Thursday, August 23, 2012

Crocodile Swines and Gang Banging End Times

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

That staccato sound you are hearing, is my New Balance sneakers, hitting the pavement in full flight, in tandem with vigorous Kundalini snorting, as I try to force certain terrible images from my mind. Actually, before anyone calls the PC Police, it's the comments that I want you to look at there. The chronic redundancy of ingrained prejudices, is a dark marvel to behold. In the US they've got this conservative vs liberal ground, media and cyber-war. In remote villages, it's the complaint that the people upstream, are pissing in the water supply. If you go upstream to the next village, you hear the same complaint about the village further up.

The origin of these toxic mindsets, might be the product of a combination of things but there can be no doubt in recent memory and present time that the usual, high-end gangsters, are promoting these discords and milking the results for their own posterity. It's part and parcel of their timeless tradition of dividing the little people, into opposing camps of competitive ignorance, for the purpose of shearing slaughter, processing and packaging. To understand these people you first need to understand how they see you. They see you as cyphers and statistics on a balance sheet. They see you as commodities and canon fodder. They see you as useless eaters, much as the people at the top of the pyramid, due to their reversed Kundalini practices, see you as useless breeders.

It's not a coincidence that Eugenics is a primary interest of rich men who own the space, time continuum and the financial masters of the universe. Emotionally retarded psychopaths, inflate their sense of self importance through reducing the value of others. All manner of things would not be going on, if the people at the top, in present time, were not such monsters but, ...they are. It is less than amusing to watch the industry whores, as they seek to batter and compromise the truthful, in their pursuit of justice. To hear these banker fellatio machines tell it, the bankers are good old boys, who pay their debts and make things work for all of us. Good old boys, is an enduring misnomer for glad-handing, backstabbing mutants, with sucker-pods for hands. The stink that attends them can only be accounted for by the certainty that they climbed up inside their own assholes and died; metaphorically speaking. Of course, soul death is very different from ordinary death and occasionally guarantees rebirth as a lump of coal.

Craven excesses at the top ensures corruption all through the descending ranks but this is all for the purpose of display. The face of Janus Napolitano is a black hole of negativity. One wonders what strange things pass through her demented consciousness. Homeland Insecurity has 225,000 employees. They're making America safe for the Velociraptors. Across the pond, history repeats itself because the people who manufacture history, are not big on outsourcing, or any form of entrepreneurial co-opting, or interference. The point of the cycles of financial boom and bust, all of which are totally engineered, is to keep the people both off balanced and indentured. If they somehow wind up with too much equity in their house, the equity gets vigorously reduced. If wages become too high, for the desired profit margins, unemployment is introduced, along with cheap immigrant labor, manufacturing is off-shored and labor unions are then threatened, while being painted in a bad light in the elite media. This is how you get slime-balls like Scott Walker, financed by crocodile swine like the Koch Brothers, with the intent of destroying the unions.

Of course, a country flourishes with a prosperous middle class and labor unions, when they are not crime laundries, are a good thing. Everyone makes out and the people at the top also make a lot of money ...because they make a lot of money anyway but... they don't make an obscene amount of money. The kind of money that can only be made in tandem with the literal destruction of the country in which it is taking place. Now, whether they know this after one fashion or another, whether they think they'll be able to arm their citadel, until the great purge and numbers reduction has taken place; these and many imponderables are whatever they are. The essential qualities of these people are those of a crocodile swine. They have no empathetic nature. They have no conscience. They have no fraternal resonance. This needs to be understood. You need to know what you're dealing with.

I am no advocate of violence, although I recognize the conditions and circumstances that make it a necessity, when peaceful revolution fails, as it often does. My ongoing advised opinion, is that the people should simply step back from the machine, gather in large silent crowds of thunderous protest, refuse to serve in every area of corporate and government activity, or work subversively within the system, gumming up the works. There are all sorts of creative ways to bring the beast to its knees. The cosmos is on the side of the righteous and never more so than in times like these, despite all appearances to the contrary. Never buy into the power of appearances. They are bullshit. They are designed to kill faith and amplify fear. Contrary to what many people may think, basic human psychology has been understood for a long time. Powerful agencies, think tanks and research facilities are at work on methods of manipulation full time. The whole concept of Maya implies deception as the essential nature of it. For reasons that have been gone into at length around here, the universe traps you, in order for there to be something to free you from. Most people aren't happy about this either, like Karma, it seems basically unfair. I'm not immune to some agreement about that. I often don't understand the reason behind why some things happen to me, or why I am reduced to various kinds of extremity and surround sound oppositional force. Sometimes I think, if this is what happens when the infinite loves me, how bad can it be if I was hated (grin)?

So, I understand the fatalism and no exit state of so many people. I once believed that my life would iron out at a certain point and definitely by now, yet the last 3 years have been among the worst I have known and yesterday morning had to qualify as some kind of extreme nadir. I was standing in the kitchen this morning, puzzling it out, reflecting back at the truth of the course and not any romanticized interpretation of it and I was just baffled by my optimistic bent and even more baffled at what it is that keeps me going. It's truly an enigma. That said, ignore what I just said because I don't know anything and probably don't see things as they really are anyway. I also can't see ahead to any great degree. I'm guessing that some particular state of absolute helplessness is necessary for a particular epiphany.

Onward we go with this personal saga of “The Little Engine that Could”. One doesn't want to presume that the course of the track seems to be straight but that there is a gradual curve which returns the engine to it's starting place. The mind refuses to accept the familiarity of certain landscapes, repeating their appearance but... is this a good thing or a bad thing? That's the point. What is the actual value and meaning of anything? I assume that that becomes clear when one obtains the right lens and that lens is in the hands of the unknown stranger; The Mysterious Stranger. Mark Twain had his own ideas about all of these things and it might be understating the case to call him a cynic. I am not a cynic, though by all rights I should be. Something is happening outside of my sight line and perception level that has a very strong impact on me, severely counter to the things I experience. I guess I'll have to go with that for the moment.

Yes, I think one of the main stumbling blocks in all of our hearts and minds, is the general perception of how things are. In the case of the general population, it creates a massive sucking drain on the spirits of those partially awakened. It makes the skies gray. One has to factor all of this in, when considering how one feels in the day to day. Meanwhile, you see the case of people, like mobbed up Jon Corzine (courtesy of the slowest loading site on the internet-grin) and you have to hypothecate things like this as well. Slowly and not too surely, given past track records, things are turning against the bad guys. Eric Holder, whose real job is that of defense attorney for Wall Street ...and it's thug population, has created a situation where people of a certain rank in the scheme of things, are finally forced to take corrective actions. This ground swell will soon become an uproar. The time comes when conditions force the issue and suddenly the tide turns. Everything is on the clock. No hour is the same. The quality and quantity of light and darkness are different. Eventually, you get the right combination of the year, the season, the hour of the day and bingo! The Emperor of Ice Cream, begins to melt in his Armani suit. “I'm melting! I'm melting”!

Another day, another blog posting, as opposed to the normal, 'another day, another dollar'. The world, like Humpty Dumpty, is sitting on a ledge as the kinetic contemplates the potential below. I'm thinking that doesn't make any sense electrically (or does it?) but it needed to get said. Not much of what the world presents of late and even less that the merchants of doom are up to, makes sense, so why should I be required to (grin)? However, it is my considered opinion that everything will make sense when Reality rises up out of the surrounding swamp of illusion. That's what awakening is all about.

End Transmission.......

Visible sings: Walk Across the Bridge by Les Visible♫ Walk Across the Bridge ♫
Lyrics (pops up)

(Thank you one and all for the tremendous outpouring of support yesterday. It was far in excess of any expectations I had and it's doubtful I will get along to thanking you all individually. Suffice to say that it was both humbling and mind-blowing at the same time. Once again, thank you very much.)

There will be a radio show this weekend whenever I can get around to it.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, belated! :)

Origami was so great, I was compelled to actually try and control all that was in my mind yesterday.... and failed miserably!

I felt emotionally and even physically beaten down. But you did say there would be a withdrawal period. Well, I'll try again today and hopefully as long as it takes. It's always that consistancy thing isn't.

How can I want that which is real more than anything?

I suppose I'll have to figure that one out myself, but I really want to thank you for all of your post and radio shows. They really help me to refocus on whats really important.

Jim in FL (Awaiting Isaac!)

Anonymous said...

To all you awake people out there

Something had touched them,
had been poured through them
Like an elixir of precious gems
A cup of profound awakening
No amount of words could do justice
They could only suckle on the teet of ever expanding
And let their thoughts wander into the divine Everything
To learn as children do
To live as children
open and in love forever ready to play
To live to the fullest of every moment
To give with every inch of their heart
In full abundance of all that ever could be
Through all that ever was
They had become love,
Not an easy task these days
But somehow that is what they had become
Respondent only to the harmonic calling
That resonates and fills them full of themself
And that was beautiful in every sense,,,,


gretchen said...

Want to wish you a heartfelt belated happy birthday!


Anonymous said...

yeah fly on brother vis happy birthday i have thought long and hard about why we are put through so much pain and suffering well it certainly hardens the edges i dont have the answer but i feel if we were all sitting on some far away beach and everything was how it should be maybe we wouldnt be here anyway and yes i can see even though at the last gasp they fight harder than ever really the emporor has no clothes and we all know it stay strong brother vis we all love you

Anonymous said...

You need look no further than the night sky to get a powerful lesson about appearances. The night sky doesn't look like that and never did.

Why do they say such and such celestial body 'IS', when they should be saying 'WAS', since that is what it WAS doing it's light years in distance in the past. They've never seen the universe or even the night sky, and it's beyond the limits of science to calculate what it 'looks like'. You'll never hear that from a haughty taughty astronomer, who learned the rote marching drills in his propaganda camp, especially the pop science trekkies on the TV.

They get to a place where science is unable to provide answers and they just 'electron tunnel' past it with their favorite mythology in mind, in the interest of serving the mythology they had in mind all along. Vanity, vanity, all is vanity. They have too much invested to change now. It's not particles they're smashing either.

I share Louis Savain's contempt for these masquerading frauds, wholeheartedly. They deserve to be slopped down and humiliated in the streets by Joe sixpacks, right along with the reporters.

Louis Savain at rebelscience.blogspot says it better than I can.

Ray Zerwitt

Anonymous said...


If I had a dollar for every post of yours I have read, I'd have at least 200 bucks... and I'd give them all to you, my friend.

Speaking of awakening, someone needs to tell Rip Van Winkle it's 1 in the afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Vis -
First off, belated happy birthday! Sorry to hear about the tempering by fire incident, too...
Just saw this post after reading about the crime boss Corzine:
Really laughed about this one. Especially after catching the beginning of Where the Buffalo Roam last night, and kid getting a 5 yr to life bid for a pound of grass. Look where we've come in 40 years... sheesh. ;)
Take care -

Visible said...

Good to see you again Ray.

As for the rest of what it is and how it hits one, sometimes you just know the time has come.

Anonymous said...

Visible, The Little Engine That Could, teaching optimism and hard work, is to a boy, what The Little Red Hen is to a girl of the 60s, so your reference is sublime. Of course, the Little Engine has morphed into Thomas the Tank nowadays and always seems to be loaded with toys to make the stores more appealing to the materialistic children of today. I am more of The Little Red Hen of those old storybooks, having always aspired to live according to the original moral of the story "optimism, hard work, and sacrifice prepares one for the future"...and have regrettably expected others to live by those ideals. In recent years, many alternative endings have been written into the story of the Little Red Hen. One even has it that the farm animals, who refused to help the Hen plant and water her wheat, revolted when it was harvest time, killed her, and ate her in a chicken sandwich. That is appropriate for the times we live in. Anymore, the lesson learned from that story is to walk anonymously and quietly, hope for the best but prepare for the worst, keep your eyes open and your mouth shut, and carry a big stick.


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed reading that.
sigghh My Little Engine that Could reached the Station only a few days ago. Finally after 50+ years of trying, a Birdie landed on my hand. The one on my shoulder as if the caress of an Angel. Pine Siskin.

Anonymous said...

A polluted environment
The fractured state
A fallen down house
The broken plate
A system in failure
The Western worlds doom
The reversed cabalistic
Diversion consumed
With a lift of the people
Where the sun shines
Where the truth gathers
A heart and mind
Unity opens
Humanity won
By the raw of the spirit
The fore of the drum


Anonymous said...

"If wages become too high" You hit that nail right on the head.
As a flat rate auto master technician. One of my best years was back in 99 or 2000. Since then I have had to change jobs every two years to even make a decent living. Once you start to get near 60 grand they will bring in more mechanics thus killing your ability to make any more money.

Anonymous said...

A belated Happy Birthday! You are so important to so many of us.These days,I can barely make it thru the day.Your posts help me get thru. Having a bigshot corporation come on the island and buy our homecare business,fire me and another dear person because we were not corp enough,is my nadir this week.Every fucking week is a further nadir.Grit my teeth and endure. kauai

preacher said...

"Something is happening outside of my sight line and perception level that has a very strong impact on me, severely counter to the things I experience. I guess I'll have to go with that for the moment."

I think I have the same feeling. Strange...

Björk - It's Oh So Quiet

Anonymous said...

pierre said...

a 1hr movie about time loops
Primer 2004

. one thing I am sure of , even if they have amazing things they do to our system, there must be other amazing things apart from them, or rather, apart from their dastardly actions, that keeps the wheels on the tracks somewhat. only the Divine has made the grade?


Anonymous said...

The religion of most Americans – Christianity – is a branch of Judaism. It must be seen and rejected as Jewish mind control at its most basic. It exists to confuse and disarm Gentiles and in its extreme forms to protect Jews. If it weren’t for Christianity and its passive, surrender-based nature, the Jews would not be around today to cause us so much trouble and expense and international bloodshed. The teachings of Jesus, whom the Jews pretend to hate, have kept the Jews alive and well.

-- J.B. Campbell

Anonymous said...

Vis, i want to wish you a very happy birthday even if it is a day late. hope you had a good one. as for this realm of suffering.....well, at least many of us are beginning to realize that it is that. now, the big question is, how do we get out of here. that's what I am working problem is...too many distractions! in any case, it's great to be able to share some thoughts with all.

WarmZephyr said...

***Happy Birthday Les Visible ~ Belately*** :D)

How do you DO IT time and time again? making us laugh so hard we almost fall off our motorcycles as we perform the endless loop de loops on this track of life.

Thank goodness you don't have all the the answers...just keep swinging that lantern a wee be ahead of us...singing and chattering all the way and I for one will have all the courage I need to carry on for another day!

"It's part and parcel of their timeless tradition of dividing the little people, into opposing camps of competitive ignorance, for the purpose of shearing slaughter, processing and packaging"(L.V.).

*Gorgeous poems Neil - truly inspired...keep 'em coming!

insiam said...

A belated birthday wish Mr Vis and a little something from my youngest - his first upload.

A few hits on the view counter would be nice :)

Anonymous said...

For my son.....rap style,,,,sorry

The caged mind
Ruthlessness insanity
Desecration sickness
Societal devolvement
Desolation tragedy
Wickedness fear
The false Jew
Slave monger
Killed its humanity
Its conscience sheared
dissolved and polluted
The political system
raped lands looted
By the clouded mind
Taunted driven
Debased and plundered
By Fallen religion
Decisions made low
Humanity's chains
Reality fractured
The earth unsustained
Back into nothingness
a life of no purpose
Is devoid and meaningless


Visible said...

A new Reflections in a Petri Dish-

The, Hang the Banker's Christmas Tree Ornament.

Anonymous said...

By the wholesomeness of all that binds us
To the place where we love from
The totality of the spirit beautified and intoxicated
In the arms of a compassionate embrace
That dreams us full and lives
Lives us like a child and bonds us in energetic sublimations of extreme profundity
How could we not love with every essence of our being
How could we turn our backs and say no
Only a fool would say no
A fool when he is cold refuses warmth
Refuses food when hungry
Surely we become aware when we love
We return to the centre of our being and rejoice
In knowing and absoluteness
Love carves in divine emanations
And lifts us
harmonising pulsating unity


Anonymous said...

Thanks, V, and you nailed it again with ... "sometimes you just know the time has come". My thoughts all day yesterday, and they don't have a chance.

"Science has limits, faith has no limits"
"Truth comes through christian revelation"
---Blaise Pascal

He's a guy who can say that. He was cracking 100 year old math problems when he was 10 years old. He abandoned his brilliant science career to write christian books.

We have that revelation thing going on and they don't. It ebbs and flows and seems to ripple across the internet from here, and the flows keep getting stronger.

It's going to get a lot more interesting. Another reason to know they're liars : The truth is NOT that boring!

Our jaws are going to be hitting the floor before Mr. Apocalypse is done.

Hope you had a great birthday. Numbers are something like archetypes too. They are one. Talking to myself; don't go by that one-dimensional number line, made up by one dimensional minds to count money, whatever the number is lol.

Ray Zerwitt

Anonymous said...

Wildpotato says,

An incredible birthday wish from me to you, my hero! Thank you for the wakey, wakey are so overwhelming I feel dizzy and wonder if my engine can.

For now, hangin' on, Love to you!


John Rambo said...

Thank you Les for another inspiring post.

I'll try to stop being such a cynic and start having more faith and hope in my fellow man.

Hate is what they use to divide us. Love will unite us all.

Thanks for constantly drilling this message into our thick skulls.

Your thankful friend, John Rambo

stronix trafflegar said...

"Half of the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm – but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves."

T.S. Eliot

Wen Ao Long said...

Afshin Nejat

Most of what you say is highly agreeable. One thing that you say, for example, that the Cosmos is On the Side of the Righteous... This is completely false for you, for me, and for everyone. It is false no matter how it is looked at, or what you mean by this phrase... The Cosmos is NOT on our side, it is on the side of the evil assholes in charge. But there is a reality BEYOND this cosmos, and that one is on our side... So you may as well stop worshipping Gaia, because her good spirit, if she ever had one, left the stage long ago and now it is merely her soul-less carcass upon which we now fight the good fight.

Visible said...

How do you define cosmos? It's not Gaia by any stretch, it is the universe. You're arguing about terms that don't even mean what you are defining them as. Also, I might add, what is true for you is not necessarily true for anyone else. We are what we are, unique and so is each destiny, much of which is a reflection of our attitude.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami-

Reeling in the Gotterdammerung.

Wen Ao Long said...

Gaia refers to the planetary consciousness, which is now dead and has been for quite a time. Cosmos refers to the entirety of the physical universe we experience, as well as layers of it we do not, with our physical bodies, directly experience (ethereal, astral, other-dimensional or parallel time-line aspects), which are all "one cosmos" insofar as they all stem from a single origin. That origin is evil. It will be destroyed without pity or compassion, as it is proven completely corrupt. This planet is a mere microcosm of the total affair taking place on the largest scale to which it is a part, the cosmos.

Minds, souls, spirits, what have you, which are native to this cosmos and are not bearing good fruit in their thoughts, words, and deeds will all be exterminated like the terrible plague that they are while the good will be brought away from this ongoing carnage. One's "point of view" is not relevant to this outcome, nor the reality of what brings it about, except insofar as it has to do with making the decisions which define one's moral orientation to the absolute moral powers which are at war here.

If you don't know what the difference between Good and Evil is and side accordingly, you'll have to go the way of the rest who fantasize that "it's all relative", which is right into the relative dump of nihilistic non-being of person. Persons must consist of moral virtue or they are deformities of a demonic sort, or else they are only robotic imitations, AI. If the latter, they will continue to act as programmed by the demonic variety until the very end when, to their horror, they discover that moral absolutes really do exist, don't answer to the picayune perspectivities of deficient characters, and rule according to the dictates of principles that don't bow to the deficiencies of deficient minds, in the same way that gravity doesn't go away just because you wish it weren't so. (Specious counterexamples using parachutes or pixie wings notwithstanding).

Wen Ao Long said...

But I digress a bit because with someone like you I want to keep it straight and I don't want to go in intellectual circles. You either realize and agree with moral absolute reality, or you are a relativist. If in fact you are a good being, you are the former. If in fact you are the latter, then you are either a being whose mind has been numbed and programmed by the traumas of incarnation and earth dramas, still struggling to awaken to Nous or else a failure who has long ago given up and wants an easy way out to fantasy land until the end forces itself on it one last time to its horror, or else you are a demonic idiot which is by definition evil and will say anything that suits its fancy, whether opportunistically disguising as a moral absolutist of the most glowing credentials, a relativist of some variety of or shade of virtue, or an out and out evil crapsack being referred to as a demon. In you case it is not for me to judge which that you are, but I know for a fact that you are wrong about the relativity of the moral dimension of reality. It is an absolute and firm fact of existence that it manifests morally, which is to say has a Tao, a RTE, a RIGHT WAY to BE in short, and that evil is defined as whatever is in opposition to that. It is not merely a might makes right structure, but it contains the content of qualities that manifest as the opposite of being brutish or overbearing.

But we live in a cosmos which is in effect a bunker within which evil has managed to exist and manifest itself like an ever-growing cancer and live out its delusion of being "the way it is". Some innocent victims and otherwise more or less non-culpable beings are in the process of being rescued dependent upon their own willingness to demonstrate their own character, and to this limited extent a person's attitude does define their ultimate reality for them, but not as to the fundamental foundations of that reality within which said attitude contributes to outcomes. The rules of that are immutable.

Visible said...

Anyone who comes off with this degree of absolute certainty, my way or the highway, everyone else is wrong and only I am right and everything is fucked is wrong period. In your case your intent is to mess with people's heads, good luck with that around here and calling yourself 'your owner' pretty much says it all, doesn't it?

Your POV goes contrary to every enduring tradition and the teachings and life evidences and examples of all of the great teachers who have come and gone here. It is quite in keeping with Satanic emissaries however who intent is to lower people's spirits and to appeal to a depressed negativity. It's a faith killing kind of a thing.

Anonymous said...

"Your Owner" should have heeded the words of stronix traffleger, right above.

Kante Luis said...




Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

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Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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A classic Visible post:

With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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