acting on world affairs. An inevitable epiphany is at hand.

It will be hard going for some, but it will be a breath of fresh air for others, and it is mostly going to be good things coming, even if some bad things precede them. My glass is a lot more than half full, and I have more than one glass.

End Transmission.......

Yesterday, I recommended an article from Substack. I did not know at the time... when I signed in to comment... that in a very sneaking fashion, I would be signed up to get notifications about shit I have no interest in. It only took me a minute or two to unsubscribe and that was the end of that. I hope it did not inconvenience any of you. I had no warning on this. Part of it was associated with some new-age marketing scheme called Starfire-Codes; some kind of fizzy mind-cola for the future. I'll know better next time.

Links will be waiting at GAB shortly=

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

"I Know Any Number of Curious Cases... Where Such Arrangements were Made... Faust... Was Not a Work of Fiction."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Well... the pigeons are chasing each other in the yard. It must be Spring. Somewhere people are doing the same thing; they not being in control of the forces that are then... by default... in control of them. I don't get the attraction, and what next? Everything gets old and dies anyway. Why don't the things that make them old... that kill them... die? That would make more sense.

The yogis and mystics have that wired, but... no one else seems to care. They'd rather chase each other through the public square.... imitating the pigeons in... every... single... way. There are higher destinies. You can find them if you look.

So... it's also that time of the year for Holocaust Survivors to climb out of their coffins for Hebrew Halloween... which comes earlier in the year, cause they got a head start on all that stuff too. The never-ending... credibility leveling movies, and streaming series... all start coming out. The latest absurdity is The (snicker... cough... cough) Tattooist of Auschwitz.

So what can we expect as follow-ups to come? How about Godzilla and King Kong in Dachau... The Bagel Making Stoker from The Ovens of Bergen Belsen? Ah... don't get me started. I am compelled to stop myself because I don't do stand-up anymore. Why not a new series of films based on the latest holocaust in Gaza? How about The Magical Midnight Organ Snatcher of Gaza? Or the biopic on Satanyahu; Kill Them All and Let The Governments Sort Them Out?

It turns out that the very people financing all the demonstrations for Palestine... at the colleges and universities are... for the most part... from the same bloodline as the people killing The Palestinians in Gaza.

Does this qualify as hypocritical irony or... ironic hypocrisy? Gates probably wants the location for Killer Vaccine manufacturing. They have herded all the test rabbits into one... small... tight... ghetto, just in case.

These people... who are doing all of these horrific things... are... by their works... demonstrating as obvious servants of His Infernal Majesty. Isn't the objective of all Satanic efforts, chaos and confusion, and relentless... never-ending deception? Isn't that the actual motto of the Rothschild Nation? It's something about waging war by deception? How obvious does it need to be for people to catch on? However... people can't catch on... can they? There is too much at stake.

What's at stake, Visible? Well... let me see. What happens when you criticize the people that you are not allowed to criticize? What happens when you piss off the people who control the money flow... who control public perception... who control the people who employ you... and... who owns the government? Yeah... you do the math.

Why are the jackboots sweeping the universities, and shutting down the protests with heavy artillery... from coast to coast... AND locking them up? They NEVER did that before. Hmm... mass murder and genocide; the public butchery of women and children is going on before your eyes, AND... it is the people being massacred who are responsible? Wow! Just... Wow!!!

Those of us who have chosen to criticize those that we are not allowed to criticize... have made damn sure... that we have NO HOSTAGES TO FORTUNE, and... don't need a job... don't care about the public's perception of us... own no property... have no debt... and nothing of any substance that can be taken from us. That's the bottom line that you had better be aware of... BEFORE... you put yourself in the REAL employ of The Divine.

You'd better have it wired in your head BEFORE you pick up your cross and follow him; ♫ I will follow him ♫

I know about this, and it is why I do not feel compelled to criticize those... who cannot find a way to criticize those... that you are not permitted to criticize. I know they've all got something to lose and people who depend on them, and the latter is the real fear and pain maker.

I had to decide if I cared more for the things of The World than I did for the good opinion of The Almighty. I did not have to think about it for even a nanosecond. I KNOW that The Almighty owns and controls EVERYTHING. So... ah... hmm... where is the disconnect here? Yeah... are you with me so far? The perception of existence that is created by appearances... gives the impression that there are two opposing forces at work... in a world of opposing forces... of countless polarities. I can see how it looks like that.

How it looks... is not how it is. God creates this landscape... of dueling opposites... for you to find him in. He puts you on the field of battle... where the battle is already won, BUT... appearances indicate otherwise and... so... when shadows appear... you must jump! Why are you startled? They are shadows! The Light is ALWAYS immeasurably more powerful than shadows... that are created by a trick of The Light... in the first place.

You may want to hang out in Plato's Cave. I have better things to do. As it turns out... in my case... I happen to love The Lord... My God... with all my heart... all my soul... all my strength (will)... and all my mind. That is my native state. Either I got really lucky... I was born that way... or something happened earlier on... at another time, but... I can't remember what it was now. In any case... none of this is hard for me. What's hard are the little (and larger) games of torment and distraction that continue all around me.

It really does require unbearable compassion to get through this... without interfering in... what you would only make worse by interfering in. For the moment... a lot of people seem to be fine about being fine with the way things are here. I don't get it, but... they seem to, so... who am I to get in the way of their... eventually... after God only knows how long... catching on... if they ever do? I hear that some don't, and that... at the very end... they just get assimilated back into the whole... regardless. Maybe they make up some particular body part of The Macroprosopus... that fits that description... for reasons above my pay grade.

These monsters in human form... are always with us... on this particular plane, BUT... they only become this numerous and this visible in times of advanced materialism. This rise and fall of civilization and technology goes on and on... bio-rhythmically expanding and contracting... like the breathing of a massive life form... over long periods of time.

It culminates with some character... standing on a hill... at some distance, crying out that, Alas... Babylon The Great has Fallen!!! The words and methods of delivery may change from one... final act... of sequencing to the next, but... the import is clear cause... what goes up must come down... unless you ascend like Elijah... or any of the others that it happened to, cause he wasn't The Lone Ranger; not hardly.

It is the most dreadful irony that those who make a career whining about a holocaust they manufactured, to begin with... seem to have no problem ACTUALLY creating one... in a homeland they stole from the original inhabitants. They did similar things in Russia... Armenia... Ukraine... and other locations too. All of these have since been blamed on others... or rationalized away into total incomprehension... by scholars paid to do so.

How do they do it? How do they do it? They do it with smoke and mirrors and... (drum roll) Magic! Yes... they got their hands on a few processes... through the making of deals and arrangements... with the demons who control access to these processes, and... there will be an accounting due... soon. Demons never forget.

For reasons that escape me or... perhaps I simply can't fathom the motivation... there are people who will cut deals with powerful agents of The Darkness... to gain the use of certain powers...for a specific period of time, and... in exchange... they have agreed to turn themselves over... body and soul... when the time contracted for ends. I have thought about this at odd moments, and... for the life of me... I cannot see the upside. Am I missing something? I must be missing something, cause... I just don't get it.

What follows... after one side of the bargain ends, and the other side begins... is a long and protracted season of torment. I have this on good authority, and I know about a number of curious cases where such arrangements were made. Faust was not a work of fiction.

The thing is... for people who consider themselves so clever... how is it that they have come to believe that The Father of Lies could possibly be telling them the truth? You see... when you REALLY... REALLY... want something, you are more than capable of deceiving yourself for the purpose of acquisition... no matter what the cost.

Real progress is being made. There was a Palestine protest held outside Auschwitz today.

End Transmission.......

Links are waiting at GAB.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

"They're a Scheming Pack of Hyenas... Circling The Offal Buffet. It's To Be Hosted by Offal Winfrey... in The Offal Office."

God Poet Transmitting.......

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize;" Voltaire said that. I saw it said by Voltaire BEFORE the time that they are now saying a white nationalist said it in the search engines.

Anytime Snopes and the rest of them say something is not so, you can bet the farm that it is.

They have entire think tanks and government agencies now devoted to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic; which was sunk... because powerful men who opposed The Federal Reserve Act... were on it. Now another Titanic is taking on water. My! My! Look at the panicked rats as they scurry.

Now... ranks of militarized police... are moving in on the Gazacide protesters... everywhere in the country. When have you EVER seen this kind of a response before? You haven't... so... to repeat again... the words of that victim of the revisionists; "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." I think we can all agree on that. You don't even see this kind of response to violent protests. Look at the BLM and Antifa carnage.

It will all be sorted... they hope... once they get control of the message.

Meanwhile... the punishing assault on The Palestinians... the original inhabitants of The Land of The People of The Book... goes on and on. While all this orchestrated noise and nonsense is happening in America... no one is hearing about the hundreds of bodies being dug up around hospitals in Gaza that The Ashke-Nazis stormed... looking for members of a fighting group they created in the first place. Has anyone noticed all the missing organs yet?

When non-humans occupy the human form, they burn out the organs rather quickly.

You see... these people we are not allowed to criticize... who rule over The Stupids (they DO NOT rule over me)... also own and operate The Stupid Making Factories known as colitches and universities. These are the places where they program people... to believe things that aren't true... so that they can milk them like dairy cows, and intimidate them like whipped dogs.

The number of Future Ashke-Nazis of Amerhika... runs at around 30% of those attending The Ivy League Colleges. Oh! I could provide all sorts of facts and statistics, BUT... so what? You already know who you are not supposed to be allowed to criticize.

What's going to happen when The Pride Perversity Regiments start marching with The Palestinian protesters? Some form of this is certain to happen. Meanwhile... The Ashke-Nazis make up the largest percentage of entities in The Pride Perversity Regiments; “Pulleeeeze! Thig Hiel Bithhes!” Oh... it is going to get amusing... you betcha.

Of course... all these people objecting to the mass murder... of defenseless people... on their own land... by The Forces of The Occupation... are causing our Catamite Congress to rubber stamp all sorts of Draconian Laws... designed to keep everyone from speaking... any kind of truth... at any time... lest it offend The Kosher Nostra.

As I sit here... thinking about how the crack in The Liberty Bell is where the truth leaked out, I am prodded by invisible hands... to state that any time a nation is founded on personal rights and liberties... you can be sure it will eventually become a bastion of tyranny.

Nasty characters from the pages of history, and even before the historians started recording their crimes.. are now coming of age in new bodies here... for The Purpose of Demonstration; Draco... Herod... Elizabeth Bathory... Stalin and Mao... anybody who was anybody... that did awful things to other people... at different times... in the long and not so long ago... have found their way back here... either through the usual birthing parent routes... or via the possession of parked and abandoned, and repossessed vehicles.

This is the time of the grand summing up... where a whole lot of people who showed up for one thing (they thought) find that they are actually here for something else. They were told they won The Publisher's Sweepstakes...The Lottery... whatever, and their friends and relatives... living and dead were told about it, and somehow they heard... they got the word... they have shown up. Get ready for The Grand Unveiling my friends.

Some few have been awake already for a time. Some are partially awake. Some are recently awakened and stumbling about like sleepy heads. Many have fallen victim to The Killer and Crippling Vaccines. Some have been seduced by The Dancing Girls (and boys). Some are hypnotically fixed on Lawrence Welk's bubble machine; und now ve have de Lennon Seeters. Turn on ze bobble macheene!!!

♫ Where have all the people gone? Long time passing. Where have all the people gone? Long time ago. Where have all the people gone? Gone to TV, Stuff and Porn. When will they ever learn? Hoo boy they never learn ♫

It's getting pretty crowded out there in Disinfo County. Nobody can remember their lines. They don't even know who they are supposed to be. The same public relations firm is paying both sides of the staged and managed conflicts, AND... they are saying it's all outside agitators! When has it not been all outside agitators? These are precisely the same people that brought you just about everything else that is screwing up the works.

How long do you think it will be before it turns out that James O'Keefe is working for The Other Side? Here are a couple of our most recent heroes from The COVID Wars.

Boy! Have they changed their tune or what??? What the Hayul is going on? Then... since Cthulhu-Land started exterminating Palestinians... all sorts of double agents have been unmasked, BUT... that's the point. The people who thought they were in charge... that you can't criticize... are not really in charge; not hardly.

So... they are being exposed as being in charge so that it can be proven... through events soon to transpire... that they were... in fact... not in charge. I'll tell ya. It's getting hot under the collar out there. It's causing the makeup to run off of all those reptile necks.

Now... Michael Tiny-Johnson from Baron Samedi-Land is about to be supported by The Democrats... should any of the patriot coalitions come after his sold-out ass, and try to replace him. Ah... don't worry. Every single thing that is going on is about hoisting a shit ton of traitors... to the human race... up on their own petards. There aren't two sides to this equation seeking balance between them. They're a scheming pack of hyenas circling The Offal Buffet. It's to be hosted by Offal Winfrey in The Offal Office.

The whole house of cards, my friends, is soon to be immolated by the flames of truth. It's a bonfire of the corruptions... sown and harvested... by the soon-to-be terminally exposed; like it had eyes, and the eyes are definitely watching... and waiting... and watching... and waiting.

Human beings... do not do the things... that we see these characters being exposed in the process of doing. That is because they are not human beings. Everything you see taking place outside of you is being operated from a place you cannot see. The Invisible is ALWAYS the parent... the source... of the visible.

In Times of Material Darkness... the pressure from Below is always permitted to influence The Middle Ground by permissions from Above... for... The Purpose of Demonstration. NEVER has there been a time when The Lord of Hosts... The Almighty and Immortal... Everlasting God... has not been in control of everything from every fallen sparrow... to every trembling leaf... to every rising blade of grass, and grains of sand... that were once... each of them... a tiny portion of the walls and citadels of forgotten empires.

This whole hoodwinking extravaganza is simply to see if you are fooled or not. It is to be seen... by The Silent Witness... where your treasures and your loyalties lie.

I pity them... these poor fools... in their last desperate hours of scrambling for purchase... in a world that is disappearing before their eyes.

All these nationalist and allegedly supremacist organizations are controlled opposition. They can get them to say anything they want to later discredit. It's a shell game and the same thing THEY do in The World of Finance. Look here! Look there! Oh! Don't look over there. Keep it moving. Nothing to see here. Call 411! Somebody call 411!

Looks like the topless towers of Ilium are set to tumble into ruin. That's pretty much what eventually happens to all towers of any shape or size. It's what happens to every fortress... designed to defend against The Enemy Without, and which is destroyed by The Enemy Within. It happens on The Personal Level, AND... at a much wider reach. Few see it coming and no one sees it go, BUT nothing is ever the same again... not there... not anywhere... once it has passed through.

End Transmission.......

Links are over at GAB.

Are you experienced? Would you like to have a psychedelic experience? Follow the directions. This should show you something about the power of concentration, which is the first thing those seeking... to deceive and control you... take away from you through the riotous disorder of a multiplicity of attractions=

And... on a spiritual note... we have yet more on The True Wonders of Islam, as opposed to the fundie nonsense the anal retentives keep peddling. This is the preface. Simply click on the hotlink in blue at the bottom to get to Part One.

Reynold A. Nicholson